Ashtray Heart

“Minho… Minho, baby, wake up…”
He lets out a frustrated groan as his sleep- a peaceful, so rare in these days sleep- is abruptly paused by the insistent voice.
“… what…”
“Minho, I’m leaving, wake up.”
This actually makes him jolt awake and sit up straight, which surprises Taemin.
“Leaving? Where to?...” he knows his expression is probably ridiculously heartbroken and vulnerable, but he can’t help it. He loathes this ‘l’ word. Taemin probably senses his insecurity, because he smiles fondly at him and brings his hand up to let his knuckles caress Minho’s cheek.
“School, baby. I’m leaving to school. It’s Monday, remember?”
I remember ing well.
“… school. Okay then.”
But I don’t want you to leave…
“Maybe you’ll bring me that book I asked you about? This way I’ll be able to finish at least the bibliography section”
Bring me this, bring me that, come here, let’s go there, we can meet at this hour
“Yeah. Sure thing, Minnie.”
Hello, new day.

Minho stops by at the comic library that Jinki recommended him. He’s amazed by the amount of comics, the new ones, but especially the old ones, so rare, impossible to buy in shops.
He feels like a kid in a candy shop, watching all those books he’s always wanted to read.
He leaves the library a full hour later with three really old comics about Batman and a silly grin on his face.
Wow. Just, wow.
Later, he stops at Jinki’s library, wanting only to check Taemin’s book out. Only that, nothing else.
But he finds himself unable to just walk away like that, with one book in his hand and three comics in his bag. Which is why he asks Jinki to recommend him some good books.
He leaves another hour later with “Entering Hades” and “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch” and a very satisfied smile.
He knows he just made Jinki happy with his friendly attitude and genuine interest in his passion.
A new friend would be a good thing.

Minho finds himself more and more engulfed in the world of fiction; one day he walks with Teleny down Paris streets, three days later he’s chasing a brutal murderer in Medicine Creek. Books give him so many emotions he can barely tears his gaze from them, that he can barely sleep or talk with Taemin thinking of what will happen next.
But what gives him probably most happiness are conversations with Jinki he’s having after reading those books, comments and interpretations and feelings they share. He finds himself excited like a little child each time he enters the library to find a new book to explore, and have a talk with Jinki. Finally someone pays attention, someone wants to devote his time for him.
He can’t blame Taeminnie for not being able to be here for him twenty four seven- and he can’t thank Jinki enough for being there for him anytime he feels lonely.

One day, Taemin catches Minho at reading “Oranges are not the only fruit”. He sort of gapes at him, not used to seeing Minho with a book. And, so consumed by that.
“Baby… you read books?!”
But Minho’s somewhere in a church where Jess is being scolded because of her love choice, Taemin’s voice is just a blur, somewhere far, far away.
The voice is a bit more insistent, as Jess is being dragged to the altar.
“Just a second, Minnie” Minho mutters, his eyes frantically taking in the whole page. Finally, he looks up from the book, not entirely satisfied, but he at least can suspect what might happen to Jess and Melanie.
“Yes, baby?”
Taemin still stares at him, not believing his eyes.
“You read.”
“But… what on earth? You read books?!” Taemin still can’t believe.
“Yeah, I do. I sort of met a friend in the library. A, you know, librarian” Minho immediately admits, in case Jinki’s name comes out later in any discussion “a nice guy. And I realized that instead of just lazing around, waiting for some match to play, I can as well broaden my horizons.”
Taemin shakes his head and smiles softly, coming closer to sit on Minho’s lap.
“You know” he chuckles, reposing his head on Minho’s shoulder “if I hadn’t known you better, I’d think you’re cheating on me with some bookworm.”
Minho doesn’t find it amusing in the slightest.

