First Day of the Job.

PPP/ Panda Protection Program.

"These two boys are new and I want you to show them around this place. This is their firts job experience so be nice, Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol nodded and smiled at the two. He scanned both their faces and realied they were from school and that Tao was the guy who almost beat him up.

"Hey aren't you the guy who almo-," Chanyeol looked at Tao and felt his heart melting at Tao's cute smile, "nevermind." Chanyeol shook his head and thought ''Nobody that cute can beat my .''. Kris slighty got pissed off at how the creepy boy was staring at his friend but shook it off. 

"So, we are gonna show you who the chef is and blah, blah, blah." they walked over to the kitchen and desperate to see what was going on, the chef was making some dough. Not chopping up panda, or at least right now. 

Chanyeol leaned next to Tao and Kris, "he's really tough." Chanyeol cleared his throat.

"So this is the chef, Sohyung." Sohyung looked up and growled. 

"Can we see how you guys make the baozis?" Tao asked and Chanyeol chuckled.

"Sorry but you need to be working here for at least three weeks in order to see what the special ingredient we put in. Pandas..Tao whispered and felt tears welling up and Kris put his arm around Tao and smiled. Tao looked up with his eyes sparkly with the tears and Kris became mesmerized. Tao smiled and Kris got snapped out his thoughts of Tao and smiled back.

"Okay, 'nuff of this sweet stuff, let's get back to work!" Chanyeol coughed and Kris and Tao awkwardly nodded and followed to meet their other co-workers. That whole process took about twenty-five minutes. Tao and Kris don't even remember the names of the people they just met. Everytime Chanyeol turned around, they would flip him off or call him something mean (awww best friends <3 maybe later they'll be something better?lol jk. or not.) and snicker.

"Well okay, since you guys are new,  you're done for the day and tomorrow we'll get into positions." Chanyeol smiled and Tao and Kris smiled and ran out. 

"THIS GUY IS PISSING ME OFF." Tao yelled and Kris agreed.

"He's too nice." Kris said in disgust and Tao nodded. They stood there in the front of the store staring at the moon and stars.. It was peaceful. Their eyes sparkling in the moonlight. The first time they actually had a nice moment and peaceful moment. They were mesmerized at the stars and moon and then it got interrupted by a little girl tripping on the sidewalk crack and face planting the floor. The little girl started to cry and the dad ran to her and scooped her and ran somewhere. Tao and Kris's head snapped to each other and they started laughing like crazy and uncontrollably loud. In a more detailed description, it's like two laughing hyena's on crack. An ahjusshi walked by and looked at them with dissapointment at how ed up their generation is. So in other words, their peaceful moments never last. 



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can't* fix it :/


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SORRY GUYS FOR NO UPDATES LOL IM SO SORRY XD I'll maybe update in a few days maybe even tonight. Sorry for my lazzyass :/ I gotta stop slacking off. So expect an update in a few days or if i'm feeling inspired i'll write tonight! :DD
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 4: Lolz why hasn't this been continued?? THIS MADE ME LAUGH UP THE !!! and...I want bubble tea now *-*....Please update! ^O^
DragonHeiress #3
Chapter 4: hahahahahahahahahahaha LMAO
Thank you guys so much <3 You guys are the reason why I decided to keep this story going instead of deleting it~ Again I try hard to update but you know how life is...things come up and ruin your plans xD
Chapter 3: Love this story xD Update soon!
Lol this story is funny^^ update soon!
Seoul-Less #7
Chapter 2: Block b instead of plan b, lols. This story is quirky, but cute and I am really enjoying it thus far.
XD I love it so much already JUST from that Foreword XD
Chapter 1: Omg xD lmao cant wait to read more