
Big Stories

There are rare moments when all five of them are confined in their hostel for a day, this is one those days. Usually, each member was busy of his own projects; be it songwriting, choreographing, tv guesting, or acting. But not today, everyone has their day off.

Everyone is disappointed because, of all times, a heavy rain chose this day to ruined their plans of going out to relax.

But Seungri has a contented smile on his face. Staring at his hyungs, all together in one room, living lives like an ordinary family, is enough for him.

"What are you so happy about?" an annoyed Dragon asked.



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Pastel_sky_high #1
Chapter 10: My own opinion, this chapter is so cruel, i dont know what to say more.....
Chapter 17: i was smiling all the time i read the chaps. it's hard not to smile while imagining them doing what's in the story ^^
there are some sentences that need grammar correction, though. i suggest you to proofread before posting the stories :)
chocolakay #3
Chapter 17: love the way you write about hyunseung and bigbang. it's just lovely...
Chapter 14: he rlly kissed him? nonoooooooooooooooooooooooo
Chapter 13: ehh say leh...
Chapter 12: ohh so nice !!!! i love it. so touching.
sheldane #7
Chapter 13: I wanna see Top with gaho or boss scenario.. haha i think it would be pretty cute
Chapter 10: just when i wanted to request for dae's struggle to his accident. i have a future vision lmao.
how about bae's thoughts of his past thoughts of wanting to be a hip-hop artist instead of an idol? ^^
Chapter 10: noo don't cry...
aha my corny instincts creepin.
ok seungri. that was just EPIC.
Chapter 8: WHAAT THE....
taeyang got deized.
BUT. i like it that he actually takes pregnancy as good news. the rest(maybe not daesung)would take it as a scandal.
whoo! good job mang. u never fail to surprise me.