
It All Started As A Simple Friendship



Monday morning rolled around and Anna did not want to be here. From a distance  she saw Kevin at his locker, getting ready for class. She felt that she made one of the biggest mistakes in her life by confessing to him on the night of the semi-formal. Ever since that night, that scene kept replaying in her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She heaved a sigh as she entered the classroom and slammed her books on the desk. "Ugh, I am such an idiot," she mumbled to herself. She wanted to hide from him, but there was no possible way if they have every single class together, especially when in every single class, they sit next to each other. She took her books out of her bag while Kevin walked in and sat next to her. Her stomach began to form knots. "H-hi Kevin," she stuttered. Why am I like this, she thought. She mentally slapped herself in the face.
"Oh, hey," Kevin replied in a disinterested tone, never making eye contact with her. She had never seen him nor heard him like this. As the day went on, she tried to talk to him about Saturday, but he would turn away and pretend he didn't hear anything. When lunchtime came around, they would alternate days on their schedule when they would have lunch together or with their own group of friends. Today they were supposed to have lunch together, but instead Kevin decided to sit with his friends. After school they would walk home together since they lived near each other. But when Anna asked him to walk home with her, Kevin told her that he was going to be with his friends and that he will arrive home a bit late. The same thing happened again the next few days, and at that time, Anna began to feel hurt. As the days went on, this became more noticeable to both groups of friends. Melanie couldn't stand not being in the know so she texted everyone excluding Anna and Kevin for a brief meeting outside school where they would usually see the two of them happily walking out together.
"Okay Mel, what's going on?" Soohyun asked as everyone gathered.
"You're lucky all of us had study hall last period," Kiseop added. "This better be important."
"It is," she replied in a stern voice. "Haven't you noticed Anna and Kevin's behavior lately? They've been acting like this for the past two weeks ever since the semi-formal. Something happened between the two of them and even though it's really none of my business, it bothers me to see Anna this upset and I want to know why."
"So, why are meeting here so early?" Dongho asked.
"After school, Anna and Kevin would meet here to walk home. I'm pretty sure that for the past couple weeks they'd walk home separately. I saw them the other day and they were like this. It's weird," Mel started to get concerned.
A few minutes later, the bell rang, signaling that school is over for the day.  They eventually they came out, Anna following Kevin. "Are you going to be with your friends again today?" She asked, hoping he would say no. But as usual, his reply was a yes and walked away with that same disinterested face. When he got down to the steps he quickly put a smile and acted like nothing happened. "Hey guys, ready to hit the park?" Kevin looked excited.
The members quickly glanced at each other not knowing where to go from here. Anna sighed and walked down the steps.  
"Uh, sure Kev," Dongho smiled, acting like nothing really happened.
"Yeah, me too," Eli came to his side.
Anna came down the steps. "Hey Anna," Mel greeted.
"Hey," she answered, not making eye contact with anyone. Mel turned to the guys. "SEE?" She mouthed at them. 
"Hey Anna, are you okay?" Kiseop asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," she answered curtly as she headed home. Mel followed after her. They watched them go as they began to realize what Mel said was true. Then, Hoon got an idea. "Actually, I have something I have to do at home, so I'll see you tomorrow," Hoon shifted.
Everyone except Kevin looked at each other and then back at Hoon. "What?!" Eli and Dongho mouthed at him. Kevin started to get suspicious.
Hoon quickly nudged Soohyun. "Y-yeah I just remembered I have to help you with that," Soohyun added and came to Hoon's side.
Then AJ started to get the idea. "Oh yeah, Kiseop and I can't hang out either," AJ said. "We have to tutor someone today," he added.
"What?!" Kiseop said in shock. "When did I-" he was cut off by AJ's quick glare at him. "I-I oh yeah, I almost forgot," he nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"So, I guess the four of us will see you tomorrow," Soohyun said and began to walk towards the parking lot.
"Guys, if you don't want to hang out with me, just say so," Kevin sighed. "You don't have to lie to me."
"What?" Kiseop nervously chuckled. "What do you mean lying to you? What in the world are you talking about?"
"Whatever, see you guys," Kevin turned around towards the direction of the park. Eli and Dongho followed in pursuit. Behind Kevin, Eli got a text from Hoon.
Meet us at the café by 5pm. I got a plan. I've texted Anna's friends to come too.
As they were silently walking to the park, Eli nudged Dongho. He showed him the text and nodded in agreement. Kevin turned around just as Eli put his phone back in his pocket. "You guys are really quiet today, did something happen?"
