
My Cousin's Best Friend

Well, let’s say, the bus ride was peaceful.


It was either the seniors stopped snoring, I was deep asleep or someone finally stuffed their mouths with socks.


But ever since I slept, it was peaceful, almost too peaceful. Jisoo’s arm, the one I used as a pillow, was draped over like a seatbelt, his palm resting beside my right thigh. He did it so when the bus comes to a stop, my head won’t fall forward, at least, not immediately. Jisoo’s head was still on top of mine.


I slowly blinked my eyes open, coming to the real world. I woke up because two certain teachers were having a snoring fight. I yawned quietly, blinking thrice so the stars in front of me would go away. I raised my head slightly, Jisoo’s head falling on my shoulder this time. I chuckled as he immediately shifted position. This time, he was hugging my arm and lying on my shoulder.


I glanced through the window, seeing the Seonimgyo Bridge in the distance.


“THE BRIDGE! IT’S NEAR!” I shouted loudly, my shout out of place in the peaceful atmosphere.


“Eh, why’d you wake us up?”

”Ugh, what year is it?”


“Now you’re the loud one.”


I blushed at the comments, feeling slightly bashful. They weren’t mean though, they were just awoken rudely. I would’ve said the same. I looked down at Jisoo who was still fast asleep. He didn’t fool me though. I could hear his rapid breathing.


“Panda Boy, I know you’re awake,”


“No, I’m sleeping.”


I raised my eyebrows in amusement as Jisoo cursed quietly, lifting his head from my shoulder. I nudged him with my shoulder as he scowled at me.


“My pillow was comfortable. You’re a meanie,” Jisoo told me childishly as I shook my head in amusement, staring back at the window.


“Well, Panda Girl, at least we’ll see the bridge together. Whoa, it’s really dark outside,” Jisoo commented as he leaned on top of me, peeking through the window also. I felt annoyed on the added weight on my body.


I could barely carry myself, what more he and I combined. I shot an annoyed look upwards as Jisoo looked downwards, leaning in to peck my forehead affectionately, smiling before going back to his original position. I blinked in shock, trying to comprehend the situation.


I swear, I wouldn’t come out of this trip alive if he keeps up with this.


“Y-Yah, who told you to peck me?!” I tried to sound mad, but my voice quivered on the last part, making Jisoo chuckle. He directed his gaze towards me, and I was surprised at the intense look he had.


“It wasn’t a peck, Aeji. It was a kiss.” Jisoo half-smiled, half-closing his eyes which made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I shoved him a bit, trying out for an intense glare which failed miserably. I could tell, since Jisoo laughed.


“Oh Panda Girl, you’re so obvious,”


“Panda Boy, you’re so annoying, really, it’s a fact,” I stated bluntly, hoping we get to the bridge earlier so I can push him off the edge of it.


“You’ve got to live with it then,” Jisoo commented wisely as I snorted, shaking my head. I felt Jisoo intertwine our hands swiftly. He held it in a loose manner, but it was clear if I tried to let go, he would intertwine it again. I sighed and laid my head on his arm. For some reason, his arm was softer than my pillow.


Speaking about my pillow,


“Jisoo, where’s my Rilakkuma pillow?” I asked casually. Jisoo pointed to the front.


“With Ms. Park. She asked me if she could use it, seconds after you feel asleep,”


“Oh, that’s good.”


“Why, am I not soft enough?” Jisoo joked as I looked at him incredulously, still wondering why he wasn’t in a madhouse.


“Wah, look at you two, all lovey-dovey and doing couple things and whatnot,” I heard Minhi tease across from me and Jisoo. I blushed and lifted my head off his shoulder, trying to let go of Jisoo’s hand. Jisoo held on tightly, laughing and winking at Minhi.


“Well, I did charm her good-“


“Charm? Dude, your charm can’t attract a duck,”


“But it attracted you, Panda Girl. Don’t lie~”


“Okay, I won’t lie, but can I push you off the bridge-“


“Eh, never mind me saying you two act all lovey-dovey. Clearly, World War III is near because of you guys,” Minhi grumbled, slumping on her seat. I giggled at her defeated, glancing at Jisoo who looked hurt.


“Oh, I didn’t all that stuff I said. You know that right?” I asked him curiously, tilting my head which I hoped was a cute manner. Jisoo hesitated, shaking his head.


“Never mind.” He turned away as I blew the bangs off my face, already regretting it before it even happened.


“Jisoo oppa!” I exclaimed in a sickly sweet voice, making me cringe as I put on a smile. Jisoo turned back to me, raising an eyebrow. I wouldn’t blame him if he ran for the hills after what I will do.


