Just Like Old Times

It All Started As A Simple Friendship

"There's another surprise I have for you," Kevin smiled as he took her hand and led her to another part of the rooftop.

"Kev, this is enough for me," Anna followed him. "You don't have to go all out fo-woa..." she stopped to see as she saw a bench that was facing towards the sunset. "Kevin," Rose looked at him.

"What?" He looked back at her with an innocent look on his face.

"You really didn't have to do all this."

"How else would I get your attention if you wouldn't even talk to me? I've tried to talk to you in the halls, texted you, and even called you and you would ignore them. This was the only way."

"I was waiting for you to stop me," she took a seat on the bench. "I was waiting for you to tell me how foolish you were."

"That's a lie," he smiled before turning around and grabbing a bag of chips by the picnic basket. "I know you're lying to me, that was SOOOO cheesy." He walked back and sat down next to her.

"You're right," she laughed quietly. "You know me so well, I thought I'd be able to fool you."

"Anna I've known you for a while now." He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her. She gladly accepted this and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Kevin can I ask you something?" Anna asked as she took a chip from a bag that was placed between them while watching the sunset.

"Sure, what's up?"

"How did you get this set up so nicely?" She scanned the beautifully decorated area.

"Thank Eli and Soohyun for this," he smiled and reminding himself to thank them later. "They helped me discover my true feelings for you. And they got the school janitor to set this up."

"The janitor?" She gave him an are-you-for-real look.

"I know, I was shocked too. Eli said that he got connections with the school janitor. He told me not to tell anyone else, but Eli does something like this whenever he confesses to a girl that he likes. No wonder sometimes he doesn't want to hang out with us sometimes..." his voice trailed off as he munched on a chip.

"That playboy," Anna laughed as she shook her head. "Falling in love too easily..."

"He'll find someone," Kevin said.

They stayed there until the sun almost disappeared. They quickly cleaned up the place and put everything back in its perspective places. The sun had already disappeared when they had stepped off school property and walked along the busy streets in town. They decided to drop by the cafe nearby to get something to drink and walk home.

"So..." Anna began while she sipped on her drink. "Should we tell the others what happened?"

"Hmmm," he concentrated while sipping his drink for a long time.

"Kevin I know you like that drink so much but you gotta answer me." Anna laughed at the almost non-moving person next to her.

"Sorry, this tastes soooo good you know," he chuckled. "But anyways, maybe we should let them see themselves."

"In other words... Surprise them?"


"Alright, I'm down for that." She smiled as she took another sip of her drink. "I like surprising people, especially when it comes to our small group of friends. Their reactions are priceless every single time."

"Great," he chuckled at her enthusiasm. They continued to walk home in the peaceful silence until they arrived at Anna's house. "Aww, I'm home," she pouted.

"Our little first date has been fun though," Kevin looked down at her and smiled.

"True," she looked up to him and smiled back. "Want to chill out at my place before you go to make this date last a little bit longer?"

"Alright," he chuckled as Anna opened the front door to her house.

"Mom, dad, I'm hoooome," Anna's voice rang throughout the house. "Mom? Dad?" She began looking around the house to find that her parents aren't home. "Oh right, mom's attending a fashion show dinner and my dad is at work tonight..." She said in realization.

"Oh really?" Kevin sat down on the couch. "When are they getting back?"

"Well you know my dad works overnight, so he'll be back in the morning. As for my mom, she'll be back late." She answered as Kevin nodded in response. "So..." Anna sat down next to him and the TV. "What do you want to do? Should we watch TV? Maybe a movie?" She began flipping through the channels. After finding the channel she wanted to watch, she put down the remote and turned to look at him and found him staring at her. "What, is there something on my face?" She looked at him innocently. Then Kevin leaned in closer and closer, closing his eyes and letting his lips lock with hers, giving her a long, meaningful and passionate kiss. Without hesitation, she kissed him back. Their arms were immediately wrapped around each other and pulling each other closer to deepen the kiss. Kevin's hands were tangled in Anna's hair while Anna's hands was gently on his neck and shoulders, pulling him closer to her. The kiss turned into making out and before they knew it they were lying down on the couch, Anna lying down and Kevin right on top of her.

