Girls and weird feelings

You Have Some Issues

 **Gongchan p.o.v :

I was walking down the hallway with Jinyoung, trying to persuade him to let me cheat off of him for the test next period. Just then Jessica walked up to us and said hi to me. She looked over at Jinyoung and blushed. she grabbed me and pulled me to the side.

"Gongchan, thats the new kid right ! He is so cute ! Are you guys friends"? She asked excitedly.

"Uh yeah......we are friends, I-I guess". i replied unsure of what i was saying. What exactly is me and Jinyoungs relationship ?

Jessica looked really happy "Thats great. So then can know, hook us up"?

"Oh yeah, i can do that" i said half-heartedly. I dont know why, but this irritates me a little bit. What the hell does she see in him anyways ?

"Thankyou so much" ! she squelled. Then she winked at Jinyoung and skipped off.

When she was gone Jinyoung came next to me. "Jessica likes you" I said bluntly.

"Oh really~ shes cute". Jinyoung said.

I got mad again. " You are not even attractive ! You are a wimp and you are so annoying ! I bet she only wants to go out with you because she wants to use you and you seem easy to get" ! I yelled at him.

His face instantly grew red with anger. "You are just mad because someone actually likes me ! You are going to be lonely forever because you have a bad attitude ! You are always being a " !

I was so hurt that he just called me a ! How dare he ! "Whatever ! I dont care ! Go ahead and date her" ! I yelled brushing past him.

"Fine then i will" ! Jinyoung yelled back.


** Jinyoung p.o.v :

AAAHHH~~ I am so damn angry ! After school i just happened to run into Jessica. "Hey Jessica, uh..... Gongchan told me that you liked me" ?

Instantly, Jessicas face lit up and she blushed. "Y-yes i do you. Will you be my ....b-boyfriend" ?

"Yeah okay" I replied nonchalantly. This didnt feel right for some reason. Even so, this is what Gongchan doesnt want me to do, so im going to so it anyways !!

  I saw Gongchan crossing the street in front of me and Jessica. He looked at us and i grabbed Jessicas hand "Ill walk you home". I said smiling at her.

"oh ! okay"! she said giving me her hand. Gongchan scrunched up his face at us and looked away. I couldnt help, but to laugh.

"Whats so funny" ? Jessica asked.

"Hahaha~ Its nothing". I said. This is kind of fun.


** The next day **

I was walking to school when i felt a rock hit me from behind. "Ow" ! I yelped and turned around to see who threw it. Ofcorse it was Gongchan. "Go away" ! I yelled.

"Why !? Is it because im not Jessica" ?! he yelled back.

"You sound like a jealous girlfriend..." I said shooing him away.

".......Whatever....." he said. His face looked pretty sad. All i did was look at him. Gongchan noticed that i was looking and yelled "Stop looking at me" !

There was nothing to say. I actually felt bad. Should i apologize ? Even if i do apologize, i dont think i should break up with Jessica. We just started dating and that would probably hurt her. I stopped walking and turned to Gongchan. "Gongchan, im sorry for saying those mean things to you...... just when i thought we had become friends too". I waited for his response.

"Yeah, yeah....Im sorry too. I actually started the fight" he mumbled.

"What was that ? I couldnt hear you". I teased Gongchan.

"Nothing. shut up" ! Gongchan said pushing me. " i knew you'd come back anyways. Im too irresistable".

Gongchan is so cocky, but i dont hate that side of him. I actually find it kind of cute.



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