“Jisoo oppa! Don’t I look cute when I do this?” I puffed out my cheeks, hoping that it looked cute, or so help me, I’ll never show my face in the outside world ever again. Jisoo almost formed a half-smile, but then he frowned immediately.


Ugh, I think it’s easier to just push him off the damned bridge.


“Look oppa! Bbuing bbuing!” I put my clenched fist beside my cheek, turning it here and there, using a cute and high voice that made me want to gag. Jisoo finally then broke into a smile, pinching both of my cheeks.


“Wah! Jisoo oppa thinks his Panda Girl is so cute!” Jisoo exclaimed in a higher octave than he normally uses as I pried his hands off my cheeks, holding his wrists loosely. I smiled normally now.


“Better store that somewhere in your messed up mind, because I’m never repeating it ever again,”


“Oh, let’s see about that. But…thank you Aeji, for cheering me up. I love you.” Jisoo smiled sweetly as my eyes widened as saucers.




“-your teeth! Gosh, you didn’t let me finish! Couldn’t let a man finish his sentence?!” Jisoo coughed nervously, turning away as I did too. I really hope he did love my teeth.



“So, this is the bridge everyone! The historical background is long and amazing, but for now, just enjoy the view, take pictures, and the questions will be later,” Ms. Park told the students as we all sighed in relief, going to different spots on the Seonimgyo Bridge.


“Should we go over here?” Jisoo prompted as I nodded, following him to the middle of the bridge, going over to the railing which overlooked Jeju Island. I crossed my arms on the railing, leaning on it and letting the wind calm me. The view was splendid, and the weather was just right.


And being here with Jisoo was…I guess, better.


“It’s amazing, right?” Jisoo asked breathlessly, and I could tell he was also taken aback by the beauty of Jeju. I nodded, smiling.


“You know, when I agreed to go to this trip, I thought I would hate it,” I told him truthfully as Jisoo glanced down, looking up at me.


“Do you? Do you hate going on this trip?” Jisoo asked me as I just kept on smiling.


“It depends on the result. Doesn’t happiness depend on the outcome of something?”


“Not really. Happiness depends on nothing but you. Happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a choice. But for me, happiness is many things. But there are always my three main sources of happiness. My mom and my friends,” Jisoo said blissfully as I nodded, a bit confused.


“Who’s the third?” I asked curiously as Jisoo chuckled, looking at me straight in the eyes.


“I haven’t realized until now, this very moment. It’s you, Aeji.” I blushed red, looking down as I felt Jisoo’s gaze.


“Jisoo, I’m a loner-“


“I don’t care about that. I accept your craziness and weird tactics wholeheartedly. What I only care about is you and how you make me feel,”


“How do I make you feel?” I asked again, curious for more unanswered questions that lay in my mind ever since the Teddy Bear Museum. Jisoo glanced up to the stars before answering.


“Well, I can’t explain. It’s just, when you’re around me, all I want to do is be with you, make you laugh and smile. When I’m with you, I feel really nervous and my heart beats faster than it should. My mind gets muddled when you smile at me, and my heart pounds loudly when you laugh. And I guess you can add in the butterflies,” Jisoo chuckled as I smiled, not knowing why.


Maybe because everything finally started to make sense.


“Jisoo, I think I like you,” I suddenly uttered, shaking my head in amusement as Jisoo laughed.


“Girl, I knew that ages ago,”


“Still, at least I got it out,” I countered, shrugging nonchalantly. Jisoo shifted position, facing me this time as I glanced towards, raising an eyebrow as a smile formed.




“I don’t think I don’t love your teeth. I think I love you.”


I was about to throw my arms around him when he said, “No wait, I don’t love you.” I glared at him as Jisoo held his hands up in surrender.


“Let me finish! I don’t love you, because I’m in love with you.”


“I hate you,” I growled, putting a hand over my chest to calm my heart beat. Jisoo laughed, shaking his head.


“Come here.” I felt his arms wrap around me carefully as I wrapped my arm around him back, burying my head on his warm chest.


“I like you better than the Rilakkuma pillow, you should know that.”


“Yeah, because the Rilakkuma pillow ever had a chance against me, Panda Girl.”

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Chapter 13: Ella, I know I discovered this quite late, (and trust me, seeing Doyoon's name really made my day). You've never let me down with any of your work and this is one of the best work of yours yet. AND TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH I DIDNT SLEEP READING THIS KAYH? Haha. Keep up the good work Ella♡♡
Chapter 13: This story really deserve an upvote! To tell u the truth, this is the second story i evet upvoted b4. Congratulations
Chapter 1: Uhhhh the world would be so much nice if I get to text someone so sarcastically great like Joshua and Aeji hahahaha
This is really nice <333333
Chapter 13: aawwwwww;; this is soo sweett.