

        “YAWN!!!” It’s your 10th since you ride the bus. You and your sister are now on the way home. You can’t sleep last night because of what happened to the concert. Even your sister, didn’t sleep. All you both did all night is recalling the whole concert.

(A/N: you slept last night in your Aunt Sed house)

                Both of you are excited to tell your mom and dad what happened. While walking, you noticed that there are 3 Luxurious cars parked outside you house.

                “Did mom mention that we will have visitors?” you asked to your sister. “No, maybe It’s our neighbours.”Answered by your sister.

                You and your sister went inside silently to surprise your mom and dad. “WHERE HO—`` you and your sister stop when you saw that you have a visitor and one of them looks familiar to you. That familiar man looks like the boss and the other 5 look like his bodyguard. “Good evening” you said to the man.  You greeted him and he look like he wanted to cry but then he looked to your parents. You also shot a look to your parents and noticed that they are crying.

                “Mom, Dad, what happened?” you are confuse of what is happening. “Why are you crying? And who is he?” you asked again. You take a look again to the man, and you are 100% sure that you know him. “Do we have loans to him? No. He don`t look like he lives in our country and also he looks VIP. All those luxurious cars and Bodyguard.” You said to yourself a bit of confuse.

                “You two take a sit.” your dad breaks his silence. You and Elle take your sit and look at each other with a WHAT-THE-HECK-GOING-ON expression.

                When both of you are seated, your dad look to the `VIP man’ and said “Mr. Lee, this is Maureen.” And then your mom burst into tears.

“Mom, why are you crying? What the heck going on??!!!” you reach your mom to comfort her. Then suddenly the ‘VIP man’ embraced you and he cried.

WHAT!!!!!!!?-you said to yourself. You are so shocked of what this man acting. Then you struggle to the get off the ‘VIP man’s’ embrace.

“Dad, don’t tell me, you will give me as payment to this old man???!” you asked worriedly to your dad.

“No, that’s not it. Calm down Mau. Mr. Lee, please, take you sit.” Your dad said to you and to the ‘VIP man’.

“Dad! Just tell us what what’s happening!” you freak out.

“Okay, okay, just promise me that you will believe all what will I say.” Your dad assures that you will believe everything.

“I can’t assure you dad, just split it out!” you became more nervous because you know that your dad is serious this time.

Your dad looked first to your mom and nodded. “uhh, hhmmm, Mau, this is Mr. Lee. And...and he is your real father. We-“

“WHAT?!!! HAHAHA! Dad, okay it’s funny.” You want to make yourself believe that it is just a joke.“Mau, I’m not joking. What I said is true. I-I—“

“No it’s not true. Can I just go outside and take a walk? ALONE.” You emphasize the word ‘ALONE’. You want to make yourself calm.

(A/N: you know that your dad is saying the truth because you know when your dad tells the truth or not, it is just that you are too shock.)

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@rinichaaan:thank you for commenting..^^ Now I know what to do... ^^ thank you very much
rinichaaan #2
The idea is nice, but the flow of the story is a bit fast. Good beginning though.
thank you...^^