Cherry Tomatoes

He didn't quite know who he was, how he got here, and what was going on.

All they told him was that his name was Jongup, Moon Jongup.

He sat quietly in the trunk of their van, next to a foul-smelling, rather large duffel bag.

They dropped him off on the side of the road and left him to his own devices.

He never saw them again.

He thought about what they told him.


The name sounded foreign on his tongue.

He said it aloud.

"Jongup," he murmured.  "My name is Jongup."


Back at the dorm, Zelo hummed part of their new song, mentally working out the dance moves in his head.

He stuck his head into the refrigerator, looking for something to eat.

"Some cherry tomatoes would be nice." He thought to himself.

Himchan walked into the kitchen, getting a cup of water. 

"Himchan hyung? Do you think Jongup will be back soon?"

Himchan set down his cup firmly.

"Zelo. We've discussed this many times."


"He isn't coming back. He's probably dead. Why do you think that we added Juyeong back into the group?"

Juyeong was originally supposed to be part of B.A.P.

Being even younger than Zelo, he was supposed to be their maknae.

However, there were complications and poor Juyeong had to leave.

After Jongup disappeared, the company quickly contacted Juyeong after a reasonable period of mourning so they could get B.A.P back into the industry.

Zelo frowned.

"Isn't he just temporary?"

Juyeong bit his tongue and managed not to yell profanities to defend his pride at Zelo.

Zelo was older, after all.

Himchan sighed.

"It's been 6 years, Zelo. Give it u-"

There was a firm knock on the door.

Daehyun roared,"I'LL GET IT!"


Daehyun opened the door and came face to face with a police officer.

"Officer, can we help you?"

Due to the shock of seeing an unexpected policeman, he slipped back into his Busan accent.

The policeman smiled at the appearance of the accent, but snapped back into a professional mode.

"Are you B.A.P?"

Youngjae walked up and smirked a little at the pun he was about to deliver.

"Yessir, we B.A.P."

"We're going to need you to come to the station. A man claiming to be Moon Jongup is there, waiting for you to identify him."

There was a crash in the kitchen as Himchan's cup dropped to the floor.

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: If this is not jongup who is he than? He seem not to remember about his identity too...
Why jongup was kidnaped? even more why is he released?
Looking forward
Omygoodness,is this the real Jongup,I'm so confused O`_'O
Something is suspicious about Guppie....:(
Chapter 4: I'M NOT EVEN SURE ANYMORE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SIDE I'M ON. (I'm quite suspicious of Jongup though...)
Matokii #4
Chapter 4: what? what?! WHAT?!?! What's going on?! (I'm on Junmyeongs side now... something's fishy about Uppi....)
fighting! *doing fighting pose*
Matokii #5
Chapter 3: >~< I know Junyeong just want's the best for them but still! I don't want that! Jongup needs NEEEEEDS to be Jongup! *hmpf* !
Chapter 3: Does tat mean tat wat ever was in the nasty smelling bag was jongup it better not be
Chapter 2: omoo... it seems interesting!!
I wonder if that Jongup is really Jongup O.O
kekeke I can't wait to read your next update~~
Matokii #8
Chapter 2: YAH! I really hope Jongup is Jongup. Otherwise I'm gonna kill you in your sleep!! (Sry I watched too many Himchan gifs XDDDD btw I was just joking. Don't be afraid XDDDDD)
aigoo..... I feel bad for Junyeong but... I really hope Jongup is Jongup *^*
ah... just read the comment below... yeah what happend in the past? :O
chattenoire #9
Chapter 2: oooh. I'm really curious about what really happened there..
WishedILivedinKorea #10
Chapter 1: I love it!!! please update soon xxx