o4|| In Close Proximity

Too Scared To Love 난 두려워



- “Um, so we have to start off with the couple dance. What should we do?”

I could feel the uncomfortable tone in his voice. It’s not like we ever danced together for real before. Before I could reply, there was a loud knock on the door. I sighed, at least we could put off that awkward planning for a little bit.

- “Oh, Taemin? What’s up?”

“- Noona, we all have a different concept to our dances. Hyung forgot to mention it to us and he asked me to tell everyone.”

- “Concept? Well… okay... what’s ours”

- “Noona and Hyung have to look like they’re in love. Hyung said it is supposed to be intimate, but smooth.”

Both Donghae and I immediately looked at each other. I saw his face all red, and I’m pretty sure he saw the same color appear on mine.

- “Wait. Uh, what is your concept?”

- “Luna and I have to be strong and playful!”

Oh, great! I’m here with my partner whom I have feelings for, and I don’t even know what he thinks of me. Now, we have to do a dance that involves us looking like we’re in love. I think I want to jump out the window.

- “Okay, okay! Hurry, we need to start.”

Donghae came up beside me and quickly pushed Taemin out of the room. When he closed the door, he turned and faced me and then quickly moved his eyes to the ground. I think we’ve must of stayed silent for a while. I could literally reach out and feel the awkwardness in the air.

- “Yoona! Come here, Oppa has an idea!”

All of a sudden, Donghae smiled brightly and skipped over to stand in front of the mirror. He waved me over quickly. What’s gotten into him? Out of nowhere, he turns into a different person…

- “I’m growing old here! Hurry!”

He looked at me in the reflection of the mirror. When I looked up, I felt as if all the awkward feelings disappeared and a laugh replaced the silence in my mouth. Donghae was making a face; he pulled on both his eyes, puffed out his cheeks, and stuck out his tongue. Haha! Leave it to him to make my day in a split second!


I needed to erase all of my queasiness. We need to focus on this… well at least I get to get close with Yoona! Isn’t that a good thing, why am I so embarrassed? I just need to take this opportunity, hehe!

- “Okay, how about we start with you and me facing each other? We can turn our heads; you face the left, I’ll face the right.”

- “Oh… okay…”

She walked over, and clumsily tripped over herself. I leaped over to her in a heartbeat. Is she okay, no cuts, no bruising, does her leg hurt? I knew the answer when I saw her face, her face was priceless! I laughed out loud.

- “Oppa! How can you be so mean?”

She playfully hit me. I held my hand out to her and helped her up. The next thing I knew, I was still hanging onto it when we walked over to the mirror.

- “Oppa? My hand…”

- “No, no. Keep it there, I’ll also hold your hand.”

My mouth spoke for me yet once again. STUPID DONGHAE! Then I felt a little grip in my hands, my heart beat wildly. Her little hand fit perfectly into mine. It was soft and delicate, and my grip would shield it from any danger. I guess she doesn’t mind then? Her hand feels so warm, although it was so hot, I want to hold onto it. I snuck my other arm around her waist and grinned slyly at her. If she isn’t going to reject, why not make this more intimate. That’s what you wanted right, Hyung?

- “Oppa! Isn’t this too much for the beginning?”

- “Aniyo, we have to be like a real couple anyways… come on Yoona-ah! Just go along with it… I won’t do anything bad to you.”

I don’t know what’s taken over me. I feel like a new person. Acting confident so suddenly, it feels great! No one can stop me with this routine. I’m going to make the most of it; no one’s going to stop me.

- “Oppa, how about we can then walk away from each other while our hands are still lingering and then they finally let go.”

- “Okay, sounds good!”

She looked at me with a small smile. I feel so relieved; she isn’t pushing me away at the very least. I’m satisfied with this for now.

- An Hour Later –

- “Yoona, lean in more!”

Yoona was against me with her back to me and we were doing s-waves against each other. She still seemed so timid about it, it was so cute looking at her with her eyes on the ground, she’s such an innocent thing. 

