Oh No!




"Here you go." I hand them both a glass of water. 

"Thanks. So, do you live with your family?" Lay asks. 

"Yeah, my parents and older brother, the one you met earlier."

"I see. Are you here all day?"

"Yeah, kind of. I don't work. Do you guys work?"

"I just finished school and I work as a translator." Lay responded. 

"What other languages do you know?"

"Just Mandarin and Korean."

"What?! I'm learning Mandarin!"

"Really?" he looks happy.

"But it's hard."

"Well, I can teach you one day." he smiles, his dimples showing.

"What about you Sehun?" I look at him. 

He looks at me and responds, "I'm still going to school but I work partime at a cafe." 

"What are you studying?" 

"I'm studying to be a pharmacist." 

"Really?? I wanted to be a pharmacist. I think guys look good in the white coats." I smile.

He smiles as well. He has such a cute smile!! His eyes turn into two crescent moons! It's so cute! 

I notice that we're just staring at each other. Well, this is a little awkward. "Let's go sit down." I say. They follow me. Lay sits down then Sehun. They both pat the seat in between them. "You want me to sit in between you two?"

"Yes." Lay pulls my arms; causing me to sit down. Oh gosh!

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure."



Why did I let them choose the movie?? I know I'm going to have nightmares. Just breathe. Don't let them know you're scared.

"Are you scared?" Lay asks me. Dang it!

"No." I let out a shacky breath.

"Don't be too scared."

"I'm not scared."

"Yes you are." Lay pokes my side.

"Ahh." I jump.

"You're cute." I hear Sehun. Why is he like this?

"You're blushing now." Lay laughs.

Gosh, this reminds me of high school. Guys would always tease me. They thought I was fun to tease. I hated it!

I cover my cheeks. "You guys stop~."

"You're so cute when you blush." Lay coos.

"Stop!" I finally snap and get up.



"We're sorry." Lay and Sehun walk into the kitchen. I didn't say anything and looked away. "I didn't mean to go overboard and I didn't think you would get mad. Sorry."

I sigh, "It's just that it reminds me of things I want to forget about. I was always teased in high school."

"I didn't know that."

"It's ok." I tell them. Lay gets closer and hugs me. I jump in surprise. Then, I feel Sehun my hair.

"We're sorry. We won't do it again." he smiles. And there go the butterflies in my stomach.




"So, how did you meet those guys?" Zelo asks me.

"I was walking home when they approached me."

"Just like that?"


"That's weird but they seem like nice guys."

"Yeah, they are."

He lays down on his bed, "So..." he grabs his baseball, throws up in the air, and and cups his hands; waiting to catch it. "Do you like either of them? Not just as friends."

"Yeah, " I let my head hang low, "both."



I feel this connection with Sehun but Lay is so nice.

I don't know how this happened but I have fallen for both.


My eyes widen as I see Lay and Sehun at my door.

"Hey you!" Lay beams.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask; still lost.

"We just wanted to come visit you. We missed you."

"Oh." I smile. "Come in."

"Thanks." they walk past me and I feel Sehun ruffle my hair. I can't get used to this. He's just too... kyaa~!


"So, what have you been doing?" Lay asks me.

"Umm... nothing. Pretty bored."

"You're not doing anything today?"


"Great! Let's go to a party!"

"What? A party?"

"Yeah, our friend Suho is having a small get together and we're inviting you."

"Uh, thanks but I don't think-"

"Come on~."

"But..." I try to think of an excuse. "What if my parents won't let me go?" 

"Oh hello." I hear my mom. Yes! I know she's going to say no. 

"Mom, these are my friends. Lay and Sehun." I introduce them. 

"Oh! Your brother has told me about them. He says they're nice." she smiles. 

"We're inviting you to a small get together. Would you let her go?" he asks her. Here it comes! 'No.' Come on, mom, say it! 


This can't be happening! Mom, you were supposed to say no!


"You should go. You're always at home anyway." she tries to reason with me. 

"Well, I have to go. Nice meeting you two. Have fun and be safe. Bye!" she leaves. 

I look at Lay and Sehun. "Your mom said yes." Lay smiles

"But..." that's the only word that seems to come out of my mouth. 

Lay grabs onto my shoulders and lowers his head to look into my eyes. "you, you're going." 

"Ok." I whisper.

"Hurry, go get dressed!"

"I don't even know what to wear." I whine. Sehun chuckles, "We'll help you." 

"Yeah, where's your room?" Lay asks. 


"We're here." Lay announces and turns his car off. 

Aish! Why did I come? I don't know anybody here. Flippin' peer pressure.  

"Let's go inside." 


Nobody's POV

As soon as they get inside, Lay starts introducing you to everybody. You don't recognize a single face. 

"So, how did you guys meet?" one of his friends asks. 

Lay and Sehun look at each other. "We found her." Lay says. 

Found me? What am I a dog? Lay is nice and all but he's starting to annoy you with his over happiness.


They continue talking so you decide to leave. As you go to the living room more people come in. I thought it was a small get together. You go to the kitchen and it's filled with people as well. You need to get out of here. You're finding it hard to breathe. You look around for the nearest exit but don't see any. There are too many people. You feel dizzy all of a sudden. 


"Are you ok?" you hear Sehun.

"I've never really been to a party. There are so many people." 

"Let's go outside." he grabs your wrist and leads you outside. 


"Are you ok?" Sehun asks again; concerned. 

"I'm fine. I just feel a little dizzy." 

"You didn't have to come you know? Lay was just being Lay. You could've said no."

"But, what if he got mad?"

"Is that what you were afraid of?"

You nod. "He's nice but he's really..."


"Yes! He doesn't ask about others opinions."

"I know but that's just the way he is. He has good qualities, too, though." 

"Yeah, I know. Thanks to him, we're friends now." you smile. He smiles back. "Thanks. I feel better now." you hug him and to your surprise, he hugs you back. 


Lay finally finds you two when he sees you talking.

Then, he sees you hug him and Sehun does the same.


Lay stands there while gritting his teeth with jealousy.







OMG! You like both!! :O Player!! Just kidding. ^^

Now, the real question is, who do you like more?

I feel like this is too rushed. orz


-TaquitosNOMNOM 6/9/13

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Almost done. ^^


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Chapter 7: great story!! well thanks for writting this story!! ^_^
mistygreen1234 #2
Cool!!! Zelo is my brother!!!! Yeah!!!! But I'd rather him be my boyfriend!!!!! LOL
Chapter 9: lay you're one of a kind.... i love you lay !
shermie #4
ohh so it was sehun in the end. well it's ok. a very cute ending sorry :) the best thing is Lay is single haha just kidding
Chapter 9: Oh goshhhhh. So cute xD
Chapter 9: EFFING HELL SNOWCONE WTF STOP BEING SO CUTE UGH NO THIS IS NOT OKAY. Aww Lay was kind of sweet~ "you'll find someone" "I know" well then. But yayyyy Sehun<3
Chapter 8: Sehun is going to win because yes. Sorry Lay but I find him kind of annoying in this because he's so happy and pushy and he's like some super fake person not cool
shermie #8
Chapter 8: Please Lay!!! he would be perfect :)
Chapter 7: SEHUN WOO WAY TO STEP YOUR GAME UP BABE I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. WHO'S A GOOD LITTLE SNOWCONE? Yes she's going to end up with Sehun I can feel it. please. Lay is being a little teenage now ugh grow up bby. Oh my gosh she's just like me at a party wow is that sad?