
You are my oppa! season 2.

Nami pov

-2 days after Amusement park-

I woke up... is today the day? I don't wanna go! I woke up reluctantly, took a shower and wore my uniform... as I was fixing my tie, which I hate ever so much, someone gently knocked on the door.

"Nami hurry! Breakfast!!" Jongup oppa said. 

"Neh!" I said, took my bag and walked out of my room. I forced a smile, "Oppa anyeong!" I said to Jongup oppa, as I sat.

I ate happily when Zelo oppa took a seat, I waved at oppa, then Yongguk oppa came out, "Good morning!" he said, I smiled, ah! Morning dose of oppas deep voice! I thought. 

Zelo pov

Going back to school... Yay? I sighed, well good thing our schools aren't far apart, Nami at ---- Middle School, us at ---- High School. We bid Nami goodbye, she smiled back and went in with one of the staff, acting as her guardian. Well, of to school.

Nami pov

Now all there's left is to follow the homeroom teacher to class... I'm actually used to it, but for some reason I feel glares everywhere... must be my imagination..? 

"Miss Shin wait here till I tell you to come in," the teacher said. I nodded and smiled.

"Alright class, we have a new transfer student joining us this term," the teacher looked at me and I went in. I turned to the class.

"Please introduce yourself Miss Shin," I nodded.

"Anyeonghaseyo, everyone I'm Shin Nami, please take care of me," I said and bowed. 

"Okay, Miss Shin, sit at the back there," I nodded and walked there quickly. This'll be a long day...

-After school-

I entered the car exhausted, woah... worst first day ever...


"Yah! I saw you in BAP's car! What is your relationship with them!!"

"Don't take my Daehyun oppa!"

I awkwardly moved back, trying to get away from these questions, but fell instead, wow I'm soo lucky! I thought in a sarcastic tone.


Yeah, after that wasn't so good too, the girls blasted me with questions, the boys made fun of me for being taller than them, yeah! I'm a giant, of course!

What I don't get is, how do they even know that was BAP oppas car?! And why am I always classmates with short boys! Even when I was at Singapore, Japan and also China! I closed my eyes annoyed and fell asleep.

Jongup pov

I went in the car and Nami was asleep, did she have p.e or something? She looks peaaceful now, despite whatever the reason was that made her tired. 

When we arrived at the house, Nami woke up and looked at me and smiled, "Oh, oppa? We're back already?" she said and got off. Zelo and I looked at each other confused,  she went to her room without saying anything else... that's rare... usually she doesn't even go to her room, unless she's about to sleep and when she gets ready... she must really  be tired huh? I hope nothings bothering her...

Sorry the chapter before this, the ending I finished in a hurry cause I was busy... and this chapter's pretty short...  sorry. Zelo loves you!

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Chapter 33: awww, i love the story!! sequel juseyoooo!!
Chapter 32: wah... i'm crying *sinff* awesome story ...pls do it more
CookieManiac #3
Love your fic <3 I've been looking for a YAMO B.A.P fic and i found yours :) Keep up the good work . Hwaiting ! Hahahaha