Make The Dragon Admit His Love: III

Make The Dragon Admit His Love ~HIATUS :(~


(Seungri’s place)

As soon as the two arrived at Seungri’s home, he quickly showed her the room. There are CDs stacked at one place, and in one corner of the room are two large stereos, while his iPod and laptop is on the desk.



Suengri: Here’s where I kept my music *smiles*

Dara: Wow, this is amazing.

Seungri: *laughs* thanks noona. Here try searching at the CDs while I browse my iPod for some songs as well.

Dara: Ok! Let’s get started

Seungri & Dara: For the Theme Park!



It took them almost an hour to pick out songs that they could use for the contest. When they felt like they have listened to every song that Seungri has, they chose which ones they will perform. For the dance number, Freeze by T-Pain ft. Chris Brown because it has a happy beat that can be easily incorporated with dance steps; For the song number, Hate That I Love You by Rihanna ft. Ne-Yo simply because they like it; and for both, Love & & Magic by Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake because Seungri idolizes Justin Timberlake and it would be easy for Dara to sing and dance for this song because there are no complicated notes in the song.


After choosing their songs, they started planning for when and where they will have their practice, and everything needed for the contest. It took them 2 hours to plan about their performance and they didn’t even notice it until they both felt sleepy, so Dara decided to call Jiyong to tell him that their finish.


(With the others)

They were also able to plan for their performance. Jiyong wanted leave and wait for Dara in Seungri’s home so that he could guard her. But he doesn’t want to look excited about going home with her in front of the others. So he just decided to wait for her call while he continued talking to Bom about their performance.



(The songs they would be performing without the other teams knowing)


Dancing: Freeze by T-Pain ft. Chris Brown

Singing: Hate That I Love You by Rihanna ft. Ne-Yo

Both: Love & & Magic by Ciara ft. Justin Timberlake



Dancing: I Can Transform You by Chris Brown  

Singing: Love Knocks You Down by Keri Hilson ft. Kayne West and Ne-Yo

Both: Wait a Minute by Pussycat Dolls ft. Timbaland



Dancing: Body Language by Jesse McCartney

Singing: y Love by Neyo ft. Candace Jones

Both: Drop It Low Girl by Ester Dean ft. Chris Brown



Dancing: Mister by Kara [A/N: lol sorry he was really funny when he did this]

Singing: Angels Cry by Mariah Carry ft. Ne-Yo

Both: Superhuman by Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson



Jiyong jerked up when he felt his phone vibrate. A smile immediately crawled up on his lips when he saw Dara’s name as the caller.



(Seungri’s voice: Italicize words A/N: ‘cause his voice is too loud that Jiyong could also hear it)

Jiyong: So…ready to go?

Dara: Yes, call me when you….kya!

Jiyong: Dara, what happened?

Dara: Aww, just tripped over Seungri’s bean bag.

Jiyong: Are you okay?! *worried*

Seungri: Noona, are you okay?

Dara: Yeah, just hurt my ankle. Ouch.

Jiyong: Okay, I’ll be there as fast as I can. Can you walk?

Dara: Yes, but it hur… Seungri what are you doing?! Put me down?! Where are you taking me?!

Seungri: To my room. Don’t worry noona. I’ll be gentle *chuckles*

Jiyong: (his face was like this (O 0 O)….WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!! YA! SEUNGRI! Dara wait for me I’m coming!!!!



Jiyong hurriedly got inside his car, ignoring the questions of the others, already wondering about what was happening. He drives fast while thinking of 50 ways on how to torture Seungri if he is really doing what he thinks he is doing to Dara.



(Jiyong talking to his self)

Jiyong: Ahhh! Calm down Ji. *hits his head on the stirring wheel* I’m sure Seungri is just helping Dara. He won’t do anything to take advantage of her situation…right? *remembers what Seungri said: To my room. Don’t worry noona. I’ll be gentle*….You’re dead meat, Seungri…. 