Eli and Dongho nervously exchanged glances. "Nothing happened," Eli turned back to Kevin and gave him a reassuring smile.
"Yeah, okay..." Kevin slowly turned around. It became silent again as they arrived at the park a minute later and sat down on the grass. They began doing homework when Eli broke the silence. "Hey Kev, I just wanna ask you something. Why have you been ignoring Anna lately? Did something happen between the two of you?"
Kevin stopped writing and looked up at him. "We're fine, why do you ask?"
"You guys haven't been talking and it's concerning all of us," Dongho said.
"Guys, we're fine. We just don't feel like talking. It seems like we've ran out of things to say, that's all."
"For a couple weeks?" Eli asked. Kevin remained silent. "Kev, something happened at the semi-formal. What's up bro. A lot of interesting talk-worthy things had happened over the past two weeks. What isn't there to talk about?"
"I feel that he's avoiding her after the semi-formal," Dongho looked over to Eli.
Kevin slammed his book closed and got up. "You know what, I think I have to do something at home, so I'll see you guys tomorrow." He grabbed his things and hastily left. They watched him leave and looked at each other.
"Well I guess we have to push that meeting up a couple hours..." Eli's voice drifted off as he took out his phone.
Around 3:45, everyone met up at the café like Hoon said. Everyone from U-Kiss and Anna's friends except for Anna and Kevin showed up on time.
"So, how did things go with Kevin?" Rae took a sip of her smoothie.
"It was quiet at first," Eli began.
"But then we asked him what was up between him and Anna and he just completely ignored us and hastily left, saying how he has to do something at home."
"So Hoon, what's this all about?" Christine began to curl her hair with her finger out of boredom.
"We've all noticed that Anna and Kev have been avoiding each other after the semi-formal. Does anyone know what happened?"
It grew quiet as everyone was looking at each other waiting for a response. Then Mel heaved a sigh and stared at the table. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I was over at Anna's house before I came here." She looked up to see everyone turn their attention on her. "She finally realizes that she sees Kevin more than a friend and confessed to him right before he left the semi-formal. She said that Kevin didn't know what to say and left. Ever since he hasn't been talking to her."
Everything became silent again as they were all trying to process everything.
"It's about time she realizes," AJ spoke up.
"What are we gonna do? We made a promise we'd all be here for the two of them," Soohyun said.
"Maybe we should talk to Kevin about this," Kiseop answered.
"We tried that. He avoided our question and left," Dongho said sternly.
"I'll try and talk to him," Soohyun volunteered. "And Eli, since you've went out with a lot of girls, can you help me out with this?"
"Okay for your information I went on a lot of DATES. I've been in just two relationships!" Eli protested.
"Whatever! You still had some dating experience!" Soohyun fired back.
"Okay okay," Mel calmed them down. "You two will talk to Kev and figure things out. I'll see what I can do with Anna," she got up and gathered her things. "Meeting adjourned."
Before Anna went to bed, she checked her phone to see if he responded to her text. There was no response, so she turned her phone off. I knew it would end up like this, she thought as she lied down and stared out the window, looking up at the full moon lighting up the night sky. If he doesn't want to be friends with me, he could've said something. Fine. Be that way.
For the next several days she ignored him. They both avoided each other all week. On Saturday, Kevin was just on his laptop when Soohyun and Eli came by to hang out. "Hey guys," Kevin smiled.
"Hey," they said as they entered the living room and sat on the couch.
"So what is it that you want to talk about?" Kevin brought his laptop with him and set it on the table. 
"Kev, it should be obvious to why we're here." Eli said plainly.
"Well, yeah, to hang out and do homework and video games, right?" Kevin looked at them, acting like the real reason why they're here didn't exist.
"We've been here almost every day this week. We gave you many clues. How do you still not get it?"
"Get what?" He asked as he went back to his laptop.
"Geez, you're just as oblivious as Anna," he sat up. "You know what, I'm just gonna go flat out with this," he nudged Soohyun to sit up.
"Kevin, why are you avoiding Anna?" Eli asked bluntly.
Kevin stopped typing and sat there, not knowing how to respond. He stared at his laptop and heaved out a sigh and continued typing. Soohyun and Eli exchanged glances. "You know this is making her upset right?" Soohyun added. "Are you even listening to us?"
Kevin ignored them and continued typing. Eli got up and closed the laptop and took it from him. "Hey! What the hell man?!" Kevin got up and tried to get his laptop from him.
