After Bangkok

He knocked a few times and did not need to wait for long. Because only after a few seconds, he found Seohyun standing before him, wearing the same exact outfit from her High Cut photo shoot. How could he forget the shorts that show her white smooth thigh? Or the white tank top that was so well-fitted to her body so her curves were obvious?


For a moment, Yong Hwa forgot why he was there for.


“Oppa, you’re back!” Seohyun greeted him with a smile so wide. She looked sincerely happy as if nothing was bothering her. Her chestnut long hair was flowing down her back. And even though she did not wear any make up, she still looked very pretty in his eyes.


“Hyun…” Yong Hwa was lost at words. He blinked his eyes for a few times, trying to familiarized himself with this beautiful goddess in front of him that he was supposed to be mad at. But how he could be mad at her when greeted him so warmly like this? They had not met each other for a long time. The feeling of missing her and holding her in his arms were apparently stronger than his anger.


Then instead of being mad, he felt something else tingling from inside his body.


That is exactly why you were mad, Jung Yong Hwa! Because she’s showing this side of her to the whole world.


“Hyunni-ah, why aren’t you in your pajamas? I thought you were asleep. You didn’t reply my message.” Yong Hwa tried to keep it cool. It was not his style to barge into someone else’s apartment and bombard her with anger. His pride did not let him do that.


“Ah..” Seohyun opened the door widely and let him in, “Mian.. Hyoyeon Eonnie was here so we talked a lot.”


Yong Hwa turned his head to Seo Hyun, “Hyoyeon’s here?”


“She was. But she just left, meeting some friends.” Seohyun walked inside and sat on the sofa in the living room.


“Ah.. I see..” Yong Hwa followed suit. He rested his head on her lap, and laid down while she his blonde hair. She could clearly see the exhaustion on his face. Dark circles around his eyes were obvious, too. It pierced her heart knowing that she was too busy to take care of him.


“You look tired, Oppa.” She whispered to him. He closed his eyes, trying to absorb the comfort given from his girlfriend and wind down his anger at the same time. This was exactly what he had missed from Seohyun, the feeling of being taken care of. She never failed to make him feel like he was home every time they were together.


After taking a deep breath, Yong Hwa started to open his eyes. He looked at his beautiful girlfriend in front of her, “You look very y tonight. It’s your costume for the High Cut photo shoot, right” Yong Hwa smirked, letting her know that he knew about the shoot, “Is that for me?”


Being asked bluntly like that, Seohyun could not help but to be anxious. It was typical Yong Hwa. He would never get mad right at her. He would let his anger out bit by bit, get his revenge little by little, until he felt satisfied.


“Why? You don’t like it?” Seohyun looked back at Yong Hwa bravely.


“Of course I like it,” Yong Hwa laughed a little. He then sat up straight, facing his girlfriend “In fact, I would be really happy if you can dress like this every time we meet.


“Ah, cham!” Seo Hyun snorted, “Shiro.” She turned her head away from Yong. One, because she was embarrassed


“Wae shiro?” Yong Hwa laughed, “You dress like this for a magazine, the world can see you looking all y, so why can’t I?”


“So you saw the pictures?” Seohyun sneaked a peek at Yong Hwa shyly.


“I did. Jungshin showed me.” At the same time, Yong Hwa tried his best to look as cool as possible. He was no longer mad, instead he held his laugh because Hyun’s expression right now was so cute.


“But you didn’t say anything. Are you mad?” Seohyun dared herself to look at him in the eyes. She was surprised when Yong Hwa suddenly pinched her cheek, leaving a slightly red mark.


“Of course I’m mad, you little octopus. I was abroad, having a concert, then suddenly I saw your pictures barely wearing clothes and it was published in a national magazine. The scans were all over the internet, too. I was trapped in a country which language I don’t understand. The stage was waiting for me so I couldn’t contact you immediately. I didn’t where you were. I didn’t even know about the shoot. What was I supposed to do? You made me crazy, Hyuni-ah. You really don’t know how crazy your fan boys are, aren’t you?”


Yong Hwa took a deep breath before continuing his train of thought, “Think about it like this, do you remember the time when I posted my selca right after I worked out? You know, the one in the gym?”


“The one where you showed the world your toned body? Of course I remembered. I hate that the most.”


“It’s exactly the same thing.” Yong Hwa blurted his response.


“I know.” Seo Hyun smirked.


“What do you mean you know?” That answer really caught him by surprise. Yong Hwa tried his best to gain back his focus. But the more he tried to put his attention to Seohyun, the more he got distracted by her looks that was so innocently y.


Those pink lips. Damn. Why does she have to wet her lips before talking? She knew what kind of effect it has on me.


“I actually did that on purpose, to get your attention.” Seohyun smiled, “I knew you will be mad when you saw those pictures. So, I guess I succeeded.”


At first, Yong Hwa could not believe his ears. That was definitely not Seohyun’s style, to pull something like this. Mildang was usually his type of thing. But then he understood what she was doing. She missed him so much but he could not give her the attention that she needed. That was why she had to pull this off. Somehow, Yong Hwa felt sorry for both of them. He, too, missed her.


“You little webfoot octopus.” Yong Hwa messed her hair, something that she definitely hates. He grinned like a kid. He was actually relieved that Seohyun’s action was intended for him. But at the same time, he was still jealous because the whole world can see how y was.


Being a choding like he was, Yong Hwa started his revenge plan. If she wanted some attention, then he would surely give her one. “You really are something else, Seo Joo Hyun.” Yong Hwa looked at her with a certain look. He moved forward, leaning his face closer to Seo Hyun. He fixed his eyes, looking deep into her, making her drown in his eyes.


As Yong Hwa got closer, Seo Hyun felt her heart thumping. His gaze was mesmerizing her, she felt like she had stopped breathing. Their faces were just an inch from each other. Their nose almost touched each other, right before he leaned to her ears, “Is this the kind of attention that you want?”

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Chapter 4: Only seohyun can pull a y yet innocent look to catch a possessive dragon's attention lol
Chapter 4: this story just caught my attention ... now i want to know,the attention yongseo will gv each othr ... <3
Chapter 4: please give us attention, too, noona2969. ;-) update soon, ye?
Firacardosh #4
Chapter 4: Aw, You had me hanging on the thin thread author-nim! You're such a tease to give me a cliffhanger one! Please update this story soon, I want to know what will happen next? Is it will be mushy, fluffy & full of sweetness? Or it will be hot one? ~_^ I'll be waiting for your next update author-nim, I hope I wouldn't wait for long ^_^
HoneyPie #5
Chapter 4: Next chapter please. ....so interesting. ....mildang always has consequences .....I can't wait. ...♡♥♡
heavenlysins #6
Chapter 4: High cut photoshoot was really...something!! Haha

Thanks for the story and please update soon! Fighting! :D
Chapter 4: Aigoo yong, stop teasing
Chapter 3: Dugeun dugeun..... u such a tease author nim
SeiraAiren #9
Chapter 3: Oh.. Please dont make us dugeun dugeun..
Chapter 3: break up with her. hehehe. so, there will be a big conflict!!! lol.