
Black, White & Red

Li An’s POV


I walked over to the bleachers and was about to walk up them when someone stepped in between me and the steps. I looked up to see Baekhyun smiling down at me. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms. I just really wanted to talk to Alix and I didn’t want to be ‘in love’ at that precise moment - I needed to tell her what had happened. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in but I wriggled out of his grip almost instantly. I shot him a look to tell him I was not in the mood and he frowned at me. Actually, he looked pretty upset.

“What’s wrong? You usually like it when I wrap my arms around you,” he complained.

“Yeah, but I really need to talk to Alix, like, right now,” I replied as casually as possible.

“I’ll come with yo-”

“No!” I snapped without thinking.

“Li An... Are you feeling okay?”

“Of course I’m not!” I yelled.

“Tell me what’s wrong then.”

“No! Baekhyun, just- Please move, I need to talk to Alix.”

“I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong.”

I clenched my fists and took a deep breath. He could be so aggravating sometimes. I ignored his comment and looked over at Alix who was staring towards the other end of the football grounds. I looked over to what she was staring at and saw Sehun walking along with some guy who I had never seen before. Seriously, where are all these mysteriously good looking guys coming from? How did this new guy even know Sehun? Was there, like, a freakingly gorgeous alien invasion starting or something?! Okay, so maybe that’s stretching it a bit far, but you get my point.

I hadn’t realized that I’d been staring at Sehun and this new guy for a quite a while until Baekhyun placed his hand on my cheek and moved my head so we were looking at each other again. I could see jealousy fill his eyes and I knew he was about to say something stupid about Sehun. And, sure enough:

“Why were you looking at Sehun?” he demanded.

“I wasn’t!” I replied, almost slapping myself at the stupidity of my reply - well done Li An, deny what’s obviously true, that’s sure to work.

“Li An, I just saw you staring at him. What did he do to you?”


“Did he kiss you?”

“No, he didn’t-”

“Did you kiss him?!”

“No! What the hell-”

“Are you going to leave me!?”

I raised my hand and swept it across his face before realising what I was doing, but when I did I didn’t regret it and I made sure my expression portrayed that. I couldn’t believe he had just said that. Of course I’d never leave him! How could he even think that? I glared up at him - I had never felt this angry before. It built up inside me, making my skin burn and tingles travel up my spine. I’d never been this furious about anything, and I did not like the feeling one bit. As I watched Baekhyun rub at his cheek and cautiously look back at me I felt an electric shock surge through my veins. I really, really didn’t like this feeling, and it was only getting stronger.

A roar of thunder echoed across the school and it suddenly burst into a heavy rain pour. My anger immediately disappeared as the rain hit me. I screamed really loud - I hate rain. Baekhyun took off his jacket and wrapped it around me, then grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the boy’s changing rooms, which were the closest thing for shelter. As we entered he let go of my hand. I took off his jacket and tried to hand it back to him, but he shook his head, refusing to look at me.  I sat down on the bench and carefully watched him as he removed his shirt. Jesus, how much had it rained for us to get this soaked in only a couple of minutes?! I bit my bottom lip as a heat came across my face. I looked towards the floor but I could still hear him walking about. I heard a locker open and I looked up ever so slightly to observe what he was doing. He pulled out two spare shirts, putting one on and handing me the other. I gently took it and waited for him to turn around. I stood up and ped my cheerleading uniform, stepping out of it before slipping Baekhyun’s shirt on. I pulled it down slightly so my knickers wouldn’t show and sat back down on the bench. Baekhyun still had his back turned to me. I sighed slightly and continued to endure the seemingly never-ending awkward silence.




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ggaepssong #1
Chapter 20: what happened?? god, i'm so frustrated! please update soon..
Yeolda #2
Chapter 19: Oh hell to the no. What the is Baekhyun thinking?!?! Nooooooo! Why was he overthinking thingssss? Then again, they weren't really talking so I don't blame them. I wish Sehun was taking her to see Alix but I doubt it.
laylover1000 #3
Chapter 17: OMG love it <3
please update :)
Yeolda #4
Chapter 15: So uhhhh.....A MOTHERING PLOT TWIST! I did not expect Alix to be a vampire! And I didn't expect Chanyeol to learn so soon! I'm definately minded. Sehun, go away. I love you and everything but...I WANT TO SEE MORE OF LI AN AND BAEKHYUN SO GET YOUR OUT OF HERE! I mean, he can come back later lol, same for Kai.
Chapter 1: Wow this is much good. please update soon I wish to know what happens to Chanyeol. Please he is ok? :'(