Make The Dragon Admit His Love: IV

Make The Dragon Admit His Love ~HIATUS :(~

The next day, Dara woke up early to do some stretching. She knows with their non-stop practice for today, she need to flex those muscles if she doesn't want her body to ache after the day. Speaking of body ache, she checked her sprained foot and was glad to find that the pain had lessen. 


Dara: Good thing it's better now *massages foot*. Aish, I don't wanna be a burden to Seungri...

(phone rings)(answers phone)


Jiyong: It's me. Did I wake you up?

Dara: Ah no, I really woke up early so I can do a little warm-up exercise kekeke

Jiyong: (serious tone) Noona.....

Dara: What?

Jiyong: You know you're injured. *sighs* I'm worried that you'll hurt yourself more. 

Dara: Don't worry, I know my limits. By the way, why did you call?

Jiyong: About that *nervously laughs* I was wondering if you're okay already. And since, you know, you're already awake, do you want to go with me?

Dara: *surprised* Uhh go to where Ji?

Jiyong: Let's go somewhere, I'll help you do some warm-up. I'll be guarding you too to make sure you won't abuse that injured foot of yours *chuckles*

Dara: Okay, if you say so boss! *salutes even though Jiyong won't see it*

Jiyong: I'll pick you up after 5 minutes, okay? Bye!

Dara: Bye! 

(puts down phone)

Dara: Omo! Why am I blushing?! It's not like I'm gonna have a date with him. ><'  Aigoo what should I wear?!

(searches her cabinet for nice clothes)

Dara: *picks out a dress* No I shouldn't be wearing this, I'm gonna exercise not stroll around the park...*picks out a blazer* nope too formal *pulls out a skirt* nope, too short *pulls out pants* too skinny *pulls out swimsuit* HELL NO, why do I even have this one *throws the swimsuit* *pulls out t-shirt and jogging pants* Perfect!  


After few minutes, Jiyong arrived at her home. He knocked on her door and was greeted by a really hyper Dara.


Dara: Jiyong what took you so long! I'm so ready for an exercise *pretends to stretch arms and do jogging* *accidentally steps longer on her injured foot* ouch ouch ouch!!! 

Jiyong: Are you okay noona? *grabs her on both arms* Does it still hurt? *kneels down and starts massaging her foot*

Dara: *blush* Ahh Ji stop that...I..I'm fine...hehe...

Jiyong: *looks up at her* Are you sure noona?

Dara: (Omo!!! Please Ji don't look at me with such cute eyes. I think I'm gonna die!) Ahh eh yes, of course I'm sure. Now let's go, I can't wait to walk outside! (walks away from Jiyong) 

Jiyong: *thinks* What's wrong with her? *chuckles to himself* Being dorky again....

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christine12 #1
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should update you know ...

new reader here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
LOL....I love this story....keke...childish Seungri and Dara + jealous Ji = LOL....keke...thanks for the update!!!
bubbleny #3
found yaaaa!i don't know whether i should read in here or in fb.hihihi.
aaaaaaaaaaww! so cute! super duper cute!! LOL @ dara picking swimsuit, dress and blazer! :))<br />
please update more!
This is shoooo cute. More more more please! :)
i love it... more update please... :))
queenofthebangs #7
more updates please!!! a shy gd is love.... <3
gene0821 #8
VioL3t #9
please update