Through sickness and through health

You Have Some Issues

Gongchan P.O.V:


Today I woke up at 11:00 am and It was Saturday. I walked down stairs and opened up the fridge. We had no breakfast at all. "what the heck,I'm going to starve" I yelled storming to my room and getting dressed. I'm going to go to the store. Near all the houses in my neighborhood was the ocean. As I walked pass it I noticed Jinyoung. Why was he down here ? He has no life.....I wonder if he does this every Saturday. I quietly walked through the sand to him. "what are you doing here you weirdo" I said nudging him with my foot. 

"I came here to watch the sunset. It's so beautiful" Jinyoung said with a gleam in his eye. 

"you are such a girl" I said rolling my eyes " you are going to be single for the rest of your life because no one would want a wuss like you". 

Jinyoung stood up and pointed his finger in my face " who do you think you are talking to me like that" ? 

Then, I started to get mad. " don't put your hands in my face" ! I yelled smacking his hand away. Just then a silver bracelet slipped off of his arm and into the ocean. 

"damn it" ! He yelled jumping into the ocean to get his bracelet back. I sat down on the grass and watched him splash around in the water in panic. After a while i saw him getting deeper and deeper into the water. A big wave crept over him and him under. 

"Jinyoung" ! I yelled as I ran to the ocean. I swam to Jinyoung, grabbed him, and dragged him back to shore. He wasn't breathing !! My heart started to race. Just as I was about to give him mouth to mouth, he coughed and sat up causing us to bump heads. "ow ! ........ Jinyoung your alive" ! I yelled and pulled him close to me. 

"what the...." he started "you saved me" ? He looked at me as if what happened was a dream. We sat there staring at each other in silence with Jinyoung still in my arms. All of a sudden my stomach growled.  " hahaha ! You didn't eat breakfast" ? He asked laughing hard. 

"shut up" ! I said releasing him from my arms and standing up, causing him to hit his head on the sand. Then Jinyoung stood up too. 

" to pay you back, let me buy you breakfast". 

Jinyoung and I walked to the nearest breakfast resturaunt. Once we were seated we were given menus and some water. I couldn't help thinking, why did Jinyoung jump into the ocean for a silly bracelet ? While we were at the menu, I noticed there were so many weirdly dressed people in here. " hey Jinyoung look at that girl with the colorful outfit. She looks funny". I said laughing. Jinyoung looked over in the direction that the girl was in and laughed .

" yeah there are you many colors it gives me a headache". I laughed again. The whole time we were there we ate and talked about all of the weird people we had seen. 


Jinyoung P.O.V :

After we left the resturaunt we walked back home. I noticed Gongchan had a puzzled look on his face. "Jinyoung why did you jump into the ocean for that bracelet" ? He asked in a serious tone. 

"my great grandma gave it to me before she died". I responded. Gongchan had a sad look on his face "oh, I'm sorry for asking". 

"naw, it's fine " I said reassuringly.


{Monday morning}>>>>>>>>>>

i sat up in bed and instantly felt dizzy. My mom busted into my room "Jinyoung hurry up and get ready for school". 

"ah~ mom I don't feel so well" I said holding my head. 

She came over and put her hand on the forehead. "oh, you have a fever, stay home and rest today. Maybe you will be well enough to go to school tomorrow". My mom was getting ready to leave, so I slowly walked down the stairs to lock the door behind her. After she walked out I noticed Gongchan in front of his house looking in our direction. After my mom was gone, Gongchan crossed the street and stood in front of our house.

"you're late you know ? Why are you not dressed ? Are you not going to school" ? He asked. 

"no" I replied "I don't feel well today". Gongchan stopped and thought for a moment. 

"do you think it was from going into the ocean Saturday" ? He asked.

 " I don't know, it could be, but why are you not sick" ? I asked leaning on the door.

Gongchan put on his arrogant smirk "well I'm just that awesome". 

"Gongchan you're going to be late, you should go now" I said starting to close the door. Before it could close all the way he flung the door open again. 

"no, I'm most likely the reason why you're sick" he said coming into my house and closing the door behind himself. 

"huh ? How" ? I said following him to the kitchen. 

"I don't feel like explaining right now, just go relax or something" he said shooing me away. 

"whatever ...." I mumbled walking back to my bed. I was done trying to get him to go to school. I fell asleep and woke up when Gongchan came into my room with breakfast. I just hoped it tasted as good as it smelled. I stabbed some eggs with my fork and put it into my mouth. "woah~ Gongchan I didn't know you knew how to cook" I said amazed.

"I'm pretty good right" ? He said winking at me. I couldn't help but to laugh. We sat on my bed and watched t.v. Eventually, I fell asleep. When I woke up I felt something heavy on my chest. I lifted my head up and saw that it was Gongchan. He must have fell asleep too. I ruffled his hair around a bit. It was really soft and it smelled nice. 

Even though he is another guy, and Gongchan at that, I really liked that he was laying on me. It felt comfortable. I moved the hair away from his forehead and unconsciously kissed him on his forehead. ..........I don't even know why I just did that !!!!!!! 

.............A few minutes after that Gongchan woke up. "what time is it" ? He said yawning. 

"it's 3:00 pm now" I said waiting for his response. 

" okay, I'm going home now. Bye" he said getting out of my bed and walking down stairs. 

I followed him downstairs and opened the door for him. "thanks for taking care of me" I said smiling widely. 

"no problem. I owed you one" he said blushing and crossing the street. 

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