
Black, White & Red

Alix's POV

I hate large quantities of water, let me tell you that right now. Rain - rain is fine, lovely even, as long as I'm not in it. Right now, though, it was pissing it down and I was drenched. Chanyeol, ever the perfect gentleman, had given me his jacket, but honestly it didn’t help much. We’d rushed to the band stand; the school being a ridiculous distance away, but even this didn’t make a big difference - the roof was old and in disrepair, with plenty of holes for the rain to fall through. Still, it was better than braving the weather to try to reach the school - I was only in a pair of shorts, a vest and Chanyeol’s sports jacket, and he was only in a t-shirt and jeans. Seriously, where had this freak weather come from? We were dressed for summer as summer it was supposed to be.

“I’m going to go get the car,” Chanyeol told me, leaning in to give me a quick kiss before he turned to leave.

“What?! No! Don’t go!” I exclaimed, probably a bit too dramatically, and grabbed onto him. Clearly he wasn’t expecting me to grab onto him, as it caused him to stumble back into me.

“Alix, what the hell?”

“You’re not going anywhere - you’ll drown.” Chanyeol stared at me for a while, seemingly trying to assess whether I was joking or mentally incapacitated.

“Alix... It’s just rain.”

“Have you seen it? It might as well be a sky tidal wave. My point stands.” Much to my chagrin, he burst out laughing at this.

“A sky tidal wave! What even-?” The rest of his sentence washed away in his humour. “You know every so often,” he wheezed out when he finally finished laughing at me, my arms crossed and a disapproving look clear on my face the entire time, “I question if we have anything in common,” - yeah, I question that too - “then you go and say something like that!” He yanked me into his arms, nuzzling his face into my neck, still giggling. “And I remember why I’m so head over heels in love with you.” I blushed at this - I couldn’t help it, I’m rubbish with anything even vaguely romantic.

Debating between pushing myself away and hiding my face within his chest, I eventually decided on the latter and mumbled into his shoulder; “I’m not like this with anyone else - it’s just you.”

“I know,” he hummed into my hair. “It makes me love you even more.” I groaned and pushed away - that last statement far surpassing my romantic limit for the day - but not before grumbling a quiet ‘Love you too.’ in return, which only succeeded in making his stupid grin grow even wider.

“Still, I’m gonna go get the car.”

“What! I thought we’d agreed-”

“We hadn’t agreed anything - you just had your little freak out, which I found positively adorable by the way,” - again, I blushed: this boy! - “but it hasn’t changed my mind. I’m getting the car, then we’re bunking off next period to go home to get a change of clothes. Okay?”

“Fine,” I sighed, hamming it up in a final attempt to get him to stay. It didn’t work. I gave him back his jacket, after arguing yet again before I finally convinced him he’d need it more, and he was on his way. It wouldn’t take him long to get the car I reasoned, trying not to imagine being trapped on an island surrounded by stormy waves crashing to the shore, until eventually they came for me and swept me off to sea, dragging me under the waves never to be seen again...

God, I really don’t like water.

A low, long whistle sounded from behind me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to face the boy from earlier; not Sehun - the boy with the eyes.

“Look at what the cat dragged in,” he drawled, sauntering over with his hands in his pockets.

I was instantly on the defensive - this boy giving off the same dangerous vibes that Sehun did - and defensive for me meant offensive.

“I’ll have you know love that if anything I’m the damn well cat, and if you’re not careful and show me some ing respect you’ll be my next meal,” I may as well have snarled. He smirked. He ing smirked again, and goddamnit if that wasn’t the most infuriatingly y thing I had ever seen. I had the urge to bite his lips, but quickly cast the odd thought from my mind - what the hell Alix?

“Oh?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and keeping that damn smirk on his face. “That sounds awfully like an invitation.” Oh my God, he was not hitting on me. And he was definitely not purring.

“Listen mate, I’m not interested - go flirt with someone you could actually handle.”

“You think I couldn’t handle you?”

“God no.”

“Oh really?”

I was aware of him getting closer and closer, practically stalking his prey - because that was what I felt like. But damn it if I was going to let him intimidate me.

“Yes really. And maybe I was wrong - clearly, you’re the cat.”

He paused at this, clearly confused by my words - I seemed to have a knack for saying the opposite of what people expected.



“...What are you then?”

“How about human? After all, I’m the top of the food-chain.” It was my turn to smirk smugly as he frowned.

“And what, I’m at the bottom?”

“If you’re new here; probably. And even if you aren’t, I can put you there easily enough.”

“Confident of that, are you?”


He seemed to contemplate this for a while, before countering; “And if I said I didn’t care?”

I shrugged, “Then you’d be lying - everyone cares about others’ opinions, at least a bit.” He laughed a bit at that. I’m not sure, but I think it sounded forced.

“I suppose you’re right. I don’t care much though.”


“Yeah - I care about a mere handful of people’s opinions,” he continued, my interest in the conversation waning slightly.

“That so?”

“Yeah... Think I’m inclined to care about yours, though.” I shot him a look, interest piqued but not believing a word he said.

“...You want to expand on that?”

“Not really.”

“Alright then.”

The silence stretched out before us, neither of us wanting to break it. It didn’t surprise me when he did though.

“You want to go somewhere?”

I thought about it for a while. I shouldn’t - I really, really shouldn’t. Chanyeol would be here any moment with the car. But it was tempting. Maybe Chanyeol was right. Maybe I really was a creeper, cause I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spy - this was the best chance I’d get to get a scope of Sehun and whoever this was, and I couldn’t ignore it. I quickly sent a text to Chanyeol telling him something came up and I’d meet him after school (this gave me about two hours to think of an excuse).

“Well?” the boy asked when I still hadn’t answered. I turned to face him.

“I’m Alix,” I offered, brightening slightly when I realised the rain was stopping.

“Jongin,” he returned, “but call me Kai.”

“Kay Kai,” I replied, smiling my most charming smile. “So, where to?”




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ggaepssong #1
Chapter 20: what happened?? god, i'm so frustrated! please update soon..
Yeolda #2
Chapter 19: Oh hell to the no. What the is Baekhyun thinking?!?! Nooooooo! Why was he overthinking thingssss? Then again, they weren't really talking so I don't blame them. I wish Sehun was taking her to see Alix but I doubt it.
laylover1000 #3
Chapter 17: OMG love it <3
please update :)
Yeolda #4
Chapter 15: So uhhhh.....A MOTHERING PLOT TWIST! I did not expect Alix to be a vampire! And I didn't expect Chanyeol to learn so soon! I'm definately minded. Sehun, go away. I love you and everything but...I WANT TO SEE MORE OF LI AN AND BAEKHYUN SO GET YOUR OUT OF HERE! I mean, he can come back later lol, same for Kai.
Chapter 1: Wow this is much good. please update soon I wish to know what happens to Chanyeol. Please he is ok? :'(