After Bangkok

There was no place better than home.


After the long-hour flights and exciting yet exhausting concert, the four of CNBLUE boys entered their dorm with relieve. They have missed their beds so much. Sleeping in the airplane was never something that they fond of.


They put their luggage in the living room, without a single interest to unpack. They were as tired as 1000-year-old zombie and could hardly wait to snuggle into their own blanket and sleep the day off. But unfortunately, only one of them stayed alert.


Jung Yong Hwa went into his room and quickly changed into clean clothes. He washed his face and brushed his teeth for a moment before heading out the door. He needed to go somewhere immediately. His head was spinning from the lack of sleep but priority comes first. And right now, Seo Joo Hyun is his top priority.


“I’ll go for a while.” That was the only thing he said before shutting the door behind him. His brothers were left alone without having the chance to say anything back. But he needed not to tell them where he was going because everyone already knew that he was going to that one particular apartment on the 4th floor.


Yong Hwa climbed the stairs in silence. His heart was uneasy. He was tired, annoyed, obviously jealous, mad, angry. But most of all, he was disappointed. He never thought that Seo Hyun would do something like this without telling him about it. This kind of thing made him rethink about their relationship, especially after these few months.


Both of them were busy idols who had their own schedules. Most of the time, their schedules did not match. That was why, at the beginning of their relationship, he told Seo Hyun that they needed to tell each other everything to avoid misunderstanding.


He had successfully convinced his CEO to move CNBLUE’s dorm to this building earlier this year. Besides being close to the office, it is the perfect cover for his secret relationship with Seohyun. But then, what’s the point of living in the same apartment building when both of them spent most of their time away from each other? Last month, SNSD was traveling around Japan for their tour. Then, starting April, CNBLUE would be on their World Tour, which means, they would not spend that much time in Korea until later this year. How could they survive this kind of relationship? Especially after this incident.


It was not that he did not trust Seo Hyun. He knew better not to believe in that girl. The world may collapse and Yong Hwa was sure enough that Seo Hyun would still survive. It was the people around her that he did not trust. Those pictures he saw before was intriguing. He was also a man, so he knew what kind of effect would happen to other men when they saw that kind of pictures. He could not even dare to imagine those fan boys talk about his girlfriend as if they can touch her or have her. No way. He could not bear that thought.


Maybe this is why Hara and Junhyung broke up. Would it be like that between us too, Hyun?


Yong Hwa immediately shoved away the dreadful thought. As much as he hates being apart from Seohyun, the thought of breaking up scares him the most. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself from the anger and disappointment that had been eating him from inside.


A few minutes later, he found himself standing in from of Seohyun’s door. He hesitated for a while. It was almost midnight and he did not know whether her parents were inside. He didn’t want to be rude by knocking on their door this late at night. But then again, he could not rest until he everything is settled between him and Seohyun.

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Chapter 4: Only seohyun can pull a y yet innocent look to catch a possessive dragon's attention lol
Chapter 4: this story just caught my attention ... now i want to know,the attention yongseo will gv each othr ... <3
Chapter 4: please give us attention, too, noona2969. ;-) update soon, ye?
Firacardosh #4
Chapter 4: Aw, You had me hanging on the thin thread author-nim! You're such a tease to give me a cliffhanger one! Please update this story soon, I want to know what will happen next? Is it will be mushy, fluffy & full of sweetness? Or it will be hot one? ~_^ I'll be waiting for your next update author-nim, I hope I wouldn't wait for long ^_^
HoneyPie #5
Chapter 4: Next chapter please. ....so interesting. ....mildang always has consequences .....I can't wait. ...♡♥♡
heavenlysins #6
Chapter 4: High cut photoshoot was really...something!! Haha

Thanks for the story and please update soon! Fighting! :D
Chapter 4: Aigoo yong, stop teasing
Chapter 3: Dugeun dugeun..... u such a tease author nim
SeiraAiren #9
Chapter 3: Oh.. Please dont make us dugeun dugeun..
Chapter 3: break up with her. hehehe. so, there will be a big conflict!!! lol.