Teddy Bear Museum

My Cousin's Best Friend


“Right here you can see the first teddy bear…” I yawned as I let Mr. Kim blabber about the first teddy bear.


Come on, do we really need that in real life? Sure if you work in a teddy bear factory, and if you can but that in your resume.


“It’s so EFFING hot!” Minhi yelled as a few of the seniors around her chuckled, including this junior. I shook my head and remembered how the heat makes Minhi cranky and irritable.


It was true though. It was really hot in the museum, and there wasn’t a fan or air condition in sight. What’s better that their Wi-fi is password protected.


“Come on people, this is a museum! All of the teddy bear facts known to man are here in this very place! The ancient teddy bears, the warrior bears, the bears who were maids-“


“Oh, let the kids roam around, Kim! Alright, so you kids won’t be bored, you can roam around with you partner. You also have an assignment-“


A loud groan issued from the group as I threw my head back in annoyance.


The heck, this is a museum, a place to see things. Not a place to give a freaking assignment.


“Ah, hush! Your assignment is to take pictures of every teddy bear you come across. No teddy bear pictures, no ice cream later. Now go!” Ms. Park instructed as everyone started to mutter and protest in disdain quietly.


I sighed and glanced at Jisoo who was already looking at me slyly, a smirk on his lips. I narrowed my eyes immediately.


“What are you looking at?”


“Oh nothing, just waiting for your reaction to the assignment,”


“What do you mean? Ms. Park’s your teacher, not mine. Good luck.” I snorted as I smirked triumphantly. Jisoo sighed, but there was a mock feel to it.


“Oh really? Well then I guess you don’t want your phone back?” Jisoo asked innocently as my eyes widened. I tightened my hold on his left hand, hoping his finger bones would crack.


“You will slowly give my phone back-“

“Nope, Panda Girl. It’s either you do the assignment or this phone will be back pocket until we get home,” Jisoo threatened, raising my beloved phone above me.


Because of my cursed short height, I couldn’t even jump to get it.


I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, mentally counting to ten.


It’s okay Ji, taking pictures isn’t that hard right?


“Fine, you blackmailer. I’ll do the assignment with you,” I agreed grudgingly, already regretting my decision. Jisoo whooped and tossed my phone back, which I barely caught with my left hand.


“Yah! It almost fell!”


“Not my fault. Let’s take picture of this Panda Girl!” Jisoo exclaimed happily as he pulled me to a glass case which showed three bears. Two of them were girls and the other was a boy.


I pressed my hand on the glass, Jisoo doing the same. The position of the bears and setting of the place really told a story.


Girl Bear #1 was sitting on a bench, holding a wilted rose, a mournful expression on her face.. In front of her were Boy Bear and Girl Bear #2. They were smiling at each other, while Girl Bear #2 held healthy looking rose. It was really a sad sight to see. Even bears hearts get broken once in awhile.


“Teaches that boys are just careless and heartless empty shells,” I blurted out, not fully aware that I was partnered with a male. I heard Jisoo snicker.


“Oh yeah? What if the boy had to be with Girl Bear #2 because Girl Bear #2 threatened to hurt his real love, Girl Bear #1? That male bear just wanted her safe, so he left her,” Jisoo defended as my eyebrows shot up.


I didn’t think of that.


“Maybe, but that’s too complicated-“


“No, Aeji, you just think boys are useless and heartbreakers even though they’re not.”


“That’s where you’re wrong, Jisoo. They are heartbreakers. One day, they love you, the next day, you see them hugging and kissing another girl.” I in a huge breathe and turned away from Jisoo and the bears.


The sight reminded me too much of my past relationship.


I felt a hand on my shoulder as I sighed, cursing myself for being overreacting.


“Holy Poseidon, I overreacted huh? Ha, let’s just go and take photographs,” I tried joke as I pulled Jisoo along. We were quiet as we took pictures of bears. We followed the group, not really looking at the bears.


We reached an opening called the “I Love You Bearly” and it was a tunnel that showcased a lot of bear couples. I cringed a bit.