- “Oppa! I’m a little embarrassed about doing this!”

She turned and faced me, her face was completely red. I couldn’t help but laugh, she called me name again while pouting. I wanted to , it was adorable!

- “Aish, oppa! You’re so annoying!”

She stuck her tongue out at me, and I laughed a bit more.

- “Yoona-ah! I was just kidding! Calm down, it’s okay, this is just a performance…”

- “Hmph! Oppa is mean…”

I pinched her cheeks and spun her around and went back to rehearsing before she could make another sound again. I sighed and smiled to her through the mirror only to be returned with her tongue sticking out… haha! Oh well…


- 5 Hours Later –

- “Oppa? What next?”

I could hear him breathing a little heavy. Maybe he’s tired? We’ve gotten pretty far into the choreography. I’m rather pleased with my waving and popping! He’s been a good leader, I feel more comfortable, like this is coming to me by instinct. But what do we do now? He’s standing behind me, what should we do next?

- “Yoona, let Oppa rest like this for a second…”

Before I could reply, he stayed in his position right behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. My heart started beating wildly, it feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest in seconds. When he put his hands to rest on the sides of my arms, I felt like I was going to melt out of his arms. This feeling, it’s new and stronger than ever! I felt protected and cared; as if nothing could harm me with his arms by my sides. And then all of a sudden, he let his arms fall back to his sides and slid his chin off of my shoulders. All too soon, I felt like I was vulnerable to the world once again... AISH! IM YOONA! COME BACK TO YOUR SENSES! YOU ARE LETTING YOUR MIND RUN OFF AGAIN!

- “Hmm, how about this to end our dance?”

Donghae jumped back to life, he told me to stand there and look at him. As if it was instinctive, my eyes did as they were told and I looked at the man who was sweating, his bangs were ruffled about, and he was panting a little. Although it wasn’t the normal sight you’d want to see in a man; seeing him work so hard, I wanted to make the best out of our hard work. Then he started to dance around me. Not dancing hard, but the soft and subtle moves he’d usually do onstage for his fans. With each turn, he moved closer and closer into me until our faces and bodies were and inch apart from each other…


There she is, looking at me as if I was the only one she could ever see. She looks so innocent. All I can do is gaze back at her, I want to take in her sight, I want to let her know I’m the one she needs. My body is listening to what my hearts yearns for, and I’m perfectly fine with that. Standing at that one inch away from her, I want to close the distance that hangs between us…


- “We’ll end with this…”

Donghae Oppa said softly and then pulled my hands to his face so that I could cup his cheeks lightly. He pulled my waist and rested his forehead against mine. He inhaled deeply and smiled quietly and I just had to return with a smile of my own. There, a simple ending that was filled with an endless amount of emotion. I wanted to stay in this position for a while, just standing here with him like this. It feels like the exhaustion of the day was swept out of me, leaving a refreshed feeling. He looked into my eyes as if I truly was his, he’s a good performer! Oh how I wish that this moment could be real… but I can’t think that way, because he is just my oppa, and he thinks of me as only his dongseng.

- “Oppa! You’re expressions were great! You’re such a good actor, try it out sometime, hehe!”

I pulled away from him before I wanted to hold onto him even more. I tried my best to put a smile on my face and cover up my shyness and the longing inside of me. But his grin slowly faded into a disappointed look, did I do something wrong?!


Acting? Who said I was acting…


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Chapter 1: please update soon
putrilovefishy #2
update pleassseee..
ParanNunMul #3
Update? :) Your background is flashy XD
WaiYeing #4
Laaaah! Update soon! I love yonhae ehehe and ur stories like really intense :) x
MoshiSoshi #5
Thanks for the comment :)<br />
@tiShe13 it actually came from yoonhae's forum but i don't think many people can see it so i decided to repost this to FF so many people can see
tiSheE13 #6
hey, u changed your title? i think i read this story before! my fave, so when i searched for it nothing came.. and i found this!;)