Cherry Tomatoes

Junyeong knew that obviously, he couldn't trust any of s.

They all believed that the Jongup standing next to them was the real Jongup.

Only Junyeong doubted that it was the real Jongup.

So, the lone wolf trudged on.

He searched throughly through his things, took note of everything and anything Jongup said, but he couldn't find any substantial proof.

Junyeong seemed to give up.

Yongguk was happy.

Maybe the youngest member was accepting Jongup.

However, Junyeong was still working strong on the case.

When Jongup was deemed "recovered", they put him into dance practice.

Junyeong eagerly waited for the music to start.

Surely, this Jongup wouldn't be able to dance, not like the other one.

The music started up and Jongup just stood there.

Junyeong mentally started cheering inside.

Then, Jongup started to crump a little.

Junyeong felt his insides melt.

"Great," he thought. "He can dance? It's gonna be even harder to convince them."

Truthfully, Jongup had watched some of the old videos of who he assumed to be himself.

He was gracefully moving across the stage, his arms snapping into the right positions.

Zelo had been giving him some of his old stuff, hoping that it would kick start his memory.

It was nice at first, but a lot of Jongup's old stuff was collecting in his room.

There were towering stacks to random things.

Zelo came running back in.

"Hyung, try this then! You always ate them with me. Have a cherry tomato."

Jongup nodded hesitantly.

He wasn't sure what this would do, but he popped it into his mouth.

He bit down on the small tomato.

"Thanks, Zelo. It was good, but I don't quite know what that was supposed to do."

Zelo sat shocked, unmoving.

Jongup waved his hand in front of his face.

"Hey, Zelo? Are you okay?"

Zelo picked up the box and ran out, tears starting to come out.

He ran right into Himchan.

"Zelo? ZELO? Are you okay? Why are you crying? What's going on?"

Yongguk, hearing Himchan's questions, ran out of his room.

"What's going on? Why is Zelo crying?"

Youngjae hissed,"That's what he's trying to figure out."

Zelo hiccuped and sobbed,"He doesn't remember anything. N-Not even the cherry tomatoes."

Junmyeong walked up.

"Why are the cherry tomatoes so important?"

The entire group (except Zelo and Jongup) whipped around and stared at him, motioning him to shut the up.

Zelo let out a whimper and fled from the room.

Daehyun groaned and threw himself onto a chair.

Youngjae sighed.

"I'll explain it to him."

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: If this is not jongup who is he than? He seem not to remember about his identity too...
Why jongup was kidnaped? even more why is he released?
Looking forward
Omygoodness,is this the real Jongup,I'm so confused O`_'O
Something is suspicious about Guppie....:(
Chapter 4: I'M NOT EVEN SURE ANYMORE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SIDE I'M ON. (I'm quite suspicious of Jongup though...)
Matokii #4
Chapter 4: what? what?! WHAT?!?! What's going on?! (I'm on Junmyeongs side now... something's fishy about Uppi....)
fighting! *doing fighting pose*
Matokii #5
Chapter 3: >~< I know Junyeong just want's the best for them but still! I don't want that! Jongup needs NEEEEEDS to be Jongup! *hmpf* !
Chapter 3: Does tat mean tat wat ever was in the nasty smelling bag was jongup it better not be
Chapter 2: omoo... it seems interesting!!
I wonder if that Jongup is really Jongup O.O
kekeke I can't wait to read your next update~~
Matokii #8
Chapter 2: YAH! I really hope Jongup is Jongup. Otherwise I'm gonna kill you in your sleep!! (Sry I watched too many Himchan gifs XDDDD btw I was just joking. Don't be afraid XDDDDD)
aigoo..... I feel bad for Junyeong but... I really hope Jongup is Jongup *^*
ah... just read the comment below... yeah what happend in the past? :O
chattenoire #9
Chapter 2: oooh. I'm really curious about what really happened there..
WishedILivedinKorea #10
Chapter 1: I love it!!! please update soon xxx