The Boy With The Eyes

Black, White & Red

Alix’s POV



Chanyeol and I returned to the school ground after eating a brief, and probably very unhealthy, lunch. I was enjoying the comfortable silence around us as we walked, hand in hand with my head on his shoulder (as he was one of the few guys at our school who was actually a good bit taller than me) when he suddenly broke it with the worst question possible:

“So what was that all about?”

‘So what was that all about?’ in Chanyeol terms meant he knew something was up, and he'd be damned if he didn’t either figure it out himself or make someone else tell him.

“What was what about?” I asked, feigning nonchalance and hoping he’d just drop it. But of course, he didn’t.

“Oh come one, it’s so obvious that Li An does not want to be around that kid. So what was that all about?” I sighed - I always forgot how observant Chanyeol could be.

“It’s not important,” I told him, hoping to end the conversation there. But of course, no such luck.

“Aliiiiiiiiix, I’m your boyfriiiiiiiieeeeend - you should tell meeeeeeeeeeeee~” he whined, stomping his foot like a child. I shouldn’t have found it as endearing as I did.

“Fine,” I groaned, unable to resist him... Or you know, just not wanting to listen to him whine for the next week. “But you have to promise not to tell anyone - not even Baekhyun. Hell, especially not Baekhyun.” Chanyeol frowned, but eventually he nodded muttering a quiet ‘promise’ so I continued. “Li An and I bumped into him when we went clubbing and he was totally hitting on Li An. Not that she was exactly discouraging it, but still.”

“Wait, so you’re telling me Li An cheated-”

“She did not cheat. They just danced. But you know how Baekhyun is - he’d get all jealous and insecure and generally turn into a whinging brat who I would end up getting so annoyed with that I would lock him in the janitor’s closet just to shut him up... Again.” Chanyeol chuckled at that, clearly remembering how Baekhyun had eventually had to call reinforcements to break the door down because I refused to tell anyone where the key was. It was the only time Chanyeol had ‘betrayed’ his and Baekhyun’s friendship - he’d had the key all along: that was how annoying Baekhyun was being.

“What was he even upset about back then?” Chanyeol asked, still smiling at the memory.

“Something about the new science teacher having the hots for Li An because he always made her sit at the desk right next to his-”

“But the only reason he always made her sit there was because whenever he let her sit with us she’d end up squealing loud enough to break half the test-tubes in the class!”

We both burst out laughing at this, continuing our reminiscence of the school’s resident diva couple.

“Oh God, do you remember the time Li An refused to talk to Baekhyun for a week because he bought her the wrong shoes for her birthday?”

“No, not the wrong shoes - they were the right shoes, but the wrong colour.”

“Oh yeah! They were peach instead of ‘rose pink’!”

“I talked to Baekhyun later that day - they didn’t even make the shoes in rose pink!”

After a while, our laughter died down to giggles and eventually we managed to stop, catching our breaths.

“Jeez, they are one disfunctional couple,” Chanyeol concluded finally, grinning at me. But slowly his grin fell away. “So Li An was, like, flirting back with this guy?” I sighed, the joking atmosphere running for the hills.

“Yeah, but she told him she had a boyfriend and all they could do was dance.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah... But then he told her that she didn’t have a boyfriend and that they could do more than that - it was freaky.”

“Definitely... Although, not much freakier than you listening in on their conversation - which you were, weren’t you?”


“God, Alix, you have to stop spying on people - I swear, sometimes I feel like I’m dating a total creeper.”

“Hey!” I elbowed him in the stomach as he proceeded to laugh at me, our light-hearted mood returning to us easily. “You’re lucky we’re not BaekAn,” I commented breezily, “or I would be giving you the silent treatment for that particular remark.” He laughed again before leaning in and kissing me gently. I smiled into the kiss before pushing him away. “Go and watch your boyfriend practice. I’ll meet you in the bleachers - I’m going to the little girls’ room.” Chanyeol laughed again.

“One of these days Baekhyun is going to hear you call him that, and then you will have to face his crisp and smokey wrath~”

“Nah, I’ll just push him in a frying pan and his anger is sure to sizzle out.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes at me, still grinning, and left to go to the bleachers. I headed to the bathroom, before making my way back to the sports field. On the way back I passed what should have been an empty music classroom, but from which I could hear two distinct voices.

“Are you scared?”


I frowned, glancing into the classroom. I gasped quietly when I saw them. That looked...! I shook my head - I knew Li An wouldn’t cheat, so I stayed still and continued to watch, trying to work out what was really going on. I flinched when Li An banged into the door, subconsciously moving deeper into the shadows. From where I stood I couldn’t see Li An’s face, but I could clearly see Sehun’s and for a moment I could swear his eyes flashed black. My senses went on high alert - who the hell was this kid?!

“Don't go.”

I prayed Li An wouldn’t listen to him - whoever he was, he was dangerous. I could sense it - I felt it the moment I had met him at the club. Finally after a couple of agonizing second Li An pulled away. I sighed in relief, but nearly jumped out of my skin when a voice to my left sounded from the darkness:

“Jesus, Sehun was right. How is that even possible?” I frowned again, trying to make out this new figure in the darkness. I didn’t recognise him - he had golden skin, dark, tousled hair and the most amazing eyes I had ever seen - eyes so black you could drown in them. If anything, this kid felt even more dangerous than Sehun.

“No.” Li An’s voice brought me back to the present, and I smiled in triumph - ‘Good girl! Strike that creepy stalker down!’

“...What. How do you do that?!” I narrowed my eyes, my gaze flicking back to the newcomer briefly - he had just said something to that effect. What were these guys talking about? I only had so many ideas...

“Do what?”

“...Nothing. It doesn't matter. Just go...”

I panicked when I realised Li An was about to leave, and walk right into me eavesdropping. Part of me wanted to stay and make sure this new guys with the eyes didn’t cause her any problems, but when I looked over he had gone. So, increasingly disconcerted, I slunk away into the shadows and rushed to the bleachers. I had barely sat down when I spotted Li An making her way over to me. I waved, appearing totally normal on the outside, but inside I was screaming. Even more so when I saw Sehun and that other kid walk out onto the field, and the newcomer caught my eyes. I gulped as he held my gaze, refusing to look away first. Eventually I couldn’t stand it anymore and glanced down, still watching him out the corner of my eye. He ing smirked.



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ggaepssong #1
Chapter 20: what happened?? god, i'm so frustrated! please update soon..
Yeolda #2
Chapter 19: Oh hell to the no. What the is Baekhyun thinking?!?! Nooooooo! Why was he overthinking thingssss? Then again, they weren't really talking so I don't blame them. I wish Sehun was taking her to see Alix but I doubt it.
laylover1000 #3
Chapter 17: OMG love it <3
please update :)
Yeolda #4
Chapter 15: So uhhhh.....A MOTHERING PLOT TWIST! I did not expect Alix to be a vampire! And I didn't expect Chanyeol to learn so soon! I'm definately minded. Sehun, go away. I love you and everything but...I WANT TO SEE MORE OF LI AN AND BAEKHYUN SO GET YOUR OUT OF HERE! I mean, he can come back later lol, same for Kai.
Chapter 1: Wow this is much good. please update soon I wish to know what happens to Chanyeol. Please he is ok? :'(