Chapter 3: It's You!

No More Spectacles On You (Hiatus)

Taeyeon P.O.V

"Ehem" I heard someone is clearing the throat.

I lift my face from hiding in my knees.

I saw a cute and handsome boy is sitting infront of me.

"Can I help you?" He asked me politely.

"I've bullied by someone and now I don't know where is the principal room"

I sadly told him.

"If that case,follow me.I can show you the real principal room"

I make a weird face.This cute boy want to help me?

Or he want to bully me after that girl?

I look at him suspiciously.

"Can I believe in you? Did you want to bully me after that girl?"

I said in a suspicious voice.

That boy frowned his head.

"Ani.I'm not bullying you.I just want to help you"

That boy said and I still look at him suspiciously.

"Can you please stop looking at me like that? I'm not a ,gangster or whatever!"

That boy widened his eyes.He so scared when he's getting mad.

I stop doing my suspicious face at him.

"But I still cannot believe in you.I still suspicious in you"

Seriously,I still not believed in him.His face look like he is the big gangster in this school.

That boy sigh and stand up and..

He held his hand to me?


I ignored it and still sitting.

Suddenly he pulled my hand and that makes me automically standing.

"Yah! Let me go!"

I hit his hand.He doesn't loosen his grip to me.

Until he bring me at the unknown room.

Is this a trapped again?

"Here is the principal room" That boy say to me.

I pulled my hand from his hand and touch my wrist.

Is this a real principal room? Tcc,he just want to play with me.

I opened the door without knocking it.

"Yah! Knock it first!" That boy widened his eyes.

Tcch,did you think I believe in you? Of course not.

I open the knock and enter that room and....

I saw a woman is sleeping in the room and she awake when I open the door so loud.

She then widened her eyes to me.

"Did you have manners?!" She shout at me.

That boy is right.This is a real principal room.

"Cheosamnida" I bowed at her.

"Are you Mrs Jung? The headmaster of this school?"

Carefully I asked her."Nae,I am Mrs Jung.The queen in this school.And you! Young lady! Did you have manners?! Opening my door without knocking it?!"

She scolding me.I just keep my head down.

"After school ended,I want to enter the detention class,arra?"

Mwo? I am new girl in this school.

"But Mrs Jung,I am new girl in this school.Today is my first day in this school"

I said politely."I don't care,after school ended.You must go to detention class"

"But I didn't give my file to you yet"

"Give me that file" I go to her and hand a file at her.

She look at my file and nodded her head.

"Okay,you will be in class 302.I called your class teacher for a while"

My class teacher arrived.She smiled to me.

"I am your class teacher.Call me Mrs Yang"

I nodded and followed her to the class.

No One P.O.V

Daehyun go to his class.He enter the class and he saw Mr Kim is teaching.

Daehyun sigh.He rubbed his hair and slowly knocked the door.

Mr Kim stop teaching and he look at Daehyun.

"Mr Jung.Where are you going? Come in.Open your book"

Daehyun releived.Luckily today Mr Kim mood is okay.

He sit at his place and place his bag beside the empty seat beside him.

He open his book and started to focused on what Mr Kim teaching.

The class teacher came and knock the door.

Mr Kim sigh."Mrs Yang.I'm teaching right now! What do you want?"

Mr Kim stomping his leg and pouting.

Whole class hold their laugh because saw Mr Kim doing like that.

"Cheosamnida,I just want to bring this new girl in this class"

Mrs Yang get into the class with a unknown girl beside her.

Everyone in the class including Daehyun looking at her.

"So,she same class with me"

Daehyun said and smiled.

Mr Kim smiled and pat the new girl shoulder.

"Young lady,please introduce yourself" 

"Kim Taeyeon imnida.Please guide me"

Trisya laughing."Who want to guiding her? Haha!"

Trisya and Wannabes laughing so hard.

"Trisya! Mind your word!" Mrs Yang widened her eyes.

Trisya glare Mrs Yang.

"This is Taeyeon.Our new class member.I hope you can guide her in this school.Don't BULLY HER"

Mrs Yang said loudly and her eyes was at Wannababes gang.

"Mrs Kim,you can sit beside Mr Jung.Mr Jung raised your hand!"

Daehyun put his hand up."She sit beside me" Daehyun smiled like crazy person.

After Mrs Yang leave the class,Taeyeon go to the empty place beside Daehyun.

Daehyun take his bag and put at his chair.

Taeyeon sit beside Daehyun and take out her book.

"Hi" Taeyeon look at the person who greeting her.

Taeyeon very shocked when she saw the boy.

Taeyeon bowed her head and writing.



Author Note:
I've updated! Thanks to my subscriber! 
NIghtSkyStars and MsDevilzxc

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aree_double_e #1
Chapter 10: I love your story,but you didnt update and its been months,sorry,i'm just love your story^^ mianhae! *Bow*
Chapter 10: authornim! involve death and life?? wae?? what is happening saeng??
Chapter 10: I can wait a month I am a loyal reader and I won't fail and thanks for announcing it :) Best wishes to you, Fighting Authournim
f3smile #4
Chapter 10: Oh no, its so sad that u cant update for a month. But well, as ur loyal reader, i'll wait patiently since ur story is good. Fighting authornim ^_^
Chapter 9: Yayyy! I am dying of happiness
erahmaliati21 #6
Chapter 9: finally they become a couple :**
omonaa~ so sweeeet >///<
your story jjang^^d
update soon~
Chapter 8: ......Continue pleaseee
Chapter 4: Daehyun is so cute!
Chapter 2: Beautiful I can't wait for more