
Opposites attract.”NEVER!”




“What?” I answered in a serious tone though I’m a bit surprised by his sudden appearance. I thought they will arrive tonight, how come this guy is already here?


“Is that your way of saying ‘I MISSED YOU KRIS’ ?” He said full of sarcasm. This guy never changed.


“Who says I missed you huh? I never did.” I kinda whispered the last part but well, it’s true. I never did.


“Admit it Ji ! You missed me hard and you’re too shy to tell me because you’re intimidated by my charm.” He said with full of confidence.


“Intimidated by your charm? Do you have that? Oh god, you’re out of yourself.” I have to say it even though I admit he grew handsome and hot. And his face- oh wait, I didn’t say that. No I’m not thinking that way… He’s evil.


“You never changed Ji, same old loud and annoying cry-baby.” He said trying to defeat me.    


“And so does you, same old arrogant evil.” I answered while throwing a glare at him.


“Seulji !” my brother came up from nowhere.


“I’ve been looking for you oppa. Where have you been?”


“I’m sorry Ji. I was going to your class when I saw this guy.” He explained while pointing to Kris.


“Oh, so you forgot me because of that guy.” I said in a higher tone.


“Yah ! Stop starting arguments. You’re a big headache.  And By the Way, I missed you too seulji.” He smirked evilly as he started walking out the school gates.




 This guy, He’s the same. He still makes my blood rise to its boiling point.  


Kris drove us home using his car. I don’t want to ride there but I have no choice. The ride was quiet. I felt guilty for acting that way. I felt guilty to my brother not to Kris. I think he’s upset because of me acting rude. Mianhae oppa… It’s just, I don’t like him.I still don’t like him.





“Kyahh ~~ Seulji ~ !!” Yimin shouted as I get down the car.


“Yimin-ah ! I missed you ! oh god, you’ve grown taller and still you’re very pretty.” I said not releasing the hug.


“Just like you Seulji. Very pretty.” She answered tightening the hug.


“Omo, Yimin, I – I can’t breathe.”


“Mianhaeyo Ji. I just missed you” She smiled widely as she released the hug.


“You two should get in and stop that drama. It’s not good to the eyes to see.” Kris said while giving us a disgusted look.


“Don’t look then. Who gave you permission to look at us though?” I answered him full with sarcasm.


“Shut up.” He said.


“You should be.” I answered back.


“Hey, Stop that. We should be catching up not fighting.” Yimin cut us out. She’s right but this evil guy keeps on mocking me. “And please, I know you missed each other. Just say it don’t argue,arraso?” she added and laughed a little.


“Ewww…hell no.” Kris and I said together n unison.


“I missed you two quarrelling. It’s been 6 years since the last time.” Yimin chuckled.


“Come on let’s go inside.” I invited her to stop the conversation.




This is the start of my life being in disaster again. This is not what I wanted to happen and I hated it. I hate him.




“Annyeonghaseyo! Mr. and Mrs. Wu” I greeted Mr. and Mrs. Wu once we enter our house.


“Seulji ! Is it you already? How are you? You’ve grown simple yet beautiful. You and my son were very compatible. Look at her Yifan very pretty right?” My eyes grew wide when I heard Mrs. Wu’s statement.


“She didn’t change mom. She still looks the same. Ugly duckling seulji.” He said and I glared at him.


“Yah ~ don’t be mean to her! You’re so stubborn.” Mrs. Wu said and tapped kris’ arms.




My dad decided to cook and have dinner together with the Wu’s and. He said it’s a great time to talk about the things we missed with each other when years passed.                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr. Wu works for their family corporation as the CEO while Mrs. Wu worked as a cook in a 4 star hotel in China. Yimin and Yifan attend the same school. But since they moved here in Korea Mr. Wu decided to enter them on the same school which me and my brother goes. This is not good. Bad idea,Mr. Wu. But atleast I can be with Yimin. I should not mind Kris.

“That’s a great idea Dae, the kids will have time to bond again together.” My dad said as he put his spoon down. “Lay, Seulji you should accompany them tomorrow in your school so they can transfer as soon as possible.” He added.

“Okay appa, we will.” Lay oppa replied I nodded.


“Thank You Yongsun. We’re happy we are back as your neighbors again.” Mrs. Wu said gratefully. Mr. Wu nodded as a sign of agreement.


“It’s nothing Dae and Hee. No problem.” My dad answered with a smile.



Dinner is over. It's only passed 6. Dad said we should accompany Yimin and Kris around the city. I and Yimin decided to go malling and the boys agreed.


“We should come with you guys. I can’t think of a place to take Kris.” Lay said. Kris agreed.


“Yeah.  It’ll be more fun when we go together.” Kris said rasing his brows.

“But it’s time for me and Seulji to catch up. You know Girl bond.” Yimin exclaimed trying to let them go together.


“Yeah she’s right. Why don’t you go somewhere else?”


“Please Ji…” Lay oppa pleaded. It’s hard to resist my brother. He’s not really good in going places. I sighed in defeat and turned to Yimin.


