Cherry Tomatoes

Zelo didn't wait for the others.

He ran like hell for the police station, not looking back.

Zelo wasn't very sure of how he felt right now.

Was he happy that his hyung was back?

But that would mean Junyeong would have to leave again.

What would happen to him?

Or, would Jongup not be reinstated?

Would Junyeong stay?

He pushed all these thoughts and just ran.


Jongup swung his legs back and forth.

His was getting numb from the cold, numb chair.

There was a crash from the front of the station.

A tall, blonde haired boy rushed in.

"Jongup." He breathed out and grabbed him.

He studied Jongup's features.

After a couple moments, he haltingly said," You look different, Uppie."

Jongup blinked.

"I'm sorry, who a-"


Himchan barged into the station.

He pulled Zelo away from Jongup.

Like Zelo, he stared at Zelo, taking in every detail.

Yongguk stepped past Himchan and looked curiously at Jongup.

"That looks like our Jongup."

"But he looks different." Zelo commented, still scanning over Jongup's face from afar.

"It's been 6 years," Yongguk said reasonably. "Anyone would look different."

Youngjae walked over slowly and threw his arms around Jongup.

He squeezed him tightly, tears starting to stream out.

"Jongup-ah, it's been a while. I've missed you so much."

Daehyun ruffled Jongup's hair just like he used to.

"We were really worried."

Yongguk and Zelo joined the group hug.

Jongup felt himself leaning into their touches.

It almost felt familiar.

Perhaps he was starting to remember?

Only Junyeong stood off to the side, watching their happy reunion.

Jongup looked over at him happily.

Junyeong offered a stiff smile back. 

"That's not Jongup," he thought. "I remember him from our pre-debut days. I'm sure of it. That's not Jongup. Now, how do I prove it?"

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: If this is not jongup who is he than? He seem not to remember about his identity too...
Why jongup was kidnaped? even more why is he released?
Looking forward
Omygoodness,is this the real Jongup,I'm so confused O`_'O
Something is suspicious about Guppie....:(
Chapter 4: I'M NOT EVEN SURE ANYMORE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SIDE I'M ON. (I'm quite suspicious of Jongup though...)
Matokii #4
Chapter 4: what? what?! WHAT?!?! What's going on?! (I'm on Junmyeongs side now... something's fishy about Uppi....)
fighting! *doing fighting pose*
Matokii #5
Chapter 3: >~< I know Junyeong just want's the best for them but still! I don't want that! Jongup needs NEEEEEDS to be Jongup! *hmpf* !
Chapter 3: Does tat mean tat wat ever was in the nasty smelling bag was jongup it better not be
Chapter 2: omoo... it seems interesting!!
I wonder if that Jongup is really Jongup O.O
kekeke I can't wait to read your next update~~
Matokii #8
Chapter 2: YAH! I really hope Jongup is Jongup. Otherwise I'm gonna kill you in your sleep!! (Sry I watched too many Himchan gifs XDDDD btw I was just joking. Don't be afraid XDDDDD)
aigoo..... I feel bad for Junyeong but... I really hope Jongup is Jongup *^*
ah... just read the comment below... yeah what happend in the past? :O
chattenoire #9
Chapter 2: oooh. I'm really curious about what really happened there..
WishedILivedinKorea #10
Chapter 1: I love it!!! please update soon xxx