Minhi the Matchmaker

My Cousin's Best Friend

Gratefully, I didn’t barf.


It was near, I could…feel it I guess, but I didn’t. How’d I stop it? Simple:


If you barf, Voldemort won the war, Katniss and Peeta died, and Annabeth ended up with Luke.


You know, that’s all it took to slam my back on the seat and breathe in deep breathes, my dizziness fading slowly but surely.


“Are you ok-“


“No talk,” I warned immediately as I focused on not barfing. After I was sure when I talked, my breakfast wouldn’t spill out, I turned my head to Jisoo’s direction. He looked distressed as I let out a small smile.


“I’m fine Panda Boy. Just a headache,”


“Phew! Oh my gosh, don’t scare me like that! I thought I had to call a medic or something.” I saw Jisoo clutch his heart while shaking his head. My heart rate started to speed up.


Stop beating heart. Well, not really, but you know what I mean.


“Yah Panda Boy, you look like I was about to jump out of the airplane shouting ‘SUPERWOMAN!’”


“Well, you couldn’t say I wasn’t worried,” Jisoo defended himself, grinning as he held my shoulder. As soon as I felt his hand, I jerked away. There it was again, the electrical shocks that made my palms sweat, making me dizzy again.


“Okay! I’m alright, no more worrying, okay?”

“The plane is about to land in Jeju. Please fasten your seatbelt,” the announcer suddenly spoke as I fiddled with seatbelt. I was still a bit weak from the dizziness, so it took awhile. But then, Jisoo clucked his tongue and put locked the seatbelt for me, tightening it again to fit me. I glanced up and smiled again. This Panda Boy was too helpful.


“Thanks Panda Boy,”


“No worries, Panda Girl.” Jisoo winked as I heard the she beast cough.


“Ugh, she was about to barf! And she needed your help! She’s pathetic! Aren’t you grossed out?!” Yoonhe exclaimed as I rolled my eyes.


There goes the dizziness again.


I saw Jisoo look at Yoonhe and sigh.


“Yoonhe, she’s my gir- friend. Yes, I’m a bit grossed out, but doesn’t stop me from helping her. Won’t you get that?” Jisoo countered as I mentally cheered for him, smirking.


That’s my Panda Boy.


My eyes widened as I thought about what I just thought.


Wait, he’s not my Panda Boy! I don’t own him! Ugh, I better erase this memory with my wand quickly before I go crazy.


I shook my head and glanced at the window. I gasped at what I saw.


“Jeju.” And indeed it was Jeju. The island was breathtaking and absolutely amazing.


Even more amazing than Jisoo? A voice in my head asked in a snarky tone as I glared.


Shut up, voice.


We circled around and landed in their runway airport. The plane went in a complete stop as we stood up to get our luggage. I was about to stand up and get my suitcase as I shouldered my backpack when Jisoo pushed me back on my chair easily.


I grimaced as Jisoo raised an eyebrow, going over to get our luggages.


“Dude, I have hands,”


“And a mind. So think why I’m doing this for you,”


“Maybe because you have nothing to do?” I remarked as I heard him chuckle. I blew the bangs off my face and pushed my glasses up, wiping my nose with the back of my hand.


“I’ll roll your suitcase, alright? Just carry your bag and stick by me,” Jisoo instructed as I snorted, standing up and lining up to get out of the plane, Jisoo close behind me. Close enough that he could hug me from behind easily.


It was uncomfortable for me…but it wasn’t at the same time. Oh dear.


“Who are you, my mom?”


“Do you want me to act like her?” Jisoo asked smartly as I sighed. He won this round. Once we got out of the plane, we walked through the cube hallway to go to the airport, me sticking beside Jisoo.


We caught up with Minhi and Jisoo’s friends as I lagged behind. I let the seniors take pictures with each other. I half smiled as I shoved my hand in my jean pockets.


They looked excited to be here, as so I. Jeju Island is really beautiful, and I really wanted to go here ever since I saw it in TV.


Except with my family, not my annoying cousin, a she beast and Panda Boy. Jisoo noticed me lagging behind as he bid his friends goodbye. He went over to me as I raised both my eyebrows.


“Why are you here Panda Boy? Shouldn’t you be squealing with Minhi or something?” I asked him playfully as he shrugged. He stopped walking as I did too. We already in the airport, and the teacher tried to group all of us.


“Hey Panda Boy, we should get-“


“Why don’t we take a selca? I mean, this is a once in a lifetime chance. And…I won’t be here next year. I’ll be in college. So-“


“Okay, you dramatic Panda Boy! Let’s take a selca.” I chuckled as I got out my phone and raised it. I made sure Jisoo and I was seen as I grinned awkwardly, Jisoo closing one eye cutely.


“Okay, one, two, three-“ I snapped the picture successfully.


“Another one! Another one!” Jisoo demanded childishly, jumping up and down excitedly as I chuckled, raising the camera again.


“Okay. One, two, three-“ and as I snapped the picture, Jisoo changed his pose from just smiling to pressing his lips lightly on my left cheek.


I lowered my hand and turned my head to Jisoo, who tilted his head cutely and blinked.


“What? That was a good selca!”


“Dude! You kissed-“


“Ah, you two! Come here now!” The teacher scolded as I glared at Jisoo, who was of course, laughing. We both jogged to join the class, neither one of us separating.


One reason is because he’s taken hostage of my orange suitcase. The second reason was…I don’t know. I just didn’t want to flit to other people. They either looked intimidating or idiotic.


We rode two vans going to the place where we will stay for awhile. After around thirty minutes of sitting beside the magnificent window and Panda Boy, we arrived in a large house. I think the proper word was mansion.


