Oh helllz naw.

PPP/ Panda Protection Program.

Tao was peacfully walking on the streets with his bestfriend Kris until a black and white eatery caught his eye.

"Panda Eats? Oh~ What's this?" Tao said with a funny accent making 'what's this?' sound like a 'whass dees?'. Tao looked at the place up- and- down. The lower body was black and the upper body was white and next to the name "Panda Eats" was a ying-yang sign and a bamboo stick. Tao walked in, ignoring Kris. Kris rolled his eyes and he was sure he saw Tao's eyes turned into black and white hearts. Tao walked in expecting the wonderous place to be full of panda things but to his dissapointment, there was only black and white walls with paintings of pandas and pictures of this packet that said panda on it with fake bamboo plants everywhere. It looked GOOD but not good ENOUGH for le Tao.

"Kris~ Let's order something!"

"I'm not hung-"

"I dont give a ." Tao said quickly and cleared his throat.

"Hi. Can I get.." Tao scanned the menu trying to avoid looking at the cashier's creepy smile. Kris looked at the waitor in disgust and looked at the nametag. Chanyeol. Hey. Doesn't he go to our school?

"Two boazi's."

"Alrightey! Would that be for here or to go?"

"To go. And uhm. Do you have a list of ingredients?" Tao asked. Tao wasn't a picky eater but there were certain things he would not eat and the name 'Panda Eats' concerned him. The cashier nodded and handed Tao a green laminated paper with bamboo prints on it and smiled creepily again. Tao nodded at each ingredient he saw. Green onions, okay that's healthy. Soy sauce, pork, and panda. Tao froze at the last ingredient. The words panda echoing throught his head.

"D-does this say panda?" Tao shakingly asked making Kris curious.

"Yes! As you can see our pict-"


"Oh it's okay! We only put a 2 cups into 9 cups of pork!" the cashier/Chanyeol still had a smile on his face.

"THAT'S 2 CUPS TOO MANY!!" Kris face-palmed and dragged Tao out of the store leaving customers wondering what the hell just happened while Tao was screaming.


"TAO! PLEASE CALM DOWN!!" Kris clutched his ears.


"And if I don't?" Kris rolled his eyes, completely forgeting Tao could wushu his . Tao turned cray cray.

"If you don't i'll get a knife and shove it up your that it will come out of your throat." Kris was sure he saw Tao's eyes turn blood red.

"OKAY! I'm sorry i'll join!" Kris exclaimed taking a step away from Tao.

"Yay! Let's name it the PPP! The Panda Protection Program~" Tao clapped ever so cutely. Kris laughed so hard, he got a six-pack.

"THE ? THE PPP?? THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE PENI-" Kris stopped laughing. Tao looked Kris in his brown eyes.

"Shut. the. . up. and. tell. your. mother. ing. friends." Tao closed his eyes to calm himself. Kris nodded nervously and starting running like the wind to tell his friends to join the 'PPP'. Tao smiled. His pandas were going to be free.

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can't* fix it :/


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SORRY GUYS FOR NO UPDATES LOL IM SO SORRY XD I'll maybe update in a few days maybe even tonight. Sorry for my lazzyass :/ I gotta stop slacking off. So expect an update in a few days or if i'm feeling inspired i'll write tonight! :DD
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 4: Lolz why hasn't this been continued?? THIS MADE ME LAUGH UP THE !!! and...I want bubble tea now *-*....Please update! ^O^
DragonHeiress #3
Chapter 4: hahahahahahahahahahaha LMAO
Thank you guys so much <3 You guys are the reason why I decided to keep this story going instead of deleting it~ Again I try hard to update but you know how life is...things come up and ruin your plans xD
Chapter 3: Love this story xD Update soon!
Lol this story is funny^^ update soon!
Seoul-Less #7
Chapter 2: Block b instead of plan b, lols. This story is quirky, but cute and I am really enjoying it thus far.
XD I love it so much already JUST from that Foreword XD
Chapter 1: Omg xD lmao cant wait to read more