Class projects and coincidences

You Have Some Issues

Gongchan  P.O.V:

  I Left my house actually trying to be to school on time. All of a sudden I see Jinyoung grabbing his bike and getting ready to drive away. "Wait JInyoung " I called after him. 

He stopped, turned around and said "what" ? 

I put on my puppy face "Can you give me a ride to school please" ? 

Without even changing his facial expression he said "no". He just said no ? How the heck was he able to say no ?! Let me try this again. 

"Jinyoung please ~~" I said throwing my arms around him. 

"Get off of me. Your gonna make me late" he said pulling me off of him. Why isn't he falling for my act ?! Jinyoung is very interesting, but I still don't like him that much.

.........I finally got to class, late ofcourse. Everyone was in groups of two's and Jinyoung was by himself. Haha ! What a loser ! I feel bad for whoever has to be with him.

"Oh Gongchan, nice of you to join us" the teacher said " you are with Jinyoung".

"Eh" ?! I yelled. 

"Just come and sit down so we can brainstorm what to do for our project with the little time that we have left" he said motioning for me to sit down. I went to sit down next to him. Of all people why do I have to be his partner for the project ?! I have an idea. 

"Jinyoung I'm so tired~ do you mind doing the project by yourself ? I said running my fingers through his hair. 

"Why do you keep touching me" ? Jinyoung said looking at me with a confused face. I'm hot, I am 100% sure I'm hot ! Or maybe there is something wrong with his eyes. Just then the bell rang. Jinyoung turned to me and said "Just come to my house after school and we could work on it and have it ready for tomorrow". Before I could even respond, he walked away. Well whatever .....


Jinyoung P.O.V:​ 

Its 5:00 o'clock pm, where the hell is Gongchan ?! I swear I am gonna kill him ! How stupid could this guy be ? He lives right across from me, he can't avoid me. I put my coat and my shoes on and walked to his house. I still had on my pikachu pajama pants. As I approached his house, I saw Gongchan looking out of his window. Once our eyes met he closed his curtains and ran to cut off his lights. I don't know if he noticed, but I already know that he's home. I rang his doorbell and a lady with long wavy black hair opened the door. "Hello ! Are you one of Gongchans friends " ? She asked with a bright smile. 

"yes, is he home" ? I asked already knowing the answer. 

"yeah, come inside" she said guiding me to Gongchans room. "Gongchan your friends here".  As his mom headed back down stairs, I busted into his room. 

"Aish" ! Gongchan yelled. 

"Aish my " ! I yelled back " why are you so damn lazy, just help me get a good grade and we won't have to work together again.....well at least I hope so". Gongchan didn't say anything. He just looked at me. As I stood there, I looked around his room. He had a lot of anime posters and book shelves filled with manga. Gongchan even had action figures of anime characters.  

"this is my dream room" ! I yelled with excitement. 

"what ? Really ? Gongchan said smiling widely. He actually looked really cute when he smiled. "what's your favorite anime" he said flapng his arms up and down. I ran over and sat next to him on the floor. 

" I love naruto, black butler, one piece and so many other anime ! I can't even name them all" !! I squeeled like a little girl.

That night we talked about anime and read most of the manga in his library together. Gongchan and I did not get any work done. Unfortunately the next day we both got a zero on the project. 

"This is all your fault" Gongchan said as he folded his arms.  

 " ehhh~ my fault ? Of anything it's your fault. You shouldv'e just came over my house like I told you to". 

Gongchan glared at me "well no one told you to become distracted by my room and not do any work". 

After that me and Gongchan went right back to hating each other despite the fact that we actually had some things in common......

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