"Oh hey Anna you're ho-"

"OHMYG-" Anna pushed Kevin off her, making Kevin fall and hit the floor. "Mom! I thought you were coming home late!"

"I know, but the show was boring, so I left." Mom set her bag down on the sofa chair near the door. "What was that thud? And why is your hair so messed up?"

"Hi Mrs. ______," Kevin quickly got up.

"Oh hey there Kevin, didn't see you there," Anna's mom looked at the two of them. "What was going on here?"

"Oh," Anna tried to come up with something quick. "We... We were ju-"

"Just fooling around like the old days," Kevin answered with a nervous laugh. "You know, where we would play fight over something ridiculous on TV and all..."

"Yeah, those were good times... Just reminiscing the old days too, that's all," Anna added.

"Okay," Anna's mom eyed the two of them. "Well, I am heading off to bed. Kevin do you want anything to eat?"

"No thank you Mrs. ______, Anna and I ate earlier." He politely declined. "Maybe I should get going so I could let you rest and all..." his voice drifted off.

"Nono, you can stay here as long as you want. I'll let you sleepover to continue reminiscing the old days, it's been a while since Anna's father and I have seen you Kevin, work has really kept us occupied."

Kevin and Anna looked at each other, then back to Anna's mom. "Are you sure it's okay Mrs. ______?"

"It's completely fine! Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Just let your mom know that you'll be here okay?"

"Thank you Mrs. ______," Kevin smiled.

"No problem!" Anna's mom started heading up the stairs. "I'll be upstairs if you need me okay?"

"Okay!" Anna and Kevin yelled in unison. "This is gonna be great!" Anna turned to him and hugged him. "Just like old times, right?"

"Definitely," Kevin smiled and hugged her again. "Maybe I should go back and change clothes, I don't want to be sleeping in my uniform," he chuckled.

"Oh yeah, I should change too. See you later okay?"

"Yep! Later," he gave her a peck on the lips.

"See ya!" She giggled after what he just did and watched him walk out the door. 


Well that finally took a while to finish... geez I really need to stop putting off things >.< anyways, sorry to keep you all waiting, hope you enjoyed this chapter! There will be more to come, probably more romantic stuff *wink wink* stay tuned~~~~

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ValeKissme #1
Chapter 6: Please update! -showing puppy eyes-
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate1016 #3
Chapter 5: YAY!!! An update!! it's ok for updating in a while authornim! If you don't have the touch or feel for the story, thats fine. Just don't force yourself to write or continue the story. Even though i love this story and the oneshot, I'd rather you write with feelings instead of it being forced. Love this update! I'm glad Kevin is finally opening up a little!
ValeKissme #4
Chapter 4: Beautiful! Now the one-shot really sounds like a teaser ahahah can't wait for the next chapter :)
Yuki2591 #5
Chapter 4: Great story!♥ please update soon o>_<o~ i want to see how their relationship ends :D
Kate1016 #6
Chapter 4: Haha I love the old Jonas Brothers! Remember when JB stood for Jonas Brothers and not Justin Bieber?? But anyways, I love this story so far, but WHY KEVIN!!!!!! Why would he leave her hanging like that?? They both like each other and he just passed up the golden opportunity to take their relationship to the next level.
babyxgirlx704 #7
Awh my name is Anna! Puahaha awesome can't wait for the next update!
erialc #8
Chapter 3: So cheesy, you :D at can't wait for Kevin to confess GAHAHHA
erialc #9
Chapter 2: Awwie Kevin just confess already! Him asking her out to the semi formal was so damn cute aw :D
Kate1016 #10
Chapter 1: yeah! A sequel!! I can't wait for the rest! So far so good. I liked the cooties and when they both yelled "ICE CREAM!" because i did that toda- i mean.. um... when i was little...