


“hey baby, what are you doing in here” I look up at my fiancée. The women that I promise to marry at this end of this year.

She was the perfect women for me, kind, caring, loving and fun to be hang out with, even my family like her so much. But, there is something missing in my heart as I look at her.

Even we have been making love, and planning   to raise a family and have 3 or two kids, I still think she is not my right one.

“Are Junsu in here?” Junsu  is my friend that  introduce me to my fiancée, he is also my own therapies when I have a problem or get stress  with my job or my life.


“well I got to see him bye dear” after I kiss her cheek I just barge to Junsu office.

“hey jae, what bring you here this time?” I see my best friend eat a lollipop in his desk and try to write something in the paper.

I take a seat even junsu don’t invite me.

“I don’t know junsu, my life is so upside down now, I cannot bring myself to calm down, I feel there is something missing in my life even though I have perfect job, perfect life and perfect fiancée, but still, I can feel something is missing from my life Junsu” I start talk to Junsu as I always do.

“hey, do you want some lollipop?”

“I’m talking about serious matter here junsu ah” well I don’t know why he so addict to lollipop, it not even tastier.

“Look at this” I see myself staring at some beautiful  pendant   junsu holding.

“Where did you get it, I never see you with it before” the pendant is so beautiful and it have a sapphire blue diamond.

“Just stare at it”even I don’t want to stare at it, I can’t seem to move my eyes and  I stare and stare at the pendant as it continue to move side to side .

“Release your mind now, Jae, and don’t frown too much” I can hear  Junsu voice, but it like he talk to me from distance.

And I can feel myself start falling asleep.

As I open my eye, I expect I will be in Junsu office, but no, I have been welcome by new environment. This is not Junsu office, even my    room. this place is shabby and need a major repairement.

I look at myself,  I’m not wearing my coat neither my tie, it have been replace by a skirt, and a camisole.And for my horror I can see women in my top of body, oh my god what have happen to me, why did I turn to women?

“WOAHHHHH!!” I try to shout as loud as I can.

Suddenly I can hear hurried footstep approaching me.

“Jinni, what happen to you, why did you shout as loud as whale early in the morning” I see myself staring at some cute women, with slender hips, not so tall but rather petite. She look kind of familiar, but, I don’t know who she was.

“where is this place and who are you?” suddenly the girl touch her back hand to my forehead.

“Your temperature is quiet normal” and she smack my head lightly.

“Aww.. What suppose to mean of that?” as I clutch my head.

“Jinni, don’t even try to pull prank early in the morning, get up, we have much work to do”

“Excuse me, I’m not Jinni, I’m kim Jaejoong”

“yeah, and me is England first lady”

“Really, you should believe me, I’m not Jinni, you have mistaken me for another person”

“Look Jinni, mother will be furious with us if we don’t get the job done, so please hurry up, this is not time for your drama again, believe me, I love to see you acting, but now, we have to bake” I don’t know what I should to do, first, I wake up at a strange place, find out that my body is turning to women, then, this women call me Jinni. Is this a dream?

She seem to see my confuse look and she just pull me from bed and usher me to some room that she call a bathroom. I see the bathroom, it’s not like my bathroom in my house, the bathroom don’t even have a tub, shower or even pipe for the water, how should I take a bath. It only have a bowl that fill with water, but  this is not enough for me to wash my face.

“Excuse me, but, how can I take a bath if there is no water” I emerge from the bathroom and talk to that women.

“Your brain really is damage Jinni, use the pump”


“Yes silly, the pump at the corner, it will flow out the water if you pump it with your hand” pump with my hand?? There will be no hot water?

What century is this that don’t even have a water heater or pipe?

What have mess that I have gone through.?

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owhhhh!!! pls update asap you finished your exams!!! ^^ good luck!!
kawaiicat #2
it's cool..<br />
I'd rather confuse with the name,,<br />
but,nice fic! Update soon pls!
Oh...first time read i'm a bit confused but now I understand....<br />
Ah...is that yunho who kissing jaejoong?<br />
What will jaejoong do?<br />
First time meet but already fight...<br />
<br />
Waiting for next chap....^^
Ahahahahahaha<br />
cant wait<br />
cant wait<br />
update soon
eh? so jaejoong going to the past and become girl?<br />
Ugh...I'm start carious with this fic...<br />
<br />
update soon!!
yunjae~ im waiting more!! ^^
interesting!!<br />
<br />
update soon pls...
Please update soon ^^
SugarStars #9
Hey there, you know why I’m here, right?<br />
Exactly! To invite you to request a poster from us^^<br />
I’m sorry for spamming, but as you need us, we need you!<br />
Hope you step by and request! Our family will give you a hand and help!<br />
http://4eversweetsugar.blogspot.com/<br />
<br />
Hope to see you soon:)<br />
~amy91luvKey<br />