final chapter !

what ? eunjung is gonna join big bang ??

when he wanted to leave, eunjung said : liar !!
- what , honey ?
- I said liar ….. I heard what u told CL , im just a toy for u…. I should’ve know !
top said : it's all becaz of what I've told CL ? I was lying to her , stupid !
- lie ? why do u need to lie To CL !
- becaz cl loves me !
- what ? then you had to tell her u r with me !!!
- no , I know what kind of girl she is . if she knew , she is gonna tell everyone about us becaz she feels jealous !and u knew how much mr yang is tough about dating idols ! specially between members of a group ! that's gonna be scandal of the year and not only heard me and you but seungri and gd..and others !or they might make u leave our group !! u know how much I was afraid when CL told me she saw us ?
eunjung looked at top's face she couldn’t believe his eyes are teary !
eunjung came closer and said : im sry for not trusting u !! but from today I will always trust u I love you … I was really afraid of that u don’t love me …….
they hugged each other tightly . and top said : I love u eunjung….
today it 1st day of first monts of year ! which year ? 2020 ! unfortunately big bang's group is disbanded L but there is good news too , big bang members are friends forever and today as usual they are all together but today is a special event ! today is eunjung and top's wedding ! they were dating about 7 years and no one knew about their relationships  until one month after bigbang group disbanded , they did well ha ? :D ! BUT no one doesn't include other bigbang members !!!! seungri spent rest of 7 years after knowing eunjung and top are dating trying to tell them : dude do these things in your room !
and guess what ? eunjung is still dancing queen :D

I almost forgot she is pregnant and top is crazy this days becaz he is gonna be a DAD ! (im sure he is gonna be a TOP dad)

Thank u for reading my story :***


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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good authornim ;)
Chapter 10: This was amazing
pioushej #3
Chapter 10: eunjung and top! wah! i love them too! this story is very funny yet so romantic! *lol* i have fun reading it more eunjung ff please thank you!
1132 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hahaha so both of them saw each others 3body... Funny story ;-)
1132 streak #5
TopJung ♥♥♥
UmaMee #6
Chapter 10: i love eunjung unnie...and i love your story. ^-^
Chapter 10: I love your story.......since I was a fan of bigbang and t ara
Chapter 10: Love your story, you should make a longer story I love and thank you: D TOPJUNG together forever!.
so funny !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: ◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
I Like your story,,
Although the story is short, but it's very entertaining, really nice,, ♪♬♪(´ε`)७