What To Do?

I'm Their... Bodyguard?


“Okay, so U-Kiss will be heading out this door. So I have assigned you and Seung Ki to be here when U-Kiss comes
out.” The manager says to Sang Mi, who nods.
“They’re coming out less than a minute.” The manager’s walkie-talkie went off.
“Okay.” He says and looks at Sang Mi, “Get ready for them to come out.”
She nods and faces Seung Ki who had on a straight face and a straight body posture.
She straighten up a little not wanting to send off a vibe that she wasn’t top rank. Because well… Her twin is top rank and
all. She felt her body slouching already!! Quickly she straightens up and the door swings open!
U-Kiss walks out, being quickly ushered into the vans by Seung Ki and the other bodyguards.
“U-Kiss!” a loud shout was made.
Sang Mi looks to her right and saw some fan girls filming with their camera or phones. Trying their best to get U-Kiss to
look at them.
Dong Ho, being the last one to get in the car leans back a little and gives the fan girls a little wave. Which made them scream
and shout even louder.
Sang Mi closes the door and walks to the other van. She gets in the passenger seat next to the manager.
“Why is she in here? Isn’t there a car for bodyguards?” Ki Seop says with an edge in his voice.
The manager looks at Ki Seop, “The other car is full so she has to ride with us.” he says putting on the ignition and drives away.
On the ride; Sang Mi couldn’t stop thinking about what Ki Seop had written to her. The words appeared in her brain constantly
like a blinking light.
You’re dead meat! You’re dead meat! You’re dead meat!
It repeated over and over in her head. 
“Sang Mi sshi.” Soo Hyun’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
She turns around and looks at him, “Yes?”
“You have something on the bottom of your lip.” he touches the bottom right of his lip.
“I-I do?” she turns around, and looks at herself in the window. There was something on her bottom lip! She it; Tasting
the sauce of the food she had earlier.
“Ew.” Ki Seop made a sour face, “Is that really appropriate to do right now?”
Sang Mi stops and wipes , embarrassed, “S-Sorry.” and looks down.
“How was the show?” The manager cuts in.
“It went well.” Eli says.
“Except that Soo Hyun hyung kept hogging the spotlight!” Ki Seop says.
Soo Hyun teasingly hits Ki Seop’s arm, “Yah! Well, at least I’m in the spotlight. You were quiet most of the time.”
Ki Seop shrugs, “Well, I couldn’t really say anything when you were hogging it.” he teases.
Soo Hyun laughs.
Eli leans forward towards Sang Mi’s chair, “How old are you?”
Sang Mi jumped in her chair, surprised to hear Eli’s voice. She turns around and looks at Eli, “W-What?”
“Are you 19?”
She laughs, “Do I really look that old?”
Eli didn’t laugh, but just looked at her for a second.
She stopped laughing and composed herself, “I’m 18.”
“That means I’m older than you.” Eli pouts.
She nods.
As they get back to the company; U-Kiss walks in exhausted! Having to go to two places this whole day with no rest.
Sang Mi follows in behind with the other bodyguards; Seeing as she hasn’t met them yet and didn’t want to feel left out.
All of them were guys; There was only one or two females but they were more of a helper than guarding. She clears her
throat as she approached the guys.
“Uh… Hiya!” she says.
The others looked at her; One of them, who Sang Mi recognized looked at her with ease. 
“Whaddya know, here comes the top rank at a girly bodyguard school.” one said.
Sang Mi stopped in her tracks, “Excuse me?”
“I don’t really understand why they picked you.” another replied.
“Well, maybe it’s because I’m more well-trained than you are.” she says.
“I bet you can’t even defend yourself when coming across someone with a weapon.”
“I bet I can!” Sang Mi argues back.
Within a second of that, the guy had thrown a fist at Sang Mi. Her face flew to the left hard and her body had lost its
balance. She was on the ground with her heart pounding and her right cheek bruised and lip bleeding.
She looks up at the guy; He scoffs at her, “Exquisite!” he says with a nasty tone. 
She gets off the ground and watches as they walk away from her. She took in a breath and decided to head back into
the company building. She had to get this blood off of her before U-Kiss’ manager freak.
Sang Mi quietly enters into the building and scans around for any signs of the boys or the manager. The coast was clear. She runs up the stairs and right in front of Ki Seop’s door. Her hands on the knob and tries to jerk open the knob but it was locked!!
She panicked, “Otoke?!”
“Sang Mi sshi?”
She turns around and saw him…
AN: Short chapter, no? Haha! Comments are very much LOVEd! <33
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This fic was really interesting...
Why did you guys stop updating??? D':
Totally a FAIL! on this fic
Wow... That was intense... Haha, you want me to write the nxt chapter?
butterfly555 #4
lol that that they are being mean to poor her
Thanks for updating the chapter Yunah!! Love you <br />
sooo much! I'll try writing the next chapter ^^
Yunahhbby #6
@Kawaiiikit<br />
lol!! Love the word: angst!! haha, thanks for reading :))<br />
I'm trying to update today :)
@xMeganS2<br />
I think OC means 'Other Characters' so it doesnt really matter??<br />
But thanks commenting ^^<br />
<br />
@SicaSica_love <br />
Thanks for ur GREAT support! Me and Yunah appreciate it^^
ohhh~ this is quite interesting!!!! please update soon!!!
Can i ask, OC meant 'own character' right?<br />
So shouldnt this say FC for fictional character, since its Sang Mi?<br />
Anyway, good start ^^<br />