Minho wants Taemin. He wants him so badly that it hurts. After another long discussion with Jinki (Led Zeppelin Aimée & Jaguar After Dark Dead Europe) he’s all he can think about. Jinki Jinki Jinki his wisdom his sincere smile his vulnerability his strength his charm his
God, Taeminnie, help me—
He practically runs to their flat, erasing thoughts of Jinki and replacing them with the memories of long, slim milky legs, soft blond locks, sweet, sweet aroma—
To be met with the owner of all those features right at the door.
At first he doesn’t find it weird, he’s just thankful that the boy came closer to make his run shorter; he cups his face and kisses him desperately, with all need and passion he can muster in a kiss. He wants to show Taemin just how much he wants him, how much he needs him, both his soul and his body, all of him.
But he’s being pushed away a few seconds after. He breaks the kiss with a whine, watching Taemin’s flushed face and swollen lips.
God, he’s so beautiful…
I can’t ever hurt him. Not ever.

“Minnie…” he murmurs lowly and caresses his prominent cheekbones, but his wrists are caught and stopped by Taemin’s hands.
“Minho, baby, I need to go, I can’t now…” he says, an apologetic look gracing his angelic features, as it all sinks in.
Taemin’s at the door though he didn’t know that Minho was on his way home. He’s dressed in tight, silver jeans, a black, stylish shirt, has some eyeliner on.
“Where are you going, what are you… why can’t we…” Minho pleads, almost losing it at this point.
He needs to feel Taemin, he needs to devour him and make him his again, he needs to reassure himself of the connection that is between them—
But his lover has different plans.
“I’m meeting up with Kibum-hyung, we haven’t seen each other in a while. He wanted to hang out, called me this morning so I agreed. We don’t get to see each other too often” he explains softly, his thumbs caressing the inside of Minho’s wrists.
We don’t get to see each other too often
Really, Taemin?

“I’m going to be late, baby, I really need to go. See you, Minho” he leans in to peck the taller boy, but he turns his head. Taemin sighs.
“I’ll make it up to you, baby” he promises.
“Yeah, how?” Minho feels like crying already.
“Somehow. I promise.” Taemin gets to peck his cheek in the end, smiling softly and passing him by.
Minho stares at the empty space that has just been occupied for a few minutes.
And then he slams the door and cries silently.



All those books mentioned in this chapter are kind of one of the first ones that would come to my head, either because I really loved them or I just had to glance at my right, at the pile of books from libraries x"DD But since this chapter was written almost a year ago (O_O), now this pile of books contains totally different titles... x"D
Wah, thank you for all the comments and subscriptions!! And, I can see some of my old readers, and that makes me so happy I can't even :DD
The first chapter of 'Feel the Same' should be up within two or three days I think, sorry to keep you waiting!!

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Chapter 14: Omg i wasn't sure if it would end up onho or 2min... And omg Jinki baby
Chapter 14: i love 2min but onho in this story is just ♡_♡ loved this story. felt sorry for taemin tho... but it was nice that he found someone to replace minho hahaha
kalekale #3
Chapter 14: This is a very good story but i have to say this, i mean i was like what is happening?? the ending is beyond rushed. Jinki just forgives him,okay with words 'it takes months for Jinki to trust again ...' but i read all the chapters at once and i have to say this, the ending is really out of place, it stands out in a bad way. please dont just ban i mean i like your stories i just had to say this
AmoraSuteki #4
Chapter 14: So amazingly good you had me screaming the whole time haha
oconje #5
Chapter 14: I've read this on LJ and loved it just as much on AFF. I'm so happy you ended it Onho. Taemin didnt really need Minho like Jinki did. Dont mind the 2min complaints...so greedy as there are plenty of 2min fics out there and just not enough Onho. Anyhoo, I'm sure I'll be reading this again as I loved it so.
Chapter 14: I loved this story. It was unique and amazing. I admit I was a little confused by the end (is jinki the universe?) but it was fitting to the story
amazing work
Chapter 13: I love this story so so so so much!! But tht quote about choosing the second person because if u loved the first enough u wouldn't fall again, did u come up with tht? Can I know where u got it??
anxiously awaiting tomorrow :)
Chapter 13: omo~ poor Taeminnie TT__TT
where's his happy ending?
Anna_Kraft #9
Chapter 12: I feel really sorry for Taemin... But JinKi, poor innocent soul T_T How Minho could do this to him, well, to both of them?!
Hope it'll be happy ending for three of them, 'cause they already suffered enough!
Chapter 12: i'll be so depressed if 2min don't end up together at the end. :(
if they don't, could you write a sequel of TaeKai?! that'd be awesome lol