






"You like you?" Lay asks Sehun.

Sehun looks a him not surprised at all. Of course he would know, he is his best friend. "Yeah and so do you."

Now, that shocked Lay. "What?"

"Come on. I know you like her."

"Well... I just have a crush on her. I don't like her. " Lay corrects.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"What do mean?"

"We're both into the same girl." Sehun smirks.

Lay chuckles.











Oh dang! What are they going to do?

This was just a little teaser. The next chapter is the last.


-TaquitosNOMNOM 6/18/13

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Almost done. ^^


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Chapter 7: great story!! well thanks for writting this story!! ^_^
mistygreen1234 #2
Cool!!! Zelo is my brother!!!! Yeah!!!! But I'd rather him be my boyfriend!!!!! LOL
Chapter 9: lay you're one of a kind.... i love you lay !
shermie #4
ohh so it was sehun in the end. well it's ok. a very cute ending sorry :) the best thing is Lay is single haha just kidding
Chapter 9: Oh goshhhhh. So cute xD
Chapter 9: EFFING HELL SNOWCONE WTF STOP BEING SO CUTE UGH NO THIS IS NOT OKAY. Aww Lay was kind of sweet~ "you'll find someone" "I know" well then. But yayyyy Sehun<3
Chapter 8: Sehun is going to win because yes. Sorry Lay but I find him kind of annoying in this because he's so happy and pushy and he's like some super fake person not cool
shermie #8
Chapter 8: Please Lay!!! he would be perfect :)
Chapter 7: SEHUN WOO WAY TO STEP YOUR GAME UP BABE I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. WHO'S A GOOD LITTLE SNOWCONE? Yes she's going to end up with Sehun I can feel it. please. Lay is being a little teenage now ugh grow up bby. Oh my gosh she's just like me at a party wow is that sad?