Bad Impression

Let the Games Begin ~HIATUS :(~

(Rena’s POV)


I stormed inside the room and violently shook the sleeping girl in front of me. How long does this girl need to sleep?! I’ve been shouting for the past few minutes yet it seems like her ears know when to shut down and not listen to every word I screamed at her.


“Angela wake-up!” She stirred a bit and groaned but didn’t bother to open her eyes and get up.

“Ya! Geum Angela if you don’t wake up this instance I’ll drag you all the way to school!”

“Yah, yah. Geez, it’s still early…” she said got off the bed and did some stretching.

“It’s already 7. Did you forget that classes start at 8?!”

“Relax. As if we’re not living few meters beside our school….”

“May I remind you that it takes you a year before you could fix yourself” I said as-a-matter-of-factly. She just ignored me and went straight to the bathroom.


After minutes of waiting impatiently for her, she finally showed up and blabbered endlessly about random things as if nothing happened earlier. Hay, if she isn’t my best friend I probably left her a long time ago. We eventually reach the school 10 minutes before the classes start.


I checked the bulletin board for the list of those who made it in the auditions for the theater arts club. I skipped a few names, and…yes! Kim Rena! I made it. I wasn’t supposed to audition but Angela convinced me, ‘Make the most of your last year in high school like me!’ she said. From now on I’ll be in my acting career. Wahaha I’ll be a famous actress! Whoa, crazy me, assuming things too early.


“Wow congratulations! I knew you would make it” she gave me a tight hug.


We continued walking while talking about our plans for the day, when someone called Angela. We turned to see who it was and was surprised to see it was the Kwon Jiyong.


“Hey, Good morning!” he greeted. Turns out he was actually the head of the dance club Angela recently joined. Who is he? Well he’s no other than the great leader of the most famous group in school, Big Bang. Every girl wants them, while every boy wants to be them.  


I could tell that Angela and I are very lucky right now. Not only that they are paying attention to us but because we get to see them almost every day. You see, Jiyong, Youngbae and Seungri are a member of the dance club while Daesung and Seunghyun belong to the theater arts.


“Good morning Jiyong-ssi” she replied shyly.

“These are my friends by the way. Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri and Seunghyun”

“Hello, and this is my friend, Rena”

“Nice to meet you all” I bowed politely at them. Then I heard someone chuckling.

“Oh, she’s too respectful” I looked at the person who said it and saw Seungri laughing at me.Gah! What’s wrong with showing respect?! I’m both blushing from anger and embarrassment right now, but I tend to not show it.


“You’re the new member of the theater arts club, right? Finally a new member! Nice to meet you!” Thankfully Daesung spoke up before I could even get back at Seungri. Daesung-oppa is really cheery, I like his personality. He was smiling and I can’t help but to smile back.


“Anyway, got to go. See you later” Jiyong left together with the others. We loosen up a bit when they were finally gone.


“Omo! We just talked to them!” Angela exclaimed.

“I must admit, they’re really handsome.”

“So, who do you like the most?” When she asked me that one person suddenly flashed inside my head…Seungri. Damn! Why him? No, I don’t like him. That’s right Rena, you just remembered him because you hate him. Haha.

“No one, let’s go.” She questioned me over and over as I dragged her towards our lockers.


After dropping by our lockers we headed to our rooms. It’s kinda sad that Angela is not in the same class as me, oh well at least I’ll have a quiet time. My best friend said goodbye to me as she entered her classroom, while I continued walking and checking up the room numbers. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I ly to see a smiling Seungri leaning closer and closer to me. I could clearly see his handsome face. Our eyes locked gaze. Oh no, is he gonna kiss me?!


(Seungri’s POV)

I was walking towards my classroom when I saw this familiar looking girl standing in front of me. What’s her name again…hrmm…ah! Rena. Then suddenly an idea popped inside my head.


I approached her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder. I can see that she was startled with my action. Good. I leaned closer and closer to her as if I’m about to kiss her. I tried not to laugh at her expression. When she closed her eyes that’s when I started to laugh.


“You look very funny!” I said in between laughs.

“What?!” Now she’s blushing, which made me laugh harder.

“Hi! I think you’re my classmate. Oh yeah, what I did was a welcome for our friendship”

“You crazy person! Welcome for our friendship?! What gave you the rights to trick me like that?!” she screamed at me. I could tell that she was really feeling embarrassed right now. She then entered our classroom and slammed the door right before I could enter. Oohh I really have a funny new friend!


(Rena’s POV)

AH! I really want to kill that guy! That was so embarrassing. I really thought that he would kiss me that’s why I closed my eyes. Darn it! I’m still blushing. I should have remembered that he is really mischievous. But that would be the last time he’ll trick me. Mark my words! 

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Sweetsailish #1
Cute story~~! Hihi<br />
Hope you'll update soon. ^_^
#2 friendship....LOL...Seungri is soo funny snd sweet at the same time!!!
imwatchon_ew #3
Oh wow!!!<br />
This is so epic XD
can't stop laughing!LOL..way to go!!!!
ForeverFive #5
I seriously love this story. Update more
haru_aisaka #6
LOLZZZ xD<br />
like the hate-love relationship of Rena and Seungri, it's fun to read. <br />
anyway good plot and like your writingstyle<br />
<br />
haha it's funny..<br />
but i want Dara with GD :( hehe Daragon fan! ;D
haru_aisaka #8
not planning to update? xD pls do so soon<br />
btw I like, no looooooveeeee your seungri character.