

(No One’s POV)

“...Can I just go outside and take a walk? ALONE?” you said and hurriedly run outside and went to your favourite hangout when you’re sad.

Mr. Lee wanted to run after you but, your `known dad’ stop him.

“Please, give her at least 10 min to calm down and think. I know her; she’s an open minded person. I’ll talk to her.” Your ‘known dad’ said to Mr. Lee. “I will explain to her everything.” your dad continued.

“Where did she go? What if something bad happened to her?”Mr. Lee asked your family worriedly. “We know where she goes when she’s sad. It is in the TREE HOUSE. She hangs-out there everytime she feels sad.” Your dad assures Mr. Lee.


“I think she’s calm now.” Your dad said leaving Mr. Lee, Mom, and sister.

                When you ‘known dad’ came to the TREE HOUSE, he saw you seated near the window and gazing outside. He seated next to you and put his arm around your shoulder.

                “Are you okay?” your dad asked. “A little bit dad.” You said and looked to his eyes and tried to smile. “I’m sorry, we hide it to you for a long time.” Your dad said. “Dad, it’s okay. I know that you and mom have a good reason of hiding it from me.”

                Then your ‘known dad’ started telling you what happened 17 years ago...



“We should go home early. I think it’s going to rain. I told you to bring an umbrella but you forgot.” You mom said to your dad a bit irritated.

They visited you ‘known Granma’ in the hospital. They were not that far from the hospital when they heard a baby crying. They look where it came from and found a new born baby with his mother.

“Why this woman does keeps ignoring her baby?” your ‘known mom’ said in an angry tone. “Yah Miss, your baby is crying she seems to be hungry.” Your ‘known mom’ began shaking the woman to wake her up but the woman didn’t move. To your ‘known mom’s’ curiosity, she checked the woman’s pulse. “Is she dead?” your ‘known dad’ asked your ‘known mom’. “She’s still alive but her pulse rate is very low. Call an ambulance, QUICK!” Your ‘known mom’ commanded your dad.

The woman died a few minutes after she arrive the hospital. No one claim the baby so your ‘known mom’ and ‘known dad’ decided to adopt that baby because they really want to have a baby that time.

That baby is no other that YOU.


“We searched for your father and relatives but no one knows him,” you ‘known dad’ continued. “And then Mr. Lee came with proofs that she’s your real father.”

“So that ‘VIP man’ there is my real father?” you asked while tears kept on flowing from your eyes. “Yes, and his name is Mr. Lee Soo Man. He is a Korean. You are pure blood Korean,” said by your dad.



“... You are a pure blood Korean,” dad said. KOREAN? I’M A KOREAN??? Before, I really dreamed to be Korean, but now, hearing this? It doesn’t affect me at all. I don’t know what to feel right now.

                My mom and dad that I love are not my real parents. Elle is not my real sister? What to feel? What to do? Shall I cry? Should I be happy? What??? I don’t know. I really don’t. I keep staring at the brightest star in the sky when my dad broke the silence.

                “Mau, I think you should talk to her. He’s worried. Your,” It is hard for him to say the word ‘dad’. “You must hear his explanations. After all she’s your real Dad,” he continued. You nodded. That’s true after all. I should hear his explanations.

                We both headed back to our house. When I first set-a-foot inside the leaving room, Mr. Lee run towards me.

                “Mau, are you okay?” he asked worriedly. “Hmmm...Yes,” again you I force a smile then he hugged me.


(No One’s POV)

Your ‘known dad’ lead your mom and sister to their room so that both of you can talk.

Mr. Lee Soo Man told the story to you.

He and your real mom had a vacation in ________ (your country) and your real mom will be soon giving birth. They went to a park. Mr. Lee leaves her for a second to buy some drinks. When he got back, your mom is no where anymore.

Based on the investigations, your mom felt that it’s her time to give birth. She waited for Mr. Lee but it’s too late. She can’t handle the pain anymore so, she attempted to go to the nearest hospital but she failed. She gave birth in the street near to the hospital where your ‘known mom’ and ‘known dad’ found you.


“I never stop searching for both of you,” continued Mr. Lee while crying. “Now I’m really glad that I found you,” then he embraced you again. You can’t say anything and just also embrace Mr. Lee and sob.

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@rinichaaan:thank you for commenting..^^ Now I know what to do... ^^ thank you very much
rinichaaan #2
The idea is nice, but the flow of the story is a bit fast. Good beginning though.
thank you...^^