PPP Meeting.

PPP/ Panda Protection Program.

"So.. Any suggestions on what we should do?" Tao walked around the classroom with his teaching stick (ruler) and pointed the stick left and right, acting as if there were people in their but really, there was only Kris. Kris was bored so he played along.

"I do sir!" Kris raised his hand and waved it around.

 "What is it?" Tao pointed his ruler to Kris and adjusted his glasses with the lenses punched out.

"Apply for a job at the cruel place since it's new, they would need workers and then talk to the butcher and crap." Tao put a hand on his chin and hummed.

"That's a pretty good idea. You get a hug!" Tao turned to a teacher to a dumb student and ran to Kris, hugging him tightly.

"Uhm. You realize YOU have to get the job, not me." Kris looked at Tao who had his arms locked on the taller's shoulders. Tao laughed, "No you're going to get a job with me." Kris laughed, "No." Tao stepped on Kris's foot and hugged him tighter.

"! FINE. Let's apply for the job tomorow!" Kris screamed in frustration.

"Okay. Now let's go to an bubble tea shop." Tao let go and skipped out of the classroom.

"Why is this guy my best friend?" Kris shook his head and walked slowly to Tao.



When they arrived at the nearest bubble tea shop they saw Luhan on Sehun's lap sharing a banana bubble tea together. Kris looked at the sight in disgust. Never knew he was gay..I'm so gonna tell Kai. Tao ordered two watermelon bubble teas (those are so ing dericous) and sat at the farthest table away from everybody. Kris happily drank his tea but Tao stared at his tea seriously and sighed.

"Kris, what if we don't save the pandas?" Kris stopped drinking and set down the reddish drink down slowly.

"I think we can. Just stop worrying. Your pandas will be free by the time you say "wushu"," Kris got up, "i'm gonna get a tissue.". Tao watched as Kris walked away and sighed.

"Wushu..." he said slowly.


LOL there's some people who think Tao is too serious on this...well in this story he's very protective over animals and would do anything to save them. You'll learn more about why he loves pandas so much later. Maybe next chapter. I'm so sorry this is so short. I haven't updated in a while and didn't want you guys to wait so long so I just wanted to update a little chapter because my laptop keeps on turning off :/ Please bear with me ;~;

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can't* fix it :/


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SORRY GUYS FOR NO UPDATES LOL IM SO SORRY XD I'll maybe update in a few days maybe even tonight. Sorry for my lazzyass :/ I gotta stop slacking off. So expect an update in a few days or if i'm feeling inspired i'll write tonight! :DD
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 4: Lolz why hasn't this been continued?? THIS MADE ME LAUGH UP THE !!! and...I want bubble tea now *-*....Please update! ^O^
DragonHeiress #3
Chapter 4: hahahahahahahahahahaha LMAO
Thank you guys so much <3 You guys are the reason why I decided to keep this story going instead of deleting it~ Again I try hard to update but you know how life is...things come up and ruin your plans xD
Chapter 3: Love this story xD Update soon!
Lol this story is funny^^ update soon!
Seoul-Less #7
Chapter 2: Block b instead of plan b, lols. This story is quirky, but cute and I am really enjoying it thus far.
XD I love it so much already JUST from that Foreword XD
Chapter 1: Omg xD lmao cant wait to read more