"Answer our question first!" Eli shot back at him. "Why are you avoiding Anna?" He repeated.
"I'm too lazy to answer that," he swung his legs and fell back onto the couch.
"Dude shut up," Soohyun said. "Stop avoiding the question."
"Whatever," he scoffed. "If you're going to keep this up, I'm just going to leave and go somewhere else where you won't bother me with this." He got up and got his laptop and started to make his way to the door, but Eli and Soohyun beat him to it, blocking the door. 
"Dude, Anna LIKES you. Why are you trying to run away from this?" Soohyun said sternly. "She's really hurt that you've been ignoring her for the past few weeks!" Kevin fell silent as he focused his gaze on the floor.
"Anna has been your BEST friend for YEARS. You proved to us and yourselves that you've gotten through tougher things than this," Eli said. "You're just gonna end the friendship right here all because of of this?" He paused.
Kevin slammed his laptop on the small table by the door. "I'M JUST SCARED, ALRIGHT?" He yelled. He leaned his back against the wall and sunk down to the floor. He buried his face into his knees. "Anna's confession... I don't know, but for some reason I found it all too sudden," he began. "After I left, I started thinking of the what-ifs if we ever went out. Half of me tells me that we should date, but the other half tells me to just remain friends."
"So the only way to solve this is to run away and ignore her?!" Eli stood in front of the hunched over figure. "You think that's the right thing to do?"
Kevin huffed out a sigh. "I'm being stupid again, am I..." his voice drifted.
"Yes," Soohyun muttered. Eli shot him a glare. "Look," Soohyun quickly came to Kevin's side. "You can fix this. Don't be scared of this. All of us know that you both like each other, except for the two of you. We will always support the both of you. We've got your backs."
"If you're scared about what will the future hold, don't be," Eli added. "Be worried about the present day. What's happening right now. And right now, Anna is severely hurt."
"How do I fix this?" Kevin asked.
"I've got a plan," Eli reassured him. "Let's just hope Anna will cooperate." He held out his hand to help Kevin up. He got up and walked back to the couch, sat down and covered his face. "I'm such an idiot," he muttered.
"No you're not," Eli came over and sat next to him. "You just didn't know what to do."
Kevin ran his fingers through his hair and flung his head back on the couch, letting it slightly hang at the back. "Kev, relax. We have a plan," Eli looked over at him. "Besides, all of my plans have worked successfully."
"Fine, I trust you," Kevin nodded. "So, what's the plan?"
"Let's just say," Soohyun paused. "It's all down to acception or rejection." The three of them immediately went to work to make this hopefully-successful plan works.
I feel REEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLYYYYYY bad for not updating. I'm so sorry, there has been some personal issues I had to deal with, and I'm kinda gonna make this story a bit short... it's been a while and idk if that... touch for this story is still here... but I bet you know how this ends right? (for those who read the one-shot, I mean lol) maybe I MIGHT make another sequel? MIGHT.... but anyways... hope you liked it!


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ValeKissme #1
Chapter 6: Please update! -showing puppy eyes-
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate1016 #3
Chapter 5: YAY!!! An update!! it's ok for updating in a while authornim! If you don't have the touch or feel for the story, thats fine. Just don't force yourself to write or continue the story. Even though i love this story and the oneshot, I'd rather you write with feelings instead of it being forced. Love this update! I'm glad Kevin is finally opening up a little!
ValeKissme #4
Chapter 4: Beautiful! Now the one-shot really sounds like a teaser ahahah can't wait for the next chapter :)
Yuki2591 #5
Chapter 4: Great story!♥ please update soon o>_<o~ i want to see how their relationship ends :D
Kate1016 #6
Chapter 4: Haha I love the old Jonas Brothers! Remember when JB stood for Jonas Brothers and not Justin Bieber?? But anyways, I love this story so far, but WHY KEVIN!!!!!! Why would he leave her hanging like that?? They both like each other and he just passed up the golden opportunity to take their relationship to the next level.
babyxgirlx704 #7
Awh my name is Anna! Puahaha awesome can't wait for the next update!
erialc #8
Chapter 3: So cheesy, you :D at can't wait for Kevin to confess GAHAHHA
erialc #9
Chapter 2: Awwie Kevin just confess already! Him asking her out to the semi formal was so damn cute aw :D
Kate1016 #10
Chapter 1: yeah! A sequel!! I can't wait for the rest! So far so good. I liked the cooties and when they both yelled "ICE CREAM!" because i did that toda- i mean.. um... when i was little...