Too much bear love going around.


Suddenly, the grip on my hand slackened. I looked at Jisoo in alarm to see him starting to his shirt.


“Whoa dude! This is just a love tunnel! Not a make love tunnel!” I cried out, earning a few laughs from the seniors and a glare from both Ms. Park and Mr. Kim.


Jisoo rolled his eyes and flicked my forehead, which I dodged expertly.


Ha, how about that Panda Boy?


“It’s too hot in here. And don’t worry, you dirty minded Panda Girl. I have a top inside.” And with those words, Jisoo ed the last button and moved the button up t-shirt apart, revealing that he was wearing a grey tank top underneath.


He shoved his right hand in his pocket, the other grabbing my hand again.


I blushed and looked away, averting my eyes as much as I can.


Geez Aeji, it’s like you haven’t seen Daehyun in a tank top in their performance!


“Look…about the scene of the three bears awhile ago-“


“Drop it. I overreacted, really. Not all boys are like that. I just have to find a boy that could fit my type,” I hurriedly responded, smiling a bit as we continued to walk through the tunnel. Jisoo chuckled and swung our hands back and forth.


I could feel the burning gazes of Minhi and Yoonhe, and also the hoots of Jisoo’s friends.


Ugh, why?!


“So, what is your ideal type?” Jisoo asked curiously as I went into thinking mode.


“Well…someone who can sing well, play the guitar, is tall, fun to be around and funny. Someone I can act weird with. Someone who can also act as a best friend to me,” I summed up, grinning at Jisoo who laughed.


“You just described me!”

“WHAT?! You’re delusional!”


“Oh admit it, you like me Panda Girl~” Jisoo cooed, bumping shoulders with me as I shoved him to the right forcefully, growling. We exited the tunnel as I sighed in happiness.


“I can sing well, I play the guitar-“

“Oh, as if you can sing well-“


“I’m taller than you by miles, I make you smile, and judging by your hateful attitude towards me, that means you’re not afraid to show your feelings to me. And, I’m your best friend,” Jisoo summed as I glared at me through my glasses. I pushed my glasses up and coughed.


“You’re really crazy. I didn’t describe you. I described…Hansol! Yeah, I described him!”


“Hansol raps,” Jisoo stated bluntly as I let go of his hand in anger. I crossed my arms together and stomped away from him, fuming on the inside.


One more pestering session from him, I will feed him to Aragog’s children.


I stopped just at the end of seniors group who were letting Ms. Park and Mr. Kim check the pictures of the bears. I sighed and my phone. I was a bit surprised that my wallpaper was the selca of me and Jisoo.


I curled my lip and checked for the teddy bear pictures.


“Aww, I find it funny when you’re mad at me,” Jisoo’s annoying voice flitted to my ear as I tried to ignore him. I felt two hands on my shoulder as I tensed.


“Go Aeji, you totally just described me as your ideal type. You didn’t even ask what was mine.” I could already see Jisoo pout. I sighed in defeat as I turned around, seeing Jisoo’s half-closed eyes looking at me. It held enthusiasm and amusement.


“Fine, Panda Boy, what’s your ideal type?” I questioned harshly as Jisoo laughed, shaking his head.


“It’s not a ‘what’ it’s a ‘who’”


“Fine, then who’s your ideal type?”


“Simple,” Jisoo stepped closer and ruffled up my hair, which I hated.



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Chapter 13: Ella, I know I discovered this quite late, (and trust me, seeing Doyoon's name really made my day). You've never let me down with any of your work and this is one of the best work of yours yet. AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I DIDNT SLEEP READING THIS KAYH? Haha. Keep up the good work Ella♡♡
Chapter 13: This story really deserve an upvote! To tell u the truth, this is the second story i evet upvoted b4. Congratulations
Chapter 1: Uhhhh the world would be so much nice if I get to text someone so sarcastically great like Joshua and Aeji hahahaha
This is really nice <333333
Chapter 13: aawwwwww;; this is soo sweett.