A Decade of You


First time writer...be nice :) Sorry for any grammatical error, English is not my first language.


This will all be Taeyeon's POV.

Taeyeon knew she was different. She never liked dresses, ponies or barbies when she was younger.  She wanted to play the car with the remote control, miniature transformers and play rough wrestling with the boys. Different from other girls her age but that's what made her happy. Her happy childhood.

High School was was interesting enough, she was always with her friends but only and always with the company of girls, she never really avoided guys but she always thought that girls are more fun. In between classes, she started chatting up with her frirends and was asked if she has any crushes, she just laughed and said it's a secret. Her laughing fit died down with the next question.

 Is it a boy or a girl? A picture of Winona Ryder flashes though her mind that almost made her smile but controlled herself and maintain silence. Damn was i that obvious?

Time is ticking and her friends waiting for an answer made her palms sweat. She was about to open to speak but intrerrupted with the arrival of their Teacher with the announcement of a pop quiz. Taeyeon never thought that a pop quiz can be this life saver. She went home with a sigh of relief and a test paper with a failing mark. At least she was saved.. for now






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