Kyung to the Soo

I'll make you mine DO Kyungsoo






After lunch, Lin and I went to our next class while Nana and Haru went to theirs. Nana and Haru are majoring Fashion designing and I’m classmates with Lin. I sat near the windows in case, you know, Alexander passes by again. Hehehe. But I was so wrong… Why? You’ll know soon.



Ms. Boa went in and the students started taking their seats as the class was about to start. But then, a knock echoed in the room making everyone turn at the closed door.


“Come in.” Ms. Boa said and the door opened revealing - - - OH! MY! GOD! The Alexander of my life with two other Adonis looking guys. They’re cute, one looks like a puppy while the other looks like a model only if he stops doing that creepy smile.


“Uhm, is this the Engrish class?” The puppy looking guy asked the teacher.


“Yes, this is the ENGLISH class.” Ms. Boa replied correcting the pronunciation. “Are you the transfer students?” she returned back a question. Ms. Boa is a little bit grumpy. You know, single ladies in the late 20’s. 


“Nee.” Alexander answered this time making my feels overload and scream in happiness. His voice is so lovely OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!




“AHHHHHH!” I screamed. And then, I turned to see him (everyone) looking at me. *sighs* those eyes, yes look only at me Alexander. 


But wait, ! 


I know that look! NOOO!! Not that O.O look OTL.


I stopped my spazzing and everything fell silent as the whole class looked at me like a nutcase, judging every inch of my soul. 




“SEGUENYAAAAA MABAGITHI BABA!!” I sang with my eyes not leaving Alexander. Oh god. I know, but this is the only thing I could think of to relieve my pride. Hope it works.


I smiled at him and turned to the traumatized Lin. “And that’s how you sing ‘The circle of life’” I said to her and sat down mentally killing myself because of the humiliation I slapped to myself. 


He probably thinks I’m brainsick!! EOTTOKE?!!




For those who don’t get it, this is the song the OC sung (the intro):  





After that humiliation, the class finally started and I must say, I really enjoyed learning about my future hubby, I mean English. And guess what?! His name is not Alexander but Do Kyungsoo.


Do. Kyung. Soo. *Sighs* isn’t it perfect? How the ‘kyung’ is connected to the last syllable ‘soo’ and don’t get me started on how perfect his surname is. 


Anyway, his name is perfection, I mean Kyungsoo and I also learned that he’s a transfer student. He’s majoring culinary arts but changed into music. We’re at the same department and have English and Hanguk together.

YES!!! I tell you. THIS! IS! FREAKING! FATED!! Like we’re meant to be OMG! *crying rivers* 



Sadly, the class ended and I have to be parted to my Do Kyungsoo. *Sighs* But look at the bright side, I’ll see him again tomorrow in Hanguk class and I have to admit, today’s class was pretty ‘educating’  *nods* I learned a lot today!! 


After spending my 1st week in love, I mean in school. I stalked learned a lot about the man of my dreams. He’s a great cook and has a very good voice. His grades from last year wasn’t bad either and the most important- worth spazzing for, is that he’s living in an all-boys dorm   that is just across mine which is all girls, I dorm with my 3 BFFs by the way.


Anyway, enough about me...



Kyungsoo is living in the dorm across mine. He’s at the 2nd floor, door 3, 5th window starting from the right, the one that has dark blue curtain.



Hehehe! I also told my friends about it and they accused me of being a stalker . *Rolls eyes* How could they say that?! I mean, researching and stalking are two different things and if you want to know how they’re different, GOOGLE it, ne?



Time passed by so quickly and my feelings for that adorable man just keep on growing every day and knowing him make me love him more.

He’s a very hard working and talented person; he’s also timid around girls and has a lot of good looking friends. And when I say good looking, I mean GOOD looking! But of course, the only one that stands out for me is him. And there! I decided!!



I’m going to confess to him!! 




The next day approached and it’s already lunch break, Nana and Haru had some things to do while Lin was practicing some dance for the upcoming school project so in short, I was alone.

But it doesn’t matter because I’m also busy looking for my target and went to the canteen. And there he was, in their usual table, eating with his friends and the chit chat.


I made my way to them and it didn’t take forever for them to notice me.




“Excuse me.” I interrupted their conversation and they all curiously turned to me. You can do this Hasun! I was a little bit nervous since this is the 1st time I'm going to talk to him in person.




“Can I talk to Kyungsoo-ssi for a second?” I asked wasting no time making the whole table filled with the boy’s ‘Ohhhhs’ and teasing look towards Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo looked at me with his big round perfect eyes and blinked at me clueless. “May I help you miss?” he asked me while his friends tried their best not to tease, laugh and giggle. Yes help me bring my heart back you squishy dude!


I flashed him my biggest smile and crossed my arms with confidence. “Yes,” I replied and he just blinked at me. 



“What can I help you then?” he asked nervously. He’s so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!


I chuckled at his shyness and smiled. 





“I like you.” I said bluntly making his eyes wide in shock and his friends boomed spazzing almost flipping tables. I think it was obvious that this is the 1st time someone confessed in front of them. Aigoo! Control yourselves. These children!


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I'll end this story today.. thank you for reading


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Chapter 16: So fluffly :))
Sookyung12 #2
Chapter 16: Aaaahhh~~ so sweet okay. I just can't //// i'm blushing really really like REALLY hard here TwT
Chapter 16: I love this cute and squishy..i really enjoyed it..^^
nowaywth #5
Chapter 16: I loved it ,, I hate how there are few kyungsoo stories ,, I mean most of his are kaisoo,, I don't want that I want oc + kyungsoo love love love. I'm fine with kaisoo and I love them and they are cute but still...
I want my squishy soo feels
Chapter 16: 'cause I'm ing obsessed with kyungsoo again huhuhuhuhuhu *le cries Han river* ATE MAKE A KYUNG FIC AGAIN JEBAAAL! <3
Cathiesnow #7
spoonboi87 #8
Chapter 16: Ilove it! Hahhha thanks for sharing.. It was very beautiful plot :)
hahiho96 #9
Chapter 16: Oh. It's cute... kkkk~ sequel please??