Chapter 2: Higher Learning with Jose

A Decade of You

Year 2000


I was a pretty chill student back in High School, I'll study when I need to and not study when i don't and so I spent my school nights watching tv and chatting with my friends for hours on the phone.

I didn't really know what course I would take when I entered college, all I know was there should be no numbers, graphs or equation in it. I wasn't really into information technology, my parents wanted something solid like business or accountancy but I argued saying that Business and Accountancy are so mainstream hence, I settled with International Studies, not too popular with the rest of my batchmates and definitely no numbers.

It was the first day of my university life, woke up really early to make a good impression.

Shower - check! brushed my teeth - check! shirt and jeans - check! my white or should i say dirty white chucks - check! cellphone and money on each of my pockets - check! meet the love of my life - check? wait, backup..I wasn't prepared for that..but I did, Damn! Check!!!!!


Year 2011

So what's new? I greeted her while sitting on one of the stools beside her.

Hey yourself! You haven't been showing up lately, busy with work?

Well, you know work is work. What's with the sudden invitation for a drink? I mean, we normally go for coffee to talk, so I guess this a serious matter. I leaned forward to get the attention of the bartebder and ordered 3 shots of Tequila.

Wow, I guess work is really ty huh? Have you eaten by the way? coz Jose will definitely burn your insides if you haven't. Tiffany asked with concern and I was thinking if I should lie just to get more attention and care from her. But I didn't, I wasn't suppose to, not anymore.

Yeah, I already had my dinner at the office, on my desk with lots of papers, timelines and yeah work pretty much ! I answered almost shouting to compete with loud noise inside the bar.

So Martini huh? Is that you're first? Sorry I was a little bit late.

Nope, this is my 3rd and it's okay. Listen, I wanna tell you something.

3 shots of Tequila came and i can feel it my bones that what's she's going to tell me would definitely have me ordering for the whole bottle.

I've been seeing someone..or actually not seriously dating but there's a guy who's been giving me special attention and I kinda like it, Tiffany said as she sipped her drink.

Okay, go on..

He's not that handsome, not that tall but he is really smart.

Okay, i said for the second palms are sweaty and my hearts pounding with anticipation of her next sentence...

I mean, he's my boss..

Okay, i said for the third time

..and he's married. she paused and looked at me waiting for a reaction or approval. I'm not really sure as I gulped down my 2nd shot. I mean..

i don't like him like him but I like that he is giving me special attention . He makes me special. So yeah..

Okay, the hell! he's married!Are you okay?!!! You're the nicest, most beautiful person I've ever met! You' re very generous and smart and and...I can tell you all the beautiful things about you don't deserve to be number 2 just because he made you feel special! How can you can you accept that, I mean how can I accept that when you've always been my number 1! my number 1 for almost 10 years! Is what I should've said but I didn't.

Okay, he's married. Don't you think you deserve better? So what do you plan to do?

I said as calmly as possible and ordered for the whole bottle of Jose while I smoked like I didn't have lungs or heart or anything ..coz at that point it felt like I didn't really have anything..

I don't know, it's just nice to feel special. Tiffany said shyly with her head down.


I went home smelling like sweat, alcohol, and cigarette smoke, but I can still smell the scent Tiffany left when she hugged me goodbye.

The same scent i have been addicted to all those years. Jose didn't just burn my insides that night, well i thought there wasn't really anything left to burn, but maybe just a little, a little yeah.

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