Family Always Comes Last.

Not What You Think.


I arrived at the mansion that my parents once owned many many years ago and has been under my name for 100 years. I live in it when ever I was in town. 
I opened the front door to the main hall covered in paintings of my family. There were no camera's back then. The lounge room was styled with red and black furniture in fact every room had red and back furniture. Must of been my parents favourite colours but I never really got the chance to ask. Me and my sister are the only people left in our family. Yes to be clear my older sister. Kwon Dami is also a vampire.
I haven't talked to get for a while. She decided to go on this diet of drinking animal blood instead of human blood and I got mad at her. I had gone through all this suffering for her and she turned her back on me. We'd been avoiding each other for almost 50 years now. It gets tiring but it didn't matter.
I opened my fridge and grabbed a bag of blood and went into my bedroom and I started doing homework. Flying through it with ease as I casually sipped the blood out with a straw. My phone beeped and I picked it up. Swiping across to unlock it and clicking on the new conversation.
From: Chaerin
- Hey! What you doing?
From: Jiyong
- Homework. What about you?
From: Chaerin
-Same. So about that date. I'm free on Saturday. What do you wanna do?
From: Jiyong
- Dinner and a movie sound good? My treat.
From: Chaerin
- Sure! That sounds fantastic, I can't wait for the weekend!
I smiled and put my phone away. When I finished my homework I heard a knock on my door.
I slowly walked over and answered it and a woman stood there.
"Hello, Kwon Jiyong right? I heard that one of the cities first family's great great great great grandson was in town and I came by to see how everything is for you. It's an honor to meet someone named after the great Kwon Jiyong. You look somewhat like him too. I am Lee Kyushin. Head of police." she explained and I nodded.
"Well I am related to him. It's nice to meet you too Miss. I feel very welcome here I think I'll be staying for a while" I told her and she smiled as she got a radio call.
"Oh I have to go. Have a good evening Mr.Kwon" she said to me and I smiled before shutting the door. How weird. I hate weird people. It makes me want to slaughter them.
I was hungry again. Not for packaged blood though. It never tasted quite as good as having it fresh from the body. The sun had gone down and I took my ring off. I didn't need it unless I was outside during the day. 
I disappeared out of my house and the next second I was 20 minutes down the street from my house. I could hear a woman crying in the alley way and I walked up to her.
"Hey, are you okay?" I called out to her as I walked towards her.
"No," she sniffled "My Boyfriend cheated on me" she told me as I stood in front of her.
"Would you like me to stop the pain?" I asked her and she walked back until she was against the wall.
"W-What do you mean?" she asked. I starred into her eyes.
"You are scared but you can't move now can you make a sound. When my teeth go into your neck you will feel the worst pain you have ever felt." I told her and she couldn't escape and she couldn't scream. You could see the fear in her eyes as mine went red.
I sunk my teeth into her neck and began to slowly drink every bit of blood out of the girls body. When she was dead and there was no blood left I through her body into the dumpster across from me. 
Suddenly I heard slow, sarcastic clapping and I quickly turned my head to see who it was. I would've been happier if I saw one of the people from school or even the police. Instead I saw my older sister.
"You don't always have to use compulsion you know. Theres this thing called using the skills you've received to chase someone and scared the out of them. You have more powers than any vampire in the world Jiyong. Yet you use the one thing that everyone else has?"
"What are you doing here Dami" I hissed and she giggled at me.
"I heard about your plans. With that girl you've been stalking for the last... 7 years? I thought I'd come and mess things up for you seeing how badly you messed everything up for me." she said and in the next second I had her against the wall by .
"You remember that down side to drinking animal blood right? I'm so much stronger than you and if you think you have even the slightest chance of messing things up for me I will drive a stake into your heart faster than you could imagine. Got it!?" I hissed and let go of her. "Go back to Japan" I said and disappeared. I was back in my house in the next 3 seconds. 
I sighed. Things had started off so well. I couldn't afford for her to come and ruin things for me. What I did was a thing of the past. She needs to learn not to hold grudges.
Hey guys, I just want to thank you all for subscribing!
Also I was supposed to update last night but something came up. I hope you all understand.


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soojinCL #1
Chapter 6: waah i'm really excited for their date!!!
pls update soon ^_^
JiYong_JaGi #2
Chapter 3: Noooo~ dami please control jiyong~
kwonjiyon #3
Chapter 3: i really liked, can't wait
j3llyD0NuT #4
Chapter 2: Such a great plot ~ :D update pleaseeeeeeeeee
kwonjiyon #5
Chapter 2: update soon <3333
Chapter 1: Update soon please (:
EilneraSD #7
Chapter 1: Next chapter, please. XD
Chapter 1: Oh my Ji dun kill the gurl! Is kai a love rival? :o
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 1: Omg~ did he just killed Tiffany??
LinLin05 #10 . . . .love . . .