Faith or Hope.

Accident Love!!

Junho POV's


"Hurry up!" I ran as fast as I can to reach my class.

"Wait up, Nuneo. I'm not like you. You're in  track and field club. So slow down!!" Shouted Wooyoung.

"But, --" I was cut by Wooyoung howl. I kept my mouth shut as I slow down a bit.

"See?" Wooyoung shriek. "We aren't late. We're just in time." Wooyoung lectured me over a year with only one topic that I hadn't been heard or take a glance on it.

"Yeah yeah." I said, in sleepy tone.

"Are you tired or what?" Wooyoung asked.

"Uh-huh." I nodded my head.

Wooyoung sighed in defeat. I know he would give up on me. Who knows what happen if we continue our fight.

By the way, Wooyoung had been my friend for over 8years since I entered High School. He's been there a lot.

The bell rang. It must be the second bell. I thought. I glance at the window and gazing outside. I yawn. I want to sleep. I murmured in my mind. Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder then I glance at him. Oh it's him. I thought.

"Good morning, Nuneo." He smiled and pat my head. Like always. I said in my mind

"Good morning, Nichkhun." I replied.

"How's your day? Are you tired?" He asked.

I only glaring at him because he always asked that stuff all the time. Not to mention the time that he almost .... No way!!! Am I inlove? I asked in my mind.

He blinks then caress my cheeks. "Are you okay?" He asked again as he rubs my cheeks gently.

I nod then turn around. N-not him. How could I be inlove with this guy?! Am I such an idiot or what? I thought again.

I heard him sighed then slam his on his chair. "Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"N-no." I said.

"Then, why are you being like that in front of me?"

"N-nothing. I'm just tired."

"Being tired doesn't had to be that rude, Nuneo."

"I'm not rude." I yelled.

"You're yelling at me right now." He glare at me.

Tch. Being rude at him? "Leave me alone then." I said.

"Tch ..."

I looked at him. "Tch, my ." I said in sarcastic tone.

"I won't leave you."

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"I won't."


He smiled then face at front.

He always like that, being cuddling, sweet and kind to me. Even though he's dating someone. The one I hate the most. Although, I'm the one who hook him. Sigh.

I've been weird since that day .....

Well, It happened alright. And that guy doesn't even remembered it! Damn.

I cursed his soul, his existance, and everything about this guy. I growl at him.

He seemed sense it, he turned his head to face me then tilt his head. "What is up to you this time?" He asked.

"Stop asking question, jerk." I yelled, again.

He sighed then turn around. "You hate me that much, aren't you?"

My eyes went wide, "N-no." I try to convince him that I do not hate him. But then, he only glared at me.

I lowered my head and lay my head on my desk, keeping my cool and pride. Yeah. Pride ... The pride that I almost lost that night.

Come to think of it, since when I started to think of this guy. I mean, he's been my friend and yet I only thought of him as a good friend. But then he always teasing me with this girl named Hinoka. Sigh. Even though that Hinoka girl kinda cute but whenever I'm thinking of being in relationship, This guy would definitely going to show up in my mind.

Faith must brought me here. Be with this guy, and care for him. I guess.


*That's for now!! :D Hope you like it. I'm terribly sorry for my mistakes there. Thanks!!

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Hartyas #1
Continue this story please...
Chapter 6: So confused....It's a test from Ho for Khunnie, right ? But I love both Khunho and Wooho :))
Chapter 5: I'm hardcore khunho shipper but how can I not know this story D: so now already subscribed~
omg thats hot of khunho >< pls update soo ><
Chapter 4: you're such a tease ><, I subscribed ur fic last night and you updated today and u stopped in right t-h-a-t m-o-m-e-n-t ><.
Can't wait for the next T_T
lurvejunho #5
Chapter 3: I know khunnie act like junho but i dont expect taec like him too.omg.where did nuneo go actually.always make khun worried
Hartyas #6
Chapter 3: Keep writing ^^ fighting
lurvejunho #7
Chapter 1: Aww someone in denial.khun such a tease
Noonanomuyeopo #8
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?