It's over.

Accident Love!!

Nichkhun's POV

The fact that we did it twice. He might be that dissappointment for not even giving him any warnings. Furthermore, Taec hadn't been making a move to him.

He's avoiding me. He really is ... He hadn't been in school this whole week. What did I do? I just confessed my love to him and then he decided to ignored it and toss it?

"Say, Khun. What are you planning to do now?" Asked by brownish chick boy beside me in the table.

"I don't know, either. He's avoiding me, didn't go to school this straight week and what else? Didn't even call me or you!!" I said, panicking in my spot.

"Stop being such a baby. Why won't you visit him then?"

"Visit? Huh? Are you kidding me? He's avoiding me." I said, in a sacrastic tone.

"What the are you saying? He's sick. He got a flu that's why."


"Yeah, A flu. Wait, don't tell me you don't know what 'Flu' is?"

"Jerk, I know what it means."

"Oh, here." He handed me a piece of paper.

"What is this?" I asked as I took the paper in his hand.

"That's the map of his house and the address. In case you can't read maps." Chuckled by Wooyoung then left my side. "Oh, by the way. He likes watermelons." He turns around then smirk as he left the lunch room.

Watermelons, huh .... I thought for a moment then stood up as I reached my phone on my pocket. Sending a message doesn't hurt, right? I gulped my saliva then dialed the familiar number.

Click .. "Hello?" A weak voice answer from the other line.

"J-.. Nuneo it's me, Nichkhun. How are you?" I said, fidgeting my finger in my plate.

"Oh, Nichkhun. I'm good. Just a little bit tired and exhausted. Why'd you call me?"

"Just wondering if I can visit you after school or so."

"You can visit me anytime, though. Since no one stopping you."

Yeah, right. I know. But at least I warned you about it. Sighed.

"You coming today, aren't you?" Asked Junho.

"Um, yeah. After school."

"Okay, see you then." By said that, he hung up. I stared my phone for a moment. Then snapped myself. Should I skip school then went straight to his house? Too risky.

We did it twice, huh. Wait, did he overheard me when I asked those 3 words? I don't think so.

After school, I rushed to the market to buy some watermelons. Then after that, I went to his house. Wooyoung didn't even told me about this sooner. But, well. It's friday. Maybe I can stay at his place for night.

I reached out the door then knocked low, not too low.

"Coming!" A voice yells as I heard his footsteps.

He opened the door then smiles. "Come in." He said as he move aside.

"Thanks. Sorry for intruding." I took off my shoes. Well, his house is somewhat a Japanese old style.

"Stop being polite, Nichkhun." He snickered then coughs.

"Hey, are you alright?" I said, holding his shoulder.

He nodded then slowly removed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm alright, Nichkhun." He smiles.

I knew his lying but I can't tell from his face. "Oh, yeah, I brought a watermelons. Wooyoung told me that you love this." I said, and handing him the watermelons.

"Thanks. That Wooyoung do loves me." He smiled brightly. Loves him? What?

"A-Are you guys dating?" I asked, stupid enough to be hurt.

"You didn't know? I've been dating him since last week. Well, he might think that it's not the time for you guys to know." I can see by his expression, he loves Wooyoung. Furthermore, he's blushing by thinking of it.

, my heart hurts. And I think I'm about to burst. "O-Oh, well, T-That's good." I said, Damn, I can't helped it. I-I'm about to cry.

"A-Ah, Junho. I-I need to go. I forgot that I need to do something." I sighed as I turned around and open the door. "Bye." I said without turning around then run outside.

Damn, I'm too late. Too late. Somewhat, I'm too dumb as well. Leaving my shoes in his house. Who cares!!! I don't want him to see my crying. Damn!!



Sorry, guys!! I didn't updated this sooner and it's short. I know, Sorry. I'll make it up to you guys! PROMISE!!

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Hartyas #1
Continue this story please...
Chapter 6: So confused....It's a test from Ho for Khunnie, right ? But I love both Khunho and Wooho :))
Chapter 5: I'm hardcore khunho shipper but how can I not know this story D: so now already subscribed~
omg thats hot of khunho >< pls update soo ><
Chapter 4: you're such a tease ><, I subscribed ur fic last night and you updated today and u stopped in right t-h-a-t m-o-m-e-n-t ><.
Can't wait for the next T_T
lurvejunho #5
Chapter 3: I know khunnie act like junho but i dont expect taec like him too.omg.where did nuneo go actually.always make khun worried
Hartyas #6
Chapter 3: Keep writing ^^ fighting
lurvejunho #7
Chapter 1: Aww someone in denial.khun such a tease
Noonanomuyeopo #8
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?