Chapter 5

The Manager's Daughter

The next day:

U-KISS Dorm:

(Serena has been avoiding Kevin all day after what happened yesterday and Kevin is upset lying on his bed and Eli notices and deices to see what's wrong)

Eli: What's up?

Kevin: Serena's been avoiding me all day.

Eli: That's werid. Did you two have a fight?

Kevin: No but I don't know why she's been avoiding me.

Eli: What happened between you two yesterday? (Kevin takes a deep breathe)

Kevin: Well, yesterday at the park the two us went for a boat ride on the lake and I kissed and she didn't pull away or push me away. 

Eli: We know you are inlove with her ecept her farther. She probally just needs time to process what happened. Don't tell her I told this but it was her first kiss and because it was her first kiss she doesn't know how to react. So just give her time and she'll come around.

Kevin: Thanks bro. 

Eli: Anytime. 

Kevin: How do you know so much about relationships?

Eli: I've had experiance.

Kevin: It was my first kiss too.

Eli: I kind of figuered that out. 

With Serena and Dongho:

Dongho: Noona are you okay?

Serena: Yeah. 

Dongho: Noona, I know you're not okay were. What happpened?

Serena: It's compilcated.

Dongho: I'm young but what most people don't know is that I'm wise. 

Serena: You're wise? 

Dongho: Yes I am just try me. 

Serena: Something akward happened between me and someone and I don't how to face that person I don't they didn't mean for me to feel like this.

Dongho: They hurt you? 

Serena: No. 

Dongho: Well then what happened?

Serena: I don't want to say.

Dongho: Just tell that person how whatever it is made you feel.

Serena: You think it will work?

Dongho: Yeah I'm pertty sure it will. 

Serena: Thanks maken.

Dongho: Now that will 20 Won please. 

Serena: I'm not paying 20 Won. (Throwing a pillow in face)

Dongho: No not my face. (They both look at eachother and start laughing) 


(Serena is the balcony as usual and Kevin comes out and stands beside her they are both sliently)

Serena: Oppa there's something I want to talk you about.

Kevin: Is about yesterday?

Serena: Yeah.

Kevin: I shouldn't have kissed you when we weren't even datting.

Serena: I'm not saying that I didn't like it. 

Kevin: You liked it?

Serena: Yeah I'm not lying.

Kevin: I kissed you because I've been in love scince the I met you and I couldn't love you sliently anymore. Are you inlove me?

Serena: Yes. But if we date have make sure my father doesn't findout cuz he will freakout that I'm datting you.

Kevin: I know but I'm willing to take that risk. Serena will you be my girlfriend?

Serena: Yes. (They kiss end of chapter)

End of chapter






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Chapter 1: Grammar mistakes make this very hard to read
I don't understand what ur trying to say
babyxgirlx704 #2
Chapter 1: Very interesting (: I'm super busy with work, homework, my story and upcoming story but I'll definitely find time to read this (:
Chapter 4: Awwww... Short and sweet :3 I like it ^-^
Chapter 2: Please Update!!