Cherry Tomatoes

Zelo sat eagerly next to Jongup, happily talking to him.

"Hyung? Do you remember me?"

Jongup blinked.

"No, I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"It's Zelo, remember?"

Junyeong narrowed his eyes.

"He can't even remember your name. In fact, he can't remember anything! How do we know it's really Jongup? We didn't even give him a DNA test."

Yongguk harshly hit him upside the head.

"Stop being so goddamn disrepectful, and welcome your hyung back. How dare you even suggest that we can't recognize our Jongup?" he growled.

"I'm not being disrespectful, I'm just-"

Yongguk cut him off with a glare.

Junyeong averted his eyes, staring at the ground like a kicked puppy.

Jongup smiled softly.

"It's okay. I understand why he would be doubtful. You can give me a DNA test if you want."

Junyeong jumped at the chance, but Youngjae stopped him with a venemous glance.

"It's okay, Jongup. We know it's you. We don't have to give you a DNA test to know that."

Daehyun patted Junyeong's head.

"It's okay if you're feeling worried about your position in B.A.P. We'll probably continue as a 7 member group. Are you jealous of Jongup? Be honest."

Junyeong angrily grabbed at his head, completely frustrated with everyone.


Yongguk grabbed Junyeong's upper arm and pulled him into another room without saying a word.

None of the other members wanted to be in Junyeong's position right now.

They all knew how Yongguk got when he was angered.

Jongup looked worriedly at the closed door.

Although Juyeong was being a pain, he didn't want him to get punished because of him.

Across the hall, Yongguk spoke softly to Junyeong.

In a deep, low voice, he said menacingly,"I don't care if you think he's Jongup or not, Lee Junyeong. Right now, Jongup is the only thing that's holding Zelo together."

Junyeong looked up, his eyes conflicted.

"But he was doing fine-"

"That's what he wanted us to think. Have you actually looked into his eyes?"

Junyeong shook his head, his mind filled with jokes about Zelo's height.

Zelo had grown even more, he was about 196 cm at the moment.

"Before Jongup returned, he always looked so fragile and alone. Jongup was his best friend, the only person he would really confide to. For the past 6 years, Junhong has kept to himself, keeping all of his emotions bottled up inside. He even gave up skateboarding, Junyeong. And if you think I'm about to let you break his heart again, you're dead wrong."

Junyeong stood quietly as Yongguk brushed past him, leaving him alone.

He had to prove that person was not Jongup even more now, before Zelo got too attached.

What if "Jongup" was someone completely different, and he was just taking the real Jongup's place?

Junyeong knew that he definitely had to reveal who this person was.

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 4: If this is not jongup who is he than? He seem not to remember about his identity too...
Why jongup was kidnaped? even more why is he released?
Looking forward
Omygoodness,is this the real Jongup,I'm so confused O`_'O
Something is suspicious about Guppie....:(
Chapter 4: I'M NOT EVEN SURE ANYMORE. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SIDE I'M ON. (I'm quite suspicious of Jongup though...)
Matokii #4
Chapter 4: what? what?! WHAT?!?! What's going on?! (I'm on Junmyeongs side now... something's fishy about Uppi....)
fighting! *doing fighting pose*
Matokii #5
Chapter 3: >~< I know Junyeong just want's the best for them but still! I don't want that! Jongup needs NEEEEEDS to be Jongup! *hmpf* !
Chapter 3: Does tat mean tat wat ever was in the nasty smelling bag was jongup it better not be
Chapter 2: omoo... it seems interesting!!
I wonder if that Jongup is really Jongup O.O
kekeke I can't wait to read your next update~~
Matokii #8
Chapter 2: YAH! I really hope Jongup is Jongup. Otherwise I'm gonna kill you in your sleep!! (Sry I watched too many Himchan gifs XDDDD btw I was just joking. Don't be afraid XDDDDD)
aigoo..... I feel bad for Junyeong but... I really hope Jongup is Jongup *^*
ah... just read the comment below... yeah what happend in the past? :O
chattenoire #9
Chapter 2: oooh. I'm really curious about what really happened there..
WishedILivedinKorea #10
Chapter 1: I love it!!! please update soon xxx