“Is it okay Yimin-ah?” I asked her.


“Yeah, we don’t have a choice.” We chuckled.



Before we ride the car Kris turned to me and stuck his tongue out.   “Loser.”    He mouthed. What the ! Die you monster ! I hate you. I throw him a death glare and decided to enter the car. Wait for my revenge mr. arrogant. 



We arrived at the mall in no time. It’s late for shopping but luckily the mall closes at 9 in weekdays. Yimin and I decided to go to the girl’s section while the other two decided to be on the music section.


“So, spill it out. How’s my bestfriend huh?” Yimin asked while checking the dresses.


“Typical. Well, a little bit boring that’s why I’m glad you’re back.” I said as I look on the cute accessories.


“Yeah. I’m really happy we’ll go on the same school again. I remember the days when we still go to the same class, copying home works because we slept late watching our favorite drama and when we got caught we tell the teachers we lost it with a horrible face. Then they gave in.” she reminisced then turned to me.


“How can I forget that? We’re like the craziest BFF’s back then.” I said as I turned to her.


“Until now, we are.” We laughed which caused the people to look at us.






After some time, Yimin and I were done so we decided to roam around. I received a text message from an unregistered number.

From: *********** [ 7:54]


-Hey witch! Go here at the pizza house now.


 Witch? Who the heck is this?


To : *********** [ 7:55]


-Who’s this ?!


 - SENT-


From: *********** [ 7:57]


-Kris, the most handsome human being.

I knew it! He’s really getting into my nerves.




I told Yimin and we immediately went to the pizza house. We saw the two sitting on the left corner table.


“We’re here!” Kris and Lay oppa waved.


“Yah ~ how could you call me-“ I was supposed to say something when I was cut by the waitress. Oh great ~


“Good evening. May I please get your order?” She asked looking at Kris.


“A medium sized Triple cheese pizza please~ and 4 lemon iced tea. Thank you.” Yimin said.


“How many slices sir?” She asked looking again to kris with an amorous smile. Is she trying to flirt Kris? Oh god!


“Please make it 8 slices.” He answered without looking at her. She left with an indescribable look on her face. Oh poor girl, ignored by the devil.


“Gosh gege ~ she’s trying to seduce you” Yimin chuckled.


“I guess her flirting powers didn’t succeed. I’m too handsome.” He said.


“Conceited much?” Lay oppa and I said in unison. We laughed. He's the usual Kris I know, the same conceited, over confident evil I've ever known.


“I’m just telling the truth.” He stated withy a victorious smile painted on his face.


Our order came in 15 minutes. The smell of the pizza gets in my senses.  I was about to eat when I thought of a bright idea. A very bright one. It’s payback time.


I remember when my family and I eat with the Wu’s together in a pizza parlor way back then; We always fight because Kris would always wanted to put ketchup in his pizza and there will be no left for me. Mrs. Wu said he doesn’t eat pizza without ketchup. 

I grabbed a slice of pizza and put a lot of hot sauce in it. Take note, A Lot.



“Have you seen the ketchup?” Kris asked.  I gotcha!


“Oh sorry, I already put it in my pizza.” I said.


“You’re so greedy. That’s why you look like a pig.” Watch it Kris, let’s see…


“Okay here.” I handed him my pizza. “That’s not dirty. I didn’t take bite yet.” I said swearing. He checked it on and gave me a reassuring look then he took a big bite. Bingo !


“Great ! Tha- why is it so-?” He looked at me.


“HOOOOOOT ~~~” He said while fanning his hand to his mouth. I tried to hold my laughter.


“Wae?” Lay and Yimin asked Kris but he can’t answer. Kris looks like a Red Ripe Tomato.


“Omo!” I said while holding the container of hot sauce still trying to hold my laugh. They turned to me.


“That’s not ketchup, that’s…Hot sauce.” I said like I didn’t know it.


“Whaat?!” Lay and Yimin said in shock again. They handed him water and he immediately drink it.


“I - I’m sorry I didn’t know.” good thing I have great acting skills.


Take my little revenge Kris. *smirked*



After we eat we decided to go home. The mall will close soon. We made our way to Kris’ car. Lay and Yimin entered first. I was supposed to ride when I heard Kris on my back. “You’ll pay for that. Just wait when.” I felt his hot breath on my nape.”Let’s see.” I said not turning to him before entering the car.



                                                           This is the continuation of the nemesis war.




Author's note : ∞ ♥ ∞

Yay ! Chapter 2 done. Hope you liked it  ;) Thank you very much to my new subbies enjoy reading !







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f3smile #1
Chapter 4: Thanks for ur update. It's really nice to read ur story. Fighting ^_^
TinyHigh #2
Chapter 2: Seulji 1: Kris 1!! Let's see who will win the next competition!!!
sebuff #3
Chapter 2: Whoop whoop, update soon!
f3smile #4
Chapter 2: Nice story authornim, i'm waiting for ur update ^_^ fighting
TinyHigh #5
Chapter 1: *Subscribe* DOne!!! Now,please update!!!!!! PWEASEEEE XD