Big egos and dirty looks

You Have Some Issues

* Gongchan P.O.V:


                         I slowly walked to my school gate. I was about an hour late. Our principle was outside wacking everyone who was late on the head. No, no, no, i can not have that. I just spent about 45 minutes on my hair this morning ! 

"Gongchan ! why are you so late" ?! he yelled raising his hand, getting ready to hit me. 

"Wait" ! I shouted "I ripped my pants on the way here. I couldn't continue to go to school and be embarrased. I wouldnt be able to focus". I pouted and forced my eyes to water up. 

"No ! no! Don't cry" he said patting me on the shoulder " go on to class".

"Okay" I said wiping my eyes dry. Haha ! er. Everyone is just so easy. I went into class and sat next to Baro.

"Okay class, take out your homework, im coming around to collect it" the teacher said walking around the classroom. Aish ! I forgot all about it ! Well, even if i did remember i wouldn't have done it.

"Psst ! Baro ! Did you do your homework" ? I asked

"uh....yeah why" ? he replied.

I slid my fingers down his arm lightly. "You wouldn't mind if i took it and wrote my name on it riiiiight~". I winked at him.

"Uh-huh.......n-no i don't mind" he said passing over his homework over to me. Jackpot !! I hurried up and erased his name and wrote mine in its place. I'm passing all of my classes and I don't do anyhing !! >:D

Just then a tall boy with fluffy brown hair walked into the room. Our school uniform complimented his body. He was gorgeous, but ofcourse not hotter than me. "Class we have a new student" the teacher said throwing her arm around his shoulder "go ahead and introduce yourself".

"My name is Jinyoung, i am pleased to meet you all. Please take care of me". he said smiling widely and bowing. All of the girls in the room squeelded. Pssh~! Pass me a damn barf bag !! If he thinks he is gonna steal my shine he has another thing coming ! >:0


* Jinyoung P.O.V:


                         After i went to sit down at my new seat, I see this guy across the room pretending to squish my head with is fingers. Did i do something wrong ? Every time I saw him today he kept glarring at me. He's good looking, but he has some serious issues. After school me and my new friends, Sandeul and Cnu walked home. I just happened to see that guy again. "Sandeul, Cnu, do you guys know who that guy is" I said pointing at him. 

"Ah ! thats Gongchan" ! said Sandeul really excited. 

"He's really hot. Do you like him or something"? Cnu asked nudging my arm with his elbow.

"Hellz no" ! I said smacking his elbow away. Why is everyone so into this Gongchan guy anyway ? 


*******(8:00 p.m.)*******

I was at home in my bed reading manga books when my mom busted in. "Jinyoung go to the store for me please~".

"Okay. What do you need" ? I said rolling out of bed.

"Just buy a bunch of sweets"! she said throwing her up and smiling widely. 

"Okay" I said as I slipped my shoes and my jacket on. My mom could act like a little kid somethimes. I walked to the nearest grocery store and went to the candy aisle. Out of nowhere I slipped and I heard someone behind me giggle. I turned around to see Gongchan. What was he doing here ?

"What a loser" I heard him say under his breath. He turned to walk away and he slipped too. I couldn't hold it in. I bursted with laughter. His face turned red. "Do you think thats funny" !? he yelled.

"I find it very funny" I said in his face. He his teeth, went to pay for the candy that was in his hand and then left the store. After i threw random snacks into the cart, I went to pay for them. I left the store and noticed that the person in front of me was Gongchan. He kept on turning around and acting paranoid. Then he stopped.

"Stop following me" ! he yelled. 

"I swear im not" I said running in  front of him "now you stop following me"! I yelled back at him. We raced each other untill I reached my house. Then he crossed the street. "Wait you live there" ? I yelled across the street to him. 

"Yeah" he yelled back. Well this is weird i thought.

"Well goodnight" I yelled waving.

"Whatever" Gongchan said walking up his stairs and into his house. Woooow~. There really is no escaping this guy is there ?




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