Just Me and You.

PPP/ Panda Protection Program.

"Hi! Would you like to join our club? We're trying to save pandas." Tao pulled out a flyer about his club (with Kris) and handed it to the girl walking by in the school hallway.

"No." the girl looked at Tao up and down and flashed a face with disgust and took the flyer, walked to the trash bin, and threw it away. Damn, she has a nice . Kris bit his lip at the thought.

"Kris, hold my ing backpack. This is going to regret doing that." Tao furiously walked up to the in a pink mini skirt and stopped right infront of her.

"What?" the girl chewed her gum in the most irratating way possible.

"Go in the trash bin and get back my flyer." Tao attempted to say calmly.

"Uhm..I don't take orders. I give orders."

"Hurry the up or i'll rip your earings off your ears." 

The girl made a 'tsk' sound.

"I'd like to see you do so."

"Look, if I fight you, i'll have to transfer schools. I already got into 2 fights in my senior year so please. Just ing get my flyer back." Tao did say it calmly but it sounded harsh and holy-ing scary.

"Fine..Just because you're cute." she walked up to the trash bin and looked if anyone was looking at her and got the flyer in a split second and ran to Tao.

"Here's your flyer." the girl handed Tao his flyer and sashayed away.

"ing ." Tao ran to Kris smiling.

"Gege~ I got my flyer back!"

"We have a whole mother load of flyers right here. No one even took one or even listened to you." Kris sighed.

"Damn it. How are we going to save the pandas?"


"Gotta get to class panda, 5th period is P.E. See you after school." Kris ruffled the confsued boys' hair and speed-walked to 5th period. Tao sighed.

"Gotta bring block b, I mean plan b out." Tao left all the flyers on the floor and skipped to class.



"Hey Tao," Kris waved walked towards the serious looking boy, "why do you look so serious? Wait, you do everyday. But you do aegyo sometimes so I don't k-"

"Kris, I need to ask you something." Tao bit his lip and sighed.

"Sure, go ahead. Are you okay?" Kris felt tense. Did someone pick on him?

"If you had something to do and you had to do it fast, would you wait to get help or just do it."

"I would just do it, but I would at least like to have 1 person helping me. I don't wanna be lonely." Kris said truthfully.

Tao sighed.

"Since no one is getting our flyers and aren't interested, let's just do it together. Just the two of us."

Kris froze. It was going to be a hard job with just 2 people. We're talking about serious stuff here.

"Just..me and you?"

"Mhmm," Tao said nodding his head slowly, "why? you think we can't do it?" Tao looked at Kris with his puppy eyes, ready to bring the monster out, or should I say, the CUTE monster.

"No Tao..Stop it." Kris stepped back and turned his back at Tao.

"Gege~" Tao whined trying to get infront of Kris but Kris kept on turning. Damn..Even his voice is so cute. What the hell.. Tao put his hands on Kris's head and made him face Tao. Tao puffed his cheeks out and winked.

"! Fine." Kris gave up. He was wasn't gay but Tao's aegyo made him melt.

"Thanks gege~ Don't try to back out because i'll you~" Tao skipped away leaving a dumbfounded Kris in the middle of  the school hallway.

"Hey! You need to get to the bus!" Sehun and Kai (Kris's best friends) shouted out to Kris.

"Holy . Thanks!" Kris ran out but only to be stopped by a teacher near by.

"Go back and walk." Kris looked at the teacher (Mrs.Lee) and rolled his eyes.

"ing ."

   It's so short that's what she said ;~; I'm sorry guys if there's any grammar mistakes because i'm doing this on my glitching tablet so please bear with me <3 Thank you subbies and if you can, send my story to your friends and see if they like it and if they do, tell them to subscribe! Love you~



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SORRY GUYS FOR NO UPDATES LOL IM SO SORRY XD I'll maybe update in a few days maybe even tonight. Sorry for my lazzyass :/ I gotta stop slacking off. So expect an update in a few days or if i'm feeling inspired i'll write tonight! :DD
Love2Laugh #2
Chapter 4: Lolz why hasn't this been continued?? THIS MADE ME LAUGH UP THE !!! and...I want bubble tea now *-*....Please update! ^O^
DragonHeiress #3
Chapter 4: hahahahahahahahahahaha LMAO
Thank you guys so much <3 You guys are the reason why I decided to keep this story going instead of deleting it~ Again I try hard to update but you know how life is...things come up and ruin your plans xD
Chapter 3: Love this story xD Update soon!
Lol this story is funny^^ update soon!
Seoul-Less #7
Chapter 2: Block b instead of plan b, lols. This story is quirky, but cute and I am really enjoying it thus far.
XD I love it so much already JUST from that Foreword XD
Chapter 1: Omg xD lmao cant wait to read more