
My Cousin's Best Friend





Ahh! JISOO!”


“Can you quiet down, Panda Girl?! They can hear us!” Jisoo remarked as I stuck my tongue out at him.


We were running down the street, taking different turns and corners as we shouted nonsense as loud as we can.


What do you think we were doing?


Tsk, tsk, tsk.


I laughed and took a left turn, checking my phone. It was already three in the morning, which meant we have been running for two hours already. Wow, if I was this athletic back home, I would’ve been fit.


I stopped running abruptly, resting my hands on my knees as I tried to bring oxygen back in my lungs. It was a good run, though I felt like I was going to die soon. I looked up to see Jisoo jogging over me, stopping as he put a hand on my back, applying minimal pressure.


“Are you alright? I was worried that you stopped running,” Jisoo stated anxiously, furrowing his eyebrows as I nodded, brushing the bangs that stuck on my forehead.


“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m tired, let’s go back to the villa,” I proposed as Jisoo nodded. I stood up straight, still panting as I leaned on Jisoo. I wrapped my arm around his waist as his arm was also wrapped around mine. We walked leisurely back to the villa, enjoying the cool air.


“So, what made you think to run around the district, shouting like a maniac on the loose?” Jisoo finally inquired as I shrugged.


“It’s our last day, so might as well do something stupid. It might get us in trouble though,” I commented wistfully, thinking of different punishments Mr. Kim or Ms. Park might give us. We opened the door to the villa, me thankful that the lights were off.


I heard Jisoo close the door as we turned to go up the stairs. Suddenly, the lights to reveal Ms. Park and Mr. Kim angrily standing in front of us, tapping their foot. I quickly separated myself with Jisoo, coughing nervously. This was turning bad.


“So, you two decided to sneak out and shout at one in the morning, come back two hours later, and expect us to still be asleep?” Ms. Park dangerously asked in a whisper as I gulped, looking down.


“Detention when we get back. One week with helping the student council in their play, Cinderella. Now go upstairs to your room and wash up. We’ll be leaving in thirty minutes, since our flight is at six in the morning.” And with that, Mr. Kim dismissed us. I bowed apologetically, along with Jisoo, before the both of us jogged upstairs in our sweat drenched pajamas.


We walked side by side, slowly approaching our rooms which are close to each other.


“I’m so sorry Jisoo, I knew we would get in trouble but-“ I started to explain when Jisoo leaned down unexpectedly, pecking me lightly on the cheek. I glanced at him as he smiled softly.


“Are you really sorry? Detention really is nothing to me. And besides, we get to spend it together. This has been fun, actually. I enjoyed myself today, even though waking up this early should be illegal.” Jisoo chuckled as I smiled gratefully. He was cool. I reached my room, opening it to see Minhi snoring. I giggled, looking at Jisoo to say goodbye.


“Wait – I don’t want to say goodbye yet,” Jisoo told me dramatically as I raised an eyebrow in question, shaking my head in amusement.


“Jisoo, what are you-“


“Maybe it’s because I’m too attached? Even if it was just one day. Or if I really, really like you. I don’t know either. I just want to know that you won’t say goodbye to me after this trip,” Jisoo said in a thoughtful tone, as if he thought about all of this now. And for some reason, he has also got me thinking.


Would I want to say goodbye to him? To someone who can actually make me smile besides my mom, Minhi and K-Pop?


“Me neither,” I whispered, grinning as I looked up at Jisoo. He smiled and pulled me in for a warm hug. It was a friendly hug, full of meaning and warmth. I hugged his waist loosely, liking how he liked me.


It’s like middle school all over again.


“Now pack up Panda Girl, and we’ll meet in a few minutes okay?” Jisoo pecked my head as my eyes fluttered close in happiness. What the heck did I do in my past life to deserve this?

“Okay. Go, Panda Boy. Or we might get a two-week detention from the lovebirds downstairs.”


“Lovepandas totally beat lovebirds. Bye.” Jisoo let go, smiling one more time before turning his back and walking to his room. I hopped in the spot giddily, trying to contain my feels.


“I was so right, even from the start.” I turned around in shock to see Minhi sitting cross-legged on the bed, smirking victoriously. At this point, I couldn’t care less.


“Thanks for dragging me into this trip,” I finally said, going over to hug her. She chuckled, hugging me back before pushing me lightly to my bed.


“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m awesome. Now wash up and pack. Don’t worry, I’ll get started on your suitcase first while you wash,” Minhi assured, already getting my suitcase.


“Since when were you this nice?” I asked jokingly, grabbing my clothes for today as I walked over to the bathroom.


“Since you agreed to make me bridesmaid in your guy’s wedding!” Minhi called out happily as I closed the door. She can be delusional at any time of the day.




“I know everyone is as sleepy as a bear in winter, but please, get your suitcases in the bus and climb in!” Ms. Park shouted orders along with Mr. Kim who was waking kids up by shaking them lightly in the shoulders.


To be honest, not one of us liked to wake up this early. Well maybe except the teachers.


“So, are you ready to go home?” Jisoo asked as we went through Mr. Kim’s Waking Procedure. He shot us a look, but we just smiled and waved at him.


“Yeah, but I’m not ready for school. Barely enough time to watch K-Pop with the teachers having a contest on see who can give more quizzes and homeworks,” I muttered, shaking my head. Jisoo shrugged, but I think he agreed too.


“Me too. Between getting ready for graduation, college, exams, homeworks, I even barely have time to practice with SEVENTEEN. Not to mention, our practice ranges from five in the afternoon to three in the morning. It’s not exactly a picnic for me either,” Jisoo stated tiredly, sighing heavily as I nodded. No matter how much weight I have on my shoulders because of school, I have to remind myself Jisoo has more.


“Why don’t you let me help you? I’m not exactly Einstein reborn, but I can help with you studying in the exams while practicing. Like, I can recite the important stuff for you while you practice,” I offered as we got in the packed bus, searching for seats.


We chose the seat we sat on last time, this time, Jisoo beside the window seat.


“Really? You would do that for me?” Jisoo asked incredulously as I shrugged, nodding. I didn’t know why he was shocked.


“Yeah, why?”


“Well, would that be selfish of me to take your time from your friends, family and school?” Jisoo asked worriedly as I leaned on the bus seat, thinking hard.


“The only friends I have is Minhi, my mom and my computer. And recently, you. My family consists only of my mom and Minhi. And school? It’s not exactly a walk in the park. It’s actually a walk through Jurassic Park, but I can manage,” I told him with confidence. I flashed a small smile at him to make him relax a bit.


“Okay, if you’re sure. I’ll call up the guys now,” Jisoo happily said as he took out his phone. He started dialing as I leaned on his shoulder, closing my eyes.


“Are you seriously going to sleep, Panda Girl?” I heard Jisoo ask teasingly as I shushed him.


“Never underestimate the power of me sleeping.”


“Alright, alright. Sweet dreams. Wait no – dream of me.”

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Chapter 13: Ella, I know I discovered this quite late, (and trust me, seeing Doyoon's name really made my day). You've never let me down with any of your work and this is one of the best work of yours yet. AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I DIDNT SLEEP READING THIS KAYH? Haha. Keep up the good work Ella♡♡
Chapter 13: This story really deserve an upvote! To tell u the truth, this is the second story i evet upvoted b4. Congratulations
Chapter 1: Uhhhh the world would be so much nice if I get to text someone so sarcastically great like Joshua and Aeji hahahaha
This is really nice <333333
Chapter 13: aawwwwww;; this is soo sweett.