Not bad

I'll make you mine DO Kyungsoo







Another month has passed and here I am, still making my way on Kyungsoo’s heart. My friends and Kyungsoo’s friends all became closer to each other and we’re all now a one big group of awesome people. Yeah, we’re AWESOME. Hahahaha!



Nana became Ms. Campus of the year while Haru’s designs got bought by a famous clothing brand. Lin got casted as a supporting character in a drama and me? I got 37 subscribers now! We’re all happy and Kyungsoo and his friends? They’re still handsome hahahah!


Anyway, today is Valentine’s Day and I’m definitely going to get him to say yes this time. 

I went early to school today only to put a real stethoscope in his locker along with a note  


“My heart beats for you, listen (with it).”


and chocolate cupcake beside it.



But of course, as soon as he saw those things inside his locker, he ignored it all and gave Baekyeol the cupcake taking the stethoscope inside his bag… *Sighs* when are you going to notice me Kyungsoo senpai T^T




A cloudy tomorrow came and it’s school time! JYP filled our agendas with some scripts to interpret while Ms. Boa gave us a 100 page story to do. It’s not that difficult since all we have to do is write a 100 page of story for her to read but I don’t know.


I think that English teacher of our really is a fan of my stories, she made us do it last year too and I wrote a story ‘We got married?!’ and to add with that, all of my classmates’ works got back to them with a grade but she ‘lost’ mine. But she gave me a 10 so I’m not really that disappointed. Besides, I already typed and published that to my AFF account so I got nothing lost.



After lunch, Ms. Boa let us have free time, I mean, time to write our story. I saw Kyungsoo and Baekyeol went to the library making me frown. Aigoo! The good view is gone. So I decided to just stay to the class room with Lin and start to write my story. But then, a thunder got me distracted. I looked outside and saw those dark clouds about to cry.

It’s my last class for today and I think it’s Kyunsoo’s too. I didn’t see him with an umbrella and I don’t want him to get wet. Ottoke?! I don’t want him to get sick, but then, I looked into my bag and ‘Voilà’ my favorite umbrella! Hehehe! I’ll just take a quick shower as soon as I get to the dorm.




And so, I waited outside the library for Kyungsoo to get out. As usual, he’s a hard working student and didn’t leave the library until he’s not finished with his homework.

Baekyeol and the others already left while he was still working hard alone in the library, and me? Oh I just waited for 3 hours for him to finish hiding beside the line of lockers.  Soon the rain started pouring violently and it has gotten colder and colder. *sigh*


Finally! He came out to go home he frowned at the sight of raining and sighed. He didn’t bring his umbrella and he can’t go out because his homework will get soaked. And that, my friends is when the almighty Hasun enters the scene. Or not. Hahaha. Well, not really comes in, but yeah. You get me right?


I took my post it note and wrote something to it before sticking it on to my umbrella. I silently left it in the middle of the hall way and when I got far enough I whistled and run making sure he finds my umbrella.

I know he’ll probably decline using my umbrella if I were to share it with him. After all, he’s still distant to me and is supposed to be ignoring me.



He turned around to see an umbrella in the middle of an empty hallway with a familiar stick note on it. knowing it was my doing, he walked towards my umbrella and picked it up reading the note on it.



“Let’s share this next time, ne?”



I wrote on the paper making a small smile appear on his face.



“Sehun’s right. She’s not that bad.” Kyungsoo said in his mind remembering on how the guys are helping me with the wooing thing complementing me like I'm the most perfect girl in the universe and went outside using the umbrella to go home dry.


I was hiding hear the stairs smiling like fool, happy that I finally get him to smile, A smile that I caused, a smile that is perfect in any way, a genuine smile that I wished to see whenever he sees me. Don’t worry Hasun-ah, soon. He’ll realize it. 

I wanted for another 5 minutes before going outside, happily skipping on my way home not even caring about the rain. I hope he got home safely.




Kyungsoo and his friends all spent their Saturday evening resting and laying around in their dorm when Chanyeol thought of playing a game.


“Guys! Let’s play monopoly!” he said earning the attention on the five.

“Sure, it’s been a while since we played that game.” Sehun said and sat beside the coffee table ready to play.

“I’ll get the board game then.” Suho said and darted towards his room.

“You on Baek?” Chanyeol asked making Baekhyung smirk.


“Are you all ready to face the owner of the best properties of all monopoly cities?” he mocked. The last time they played, Baekhyun won with flying colors.



“Bring it on, BACON!” Sehun and Chenyeol accepted the challenge as they sat surrounding the table while Suho placed the board game in the middle.


“Jongin! Kyungsoo! You guys playing or what?” Suho asked the two. Kai was lazily lying on the sofa listening to music while Kyungsoo was busily flicking the pile of post its I gave him.



To every note I give him, I always doodle a stick man and it seems like it's constructing an I Love You letters and it's alomost done with the you.





He has to admit that I’m doing really well with this wooing thing that I never gave him any boring stuffs. Sometimes they’re weird but they’re all memorable just like the first time he met me.

“I’m on.” Jongin told and lazily walked to be with the group.

“Sure.” Kyungsoo said and sat beside Suho and Baekhyun.


“But let’s make it interesting this time.” Kai grinned. “The one who loses has to perform a dare from the winner.” He explained.

“You mean a dare from me?” Baekhyun pointed to himself confidently. “Sure! I won’t mind saying orders to you guys.” He shrugged.

“I’m in!” Suho cooed along with the other members.

“Now let the game start!” Chanyeol fixed the game board and the game started.


“Prepare for my dare, peasants.” Baekhyun grinned as he counted his money while Jongin just grinned to himself.



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I'll end this story today.. thank you for reading


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Chapter 16: So fluffly :))
Sookyung12 #2
Chapter 16: Aaaahhh~~ so sweet okay. I just can't //// i'm blushing really really like REALLY hard here TwT
Chapter 16: I love this cute and squishy..i really enjoyed it..^^
nowaywth #5
Chapter 16: I loved it ,, I hate how there are few kyungsoo stories ,, I mean most of his are kaisoo,, I don't want that I want oc + kyungsoo love love love. I'm fine with kaisoo and I love them and they are cute but still...
I want my squishy soo feels
Chapter 16: 'cause I'm ing obsessed with kyungsoo again huhuhuhuhuhu *le cries Han river* ATE MAKE A KYUNG FIC AGAIN JEBAAAL! <3
Cathiesnow #7
spoonboi87 #8
Chapter 16: Ilove it! Hahhha thanks for sharing.. It was very beautiful plot :)
hahiho96 #9
Chapter 16: Oh. It's cute... kkkk~ sequel please??