“Okay, we rented this villa for you guys to use. Girls will sleep with other girls, and same with the boys,” the teacher announced as a collective groan issued from the class.


I bet they thought it’s going to be like those fanfictions where at one boy rooms with one girl? Tsk, that’s not going down here.


“Alright everyone, get your bags and settle down! Meet with me and Ms. Park in the living room in twenty minutes, okay? Out!” And with that, we all clambered out of the van and got our things.


I managed to persuade Jisoo to stop kidnapping my suitcase, since we were sleeping in different rooms.


“Fine, but I’m walking you to your room. I want to know where you sleep,” Jisoo negotiated as we both entered the villa, me scoffing at his request.


“Why? So you could stalk me?”


“No, so I could check if you were okay,” Jisoo explained as I snorted. He’s a boy, an 18 year old full grown boy. He’s not as innocent as he looks.


I climbed the long spiral stairs and went to the room where I was assigned to. I figured that I was rooming with Minhi. Typical.


“Oh, so you’re rooming with Minhi. That’s good, I don’t have to check up on you hourly,” Jisoo joked as I opened the door of our room. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow.


“Jisoo, you’re adopting the attitude of my mother, and it’s quite scary.”


“Nope, I’m adopting an attitude of a caring boyfriend. See you in twenty minutes Panda Girl!” And with that, he winked before walking away from me. I blinked before glaring at his back figure.


“YAH! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Aish, never mind,” I growled as I slammed the door close, rolling my suitcase to the side of my bed and dropping my backpack on it.


“He so likes you, Aeji,” I heard Minhi comment as I looked at her. She was laying comfortably on the bed, two hands behind her head while looking at me with a triumphant expression on.


I scoffed, shaking my head. But deep inside in my heart, Minhi was starting to sound right.


“What are you yapping about, Minhi?” I snapped, sounding like a grandma as I started to charge my phone for twenty minutes.


Minhi changed position, facing me, her right arm supporting her head.


“Remember me exclaiming that he was on that stage already awhile back?”


“Yeah, why?”


“It really means that I asked him if he already likes you. Stage meant the stage where Jisoo likes a girl. Whenever I ask him about other girls that he talk to on a daily basis, I always ask what stage was he on. And he always replied with none. But with you…he said he was already on that stage. It meant he likes you, Aeji,” Minhi explained as I shook my head.


I didn’t trust my cousin too much.


“You’re delusional, Minhi. Jisoo liking me? I’m his junior, and he’ll be graduating. Besides, I have enough problems in my life,”


“You treat love as a problem,”


“Dude, I’m not in love with Jisoo!”


“Who’s in love with me?” I and Minhi turned our heads, seeing Jisoo leaning on the doorway, looking confused. He had a simple button up white t-shirt, jeans and his sneakers from before.


Simple, but good on him.


“Oh Panda Boy, you’re here. Can you tell your friend over here that she’s delusional and out of her effing mind?” I stated icily as I heard Minhi growl.


“Yah Jisoo-ah, can you tell the girl you love to shut up?”


“Okay, time out,” Jisoo made a time out gesture, “First, I’m not in love with Aeji. She’s just my gir- friend. And Panda Girl, Minhi’s not delusional. Just someone who believes too much in love,” Jisoo explained as I huffed.


“Okay, you guys are meant to be. I’ll be over at Yoonhe's room. Have fun lovebirds! Or lovepandas? Eh!” And with that, the Wicked Witch of the Room finally got out as Jisoo let himself in. I didn’t bother him as I arranged my stuff, putting what I need on my bedside table.


I took out my guitar from its case and laid it on the bed, unpacking other necessary stuff.


“Hey, you play guitar?” Jisoo asked as I looked up. He got the guitar and started fiddle around with it, strumming. I shrugged.


“I’m learning. Why?”


“Because I know how to. Here.” Jisoo started to play a tune, and it was Geek’s Officially Missing You. He started to sing the English version of it as I stopped unpacking. I listened to him sing, letting his voice soothe my agitated nerves.


He ended his song with his last strum, grinning at me as I laughed.


“Okay, you’ve got skills Panda Boy,”


“Who said I didn’t?”


“GUYS! GET DOWN NOW! OUR TEACHR IS CALLING US!” Minhi burst inside the room, yelling at us I rolled my eyes as I unplugged the charger of my phone, pocketing my phone.


“It’s like the villa is on fire. Come on.” Jisoo and I walked out of the room and down the stairs, gathering with the other students.


“Okay, to start off our wonderful adventure, we’ll go to Teddy Bear Museum! After that, next is the Cheonjiyeon Falls and our last venue to go to is the Seonimgyo Bridge!” The teacher announced as everyone burst out into chatter.


I glanced down at Jisoo to see him shouldering his backpack. I tilted my head in curiosity.


“Why do you have a backpack? What’s in there?”


“Your worst nightmare!” Jisoo exclaimed childishly as I chuckled, punching arm.


“Come on Nightmare, let’s not get lost.”

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Chapter 13: Ella, I know I discovered this quite late, (and trust me, seeing Doyoon's name really made my day). You've never let me down with any of your work and this is one of the best work of yours yet. AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I DIDNT SLEEP READING THIS KAYH? Haha. Keep up the good work Ella♡♡
Chapter 13: This story really deserve an upvote! To tell u the truth, this is the second story i evet upvoted b4. Congratulations
Chapter 1: Uhhhh the world would be so much nice if I get to text someone so sarcastically great like Joshua and Aeji hahahaha
This is really nice <333333
Chapter 13: aawwwwww;; this is soo sweett.