
The Birthmark

Chapter 2


Sora stared at the bus that had just left… Did she actually just spill everything to a boy she just met?

‘I’m so weak.’ She groaned, stomping her feet on the floor. ‘AND I FORGOT TO BOARD THE BUS!’ She slapped her forehead.


Kai walked into his house and greeted his parents. ‘So, honey, how was first day of school?’ His mother  questioned, excited to hear his opinion about this “bully-proof” school.

‘It was good, actually.’ He smiled as he thought about some friends he had made like Suho, Han Woo and Minhyuk. They were good people, they were the most popular boys in school but they were… good people.

‘Good to see you happy and free from that horrible old school of yours, my dear Jongie. Alright, I’m gonna whip up some of your favorite food, be right back sweetie.’ His mother cooed.

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, it was a good day, he felt good and he did good. Well, if you consider handing a tissue to a broken-hearted girl good, then yes. He did good.

‘Im Sora…’ He breathed. He smiled at the thought of her, she was pretty alright.

Kai staggers upstairs and engulfs himself in a comic book he had just bought recently, he was amazed by the drawing and the written work.

In the middle of the comic’s , his mother called him down for dinner. He was starving, he slowly ascended the stairs and sat on the dining table. The food was delicious as always, Kai thought. His mother was a good cook.

After eating, Kai went upstairs and amused himself by drawing mangas on his desk. He laughed at how ugly it turned out, it was little things like this that made him happy. Others would find him weird, but he didn’t care.




Kai. Kai. Kai. That’s all she could’ve thought about. He barely knew her, besides she was sure that he was new to her school, considering he was wearing the exact same uniform, except with pants of course. She was the head councilor besides Suho, of course she had to know.

She recalled Suho telling her that they were supposed to welcome a new student but she bailed on Suho just because of Kris…

‘How could you be so stupid? Bailing your prefect duties for some like Kris?! Idiot, I tell you! Im Sora, you are an idiot!’ She scolded herself.

‘Sora! I’m home?’ Luhan’s voice boomed through the whole apartment. ‘Quiet down, Luhan, or else we’d get kicked out like the last time!’ She hushed Luhan.

‘Sheesh, sorry. It isn’t my fault, fangirls followed me back home.’ He smirked. ‘Wipe that ugly smirk of your face, Luhan.’ She deadpanned.

‘Who got your in a twist today? Oh… wait… Kris?’ Luhan chuckled. ‘I know what you’re gonna say, Lu. I told you, Im Sora, if you’d listened to me you wouldn’t be in this mess, you’re an idiot!’ She tried to mock Luhan.

‘No I wouldn’t, I’d be like, HAH I TOLD YOU SO!’ He joked, making Sora glare at him. ‘Alright, alright.’ He sighed, pulling Sora into a tight embrace. He led Sora onto the sofa and patted her back.

Sora started sobbing, ‘I can’t believe I even fell for that lying scumbag!’

‘There, there. Don’t cry and waste your little tears for that mean, Kris guy who’s a total poop head.’ Luhan comforted her. More like, TRIED to comfort her. Considering he rarely cursed, he doesn’t really know how to fight back with words.

‘You at comforting people.’ Sora taunted. ‘Excuse me, I’m trying my best!’ He pouted. ‘I know, and I’m really grateful to have a best friend like you.’ Sora giggled.

‘Now come on, let’s go bake some cookies, I’m hungry.’ Sora mused. ‘Alright, let me go get my FAVORITE apron!’ Luhan emphasized on favorite.

His favorite apron being a floral pink colored apron which Sora bought him for his 7th birthday. Yes, 7th birthday, they knew each other that long.

‘I should probably bake some for him…’ She mumbled softly. ‘Bake some for who?’ Luhan questioned. ‘Uh… no one. Just some guy I need to thank! NOW LET’S GET BAKING!’ She squealed excitedly.

Luhan raised his eyebrows, who’s this guy she needs to thank. Luhan was determined to find this ‘guy’. Will this guy be the next heartbreaker for Sora?




Kai stepped into the school grounds and quickly adjusted his eyeglasses, his hair was thoroughly gelled through. His shirt was tucked in and his school socks was high as the sky.

This was probably why people in his old school bullied him.

‘KAI!’ Suho yelled, running to Kai, waving. ‘Oh, hello, Suho-ssi.’ He greeted, using honorifics.

‘Why so formal, Kai? Call me hyung!’ He beamed. Kai chuckled and nodded anyway.

‘KAI! KAI!’ He heard another voice calling him again. Besides Suho, did he really have any friends though? He turned slowly and saw Sora running towards him.

His eyes widened, what was she doing. Did she really want to talk to him, the nerd? ‘Sora, please don’t come here!’ He thought.

‘There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I baked you some cookies as a thank you present!’ She grinned, she seemed happier than ever, which made Kai at ease.

‘Thank you.’ He muttered softly. ‘Hi, Suho oppa!’ She smiled widely. ‘Yah, you little brat! You weren’t at our meeting this morning! Where were you?’ Suho pulled her ears. ‘W-with Luhan!’ She declared.

Kai looked at Suho, ‘Hyung, should you be pulling her ears that’s kind of harsh?’ Kai voiced out, quietly.

‘I do this all the time, don’t worry, my sister is immune to ear pulling!’ ‘Sister?’ Kai’s confused stares made Suho laugh.

‘Didn’t you know?’ Suho laughed. ‘No…’ Kai softly answered.

‘Kai-ssi? Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?’ 

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BubbleTea_Sehun #1
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Y no update TAT I'm dying~~
Ahh~ So suspenseful. UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh......
Suho land Sora are siblings!!!
Now I get it!
Update pwees!
Chapter 1: Update please!
It is simply wonderful thou its just the first chapter
Chapter 1: I like this story so far! Of seems very interesting. I'll be looking forward to your next update ! Fighting!!