Little White Lies

Black, White & Red

Alix's POV



Now, I wouldn’t call myself a stalker per say - no, normally I couldn’t care less about what other people did - but there was something about this boy that had alarm bells ringing in my head like never before. Yet clearly my lack of stalking skills showed, for as I was following him to his locker he turned around abruptly.

“You’re following me,” he stated.

“Yes.” No point in denying it.

“You’re admitting it?” he asked, a look of confusion written across his face.

“I wasn’t trying to hide it,” I lied smoothly, making him frown more.

“You weren’t?”

“Nope.” Might as well pretend to be the confident biatch the school knew me for, even if I was panicking slightly on the inside. Realisation seemed to flit across his face and I assumed he finally recognised me.

“You’re the girl from last night!” A mixture of curiosity and trepidation that did not at all suit him settled on his features.

“No Sherlock.” He frowned at that, his eyes narrowing slightly at me.

“So what do you want?”

“Hm, not much really...” I breathed, feigning disinterest. “Just curious as to where you suddenly appeared from.”

“Denver,” he replied dryly.

“Denver? That’s quite the distance away from Miami...” The mood was growing tenser by the second - both of us close to getting frostbite from the chilly atmosphere.

“It is. Where are you from exactly? Your accent-”

“Illinois.” (A lie - I lived in Illinois for a while, but I wasn’t born there; didn’t grow up there.)

“How long have you lived here?”

“Four years. Why’d you move?”

“Mum’s work - transfer. You?”

“Parents divorced.” (Again a lie, but as close to the truth as I could get without delving into greater detail - they separated; they just didn’t get divorced as such. And it wasn’t the reason I moved either.) He shuts up after that, a softer look falling across his face.

“I’m sorry-” he begins. I cut him off.

“It was four years ago.” (Another lie.) “I’m over it. My mum was a anyway.” (Maybe a lie... a generalization at least.)

“You live with your dad then?”

“Yeah.” (That was a lie as well - I lived by myself. Had done for years, but the school, let alone this prick, didn’t need to know that. I felt myself become increasingly hostile - I hated talking about my parents. My mum wasn’t any different from most mothers; she just loved someone who wasn’t my father. My father didn’t love her either, I don’t think. I can’t ask him to know for sure though - I’ve not seen him in years. I’ve not seen either of them. Didn’t matter much though I guess - my mum was dead, and my father might as well be. Still, it was easier to let people believe they were both alive and well, just separated, and that I still live with my father and at least saw my mum during holidays. It was a lot easier than explaining all the that actually happened, anyway. Safer, too. )

“...Cool,” he eventually muttered, clearly at a loss for what to say. I huffed out a breath, stuck between laughing and decking his head in.

“So what were you doing at the club by yourself?” I asked.

“Huh?” he replied, and I was forced to question his level of intelligence - something I had thought at least relatively normal until that moment. God, did he look gormless.

“Why were you at the club by yourself? Most people tend to go with others.”

“I wasn’t by myself.”

“Oh, really? Who were you with? I didn’t see you with anyone.”

“A friend.”

“Wow, way to be vague.”

Our conversation ended there as my awkward and damn well clingy monkey of a boyfriend circled his arms around me from behind and pulled me into one of his infamous ‘surprise kisses’.

“Channie,” I whined despite myself, rolling my eyes as I push him away. “I was in the middle of a conversation.”

“But I missed you~” he whined straight back, even pouting in his attempts to attach himself onto me again. I scoffed.

“We were just in class together!”

“Yeah, but I wanted to walk with you but then you zoomed off somewhere and I didn’t even know where you’d gone and I came to look for you and now when I found you I-” I silenced him with a quick kiss, and allowed him to wrap his arms around me again - anything to keep him from going off on one of his rants which, normally, lasted about half an hour of him whining to the point where you couldn’t even understand what he was saying. It was frustratingly endearing.

“I’m sorry,” I told him quietly. “I just wanted to talk to-” It was at this point that I realised I didn’t even know the name of the boy I had been practically interrogating for the past five minutes. I glanced at him and he seemed to realise my predicament.

“Sehun,” he supplied helpfully.

“Sehun,” I agreed, hoping Chanyeol wouldn’t pick up on my apparent lack of knowledge. But of course he did, because even he isn’t that clueless.

“You dashed off to talk to a guy you didn’t even know the name of?” he asked, frowning. I thanked the stars for my ability to think on my feet.

“He’s new here - I thought that I should at least introduce myself as student body president, and maybe offer to show him around.” To Sehun’s credit he kept his mouth shut, and Chanyeol seemed to buy it - it was a pretty convincing lie, if I do say so myself.

“Oh, okay! Just tell me next time please, okay yeobo?” I smiled and nodded, kissing him again.

“So, student body president,” Sehun drawled, making me break away from my positively delicious boyfriend.

“Alix,” I supplied for him.

“Alix,” he confirmed. “You mentioned showing me around?” My stomach sunk slightly - the prick was making me live up to my lie.

“Certainly,” I gritted back. “How’s lunch?”

“But Alix~” Chanyeol whined from behind me, again. “We were supposed to go to lunch together.”

“I know Channie,” I sighed. “Okay, so not lunch-”

“We can show him round.” I turned around to see Baekhyun and Li An behind us, Baekhyun smiling brightly and Li An looking like she had just saw a ghost/wanted to run away screaming for her life and never, ever come back. It was safe to presume then that Baekhyun had been the one to offer to help. I glanced briefly at Li An, and she stared back at me with pleading eyes. Honestly, I was still annoyed at her from Saturday night - don’t get me wrong, flirting is harmless. But she had a boyfriend, and Sehun had clearly wanted to do more than flirt.

“Thank you so much Baekhyun!” I grinned, smirking at Li An as she stared at me; mouth agape in disbelief. “That okay with you Sehun?” He shrugged.

“It’s all the same to me.”

“Cool,” I replied, grabbing Chanyeol’s hand and hightailing out of there as quickly as possible. “Bye guys!” I called back over my shoulder, Chanyeol waving goofily. Li An would kill me later, but it was so worth it.




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ggaepssong #1
Chapter 20: what happened?? god, i'm so frustrated! please update soon..
Yeolda #2
Chapter 19: Oh hell to the no. What the is Baekhyun thinking?!?! Nooooooo! Why was he overthinking thingssss? Then again, they weren't really talking so I don't blame them. I wish Sehun was taking her to see Alix but I doubt it.
laylover1000 #3
Chapter 17: OMG love it <3
please update :)
Yeolda #4
Chapter 15: So uhhhh.....A MOTHERING PLOT TWIST! I did not expect Alix to be a vampire! And I didn't expect Chanyeol to learn so soon! I'm definately minded. Sehun, go away. I love you and everything but...I WANT TO SEE MORE OF LI AN AND BAEKHYUN SO GET YOUR OUT OF HERE! I mean, he can come back later lol, same for Kai.
Chapter 1: Wow this is much good. please update soon I wish to know what happens to Chanyeol. Please he is ok? :'(