When he got in front of the building where Seungri’s condo unit is, he immediately went in and dash to the stairs, not bothering to wait for the elevator. He didn’t knock when he found the door not locked, and just burst inside. There was no sight of Dara or Seungri in the living room which means they’re probably in his room indeed.



Jiyong: Dara! Where are you?! Seungri I’m gonna kill you!  



He barge in Seungri’s room, praying not to see what he doesn’t what to see. To his relief, it was not what he was thinking. But he still got irritated to see Seungri kneeling in front of Dara, with the open first aid kit beside him, and massaging her hurt ankle already covered with bandage.



Seungri: Hey, hyung.

Jiyong: Are you okay? Hay, I panic after hearing you shouting at Seungri….

Dara: Sorry *smiles* I was surprised when he carried me all the way to his room. My ankle hurts but after he massaged it, it felt a little bit better. At first, I thought he would only add to the pain, but I guess Seungri can be a good doctor after all *pats Seungri’s head*

Jiyong: Okay…but why inside your room? *glares at Seungri*

Seungri: Ahehe…it’s more comfortable when she rests on my bed and the first aid kit is inside my room.

Jiyong: You could’ve just brought the kit where she fell!

Seungri: Ehh, I was acting on instincts *laughs*….wait….you thought I did something to noona?

Dara: *blushes*

Jiyong: Uh….ah….

Seungri: What makes you think I’d do that to her?! *sobs* Hyung you’re so mean! *sobs*

Jiyong: Aisht….stop I was wrong okay. Jeez, don’t be a cry baby.

Seungri: tsk tsk tsk, I can’t believe you think of such dirty things hyung *teases him*

Dara & Jiyong: *blushes more*

Jiyong: Ya! Shut up! I didn’t…I just…I…ahh! Never mind! Let’s go, noona…

Dara: Ouch *accidentally used her injured foot*

Jiyong: Hay, come here *carries Dara bridal style*

Dara: Kya! Put me down, Jiyong! *blush*

Jiyong: *ignores her complaint*. We’ll be going now maknae. Thanks for taking care of noona…

Seungri: *laughs* No problem. Get well soon noona!


(With Dara and Jiyong)

Dara: Uhh, Ji, why did we take the stairs?

Jiyong: *shrugs* Don’t know, just felt like doing so

Dara: You could put me down now, I can walk you know

Jiyong: No

Dara: But…

Jiyong: No

Dara: Hay, seriously, is it 'Carry Dara-noona Day' today? *pouts*

Jiyong: *chuckles*Don't be stubborn noona. 

Dara: This is so embarrassing. I’m heavy, ain’t I?

Jiyong: Nope, you’re actually very light. I’m worried…

Dara: Huh?

Jiyong: Are you sure you’re eating well lately?

Dara: Uhh…hehe…I’ve been skipping meals since we’re very busy preparing for shows and concerts…

Jiyong: Ah! Don’t do that! No wonder you’re very light and thin. Tsk, next time, eat properly or else I would make sure you do so…

Dara: Yes, boss*salutes then sticks tongue out*

Jiyong: You’re crazy, do you know that? *chuckles*

Dara: I know that’s why you like me…*stops*

Jiyong: *surprised**silent*

Dara: ….that’s why you like me and the rest of the YG family! Ahehe…..

Jiyong: (almost caught) ah yeah noona….

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christine12 #1
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should update you know ...

new reader here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
LOL....I love this story....keke...childish Seungri and Dara + jealous Ji = LOL....keke...thanks for the update!!!
bubbleny #3
found yaaaa!i don't know whether i should read in here or in fb.hihihi.
aaaaaaaaaaww! so cute! super duper cute!! LOL @ dara picking swimsuit, dress and blazer! :))<br />
please update more!
This is shoooo cute. More more more please! :)
i love it... more update please... :))
queenofthebangs #7
more updates please!!! a shy gd is love.... <3
gene0821 #8
VioL3t #9
please update