
The Birthmark

Chapter 1


“Hey loser!” Yeonhee and her gang sneered as they walked past Kai. Kai sighed, he turned to his vandalized locker. “Life .” He muttered quietly, he couldn’t wait till his parents found a house in Seoul. Then he could leave and never come back. He remembered the conversation with his parents two months ago. They promised him they would move straight away after finding a house.


His parents were still searching for the perfect house, and the perfect school. Somewhere no one would bully their son. Kai dragged his feet out of school and mentally patted himself on the back.


He survived another day of school. He walked back home, since his house was just around the corner. Before leaving, he received a couple of insults even from weirder kids, Kai shrugged. Was he really that unlikeable? I mean come on, even those weird kids are teasing him who knows for what!


‘Mom, dad, I’m home!’ He yelled. His parents ascended from the stairs and slightly tackled their son. ‘Good news! Good news!’ His parents exclaimed. ‘What is it?’ Kai questioned, raising an eyebrow.


His parents were always enthusiastic, he felt like a burden to his family. He was always dull and unhappy, no matter how his parents tried to make him happy. He once overheard his parents talking about him.


‘I just want him to have a normal childhood.’ He heard his mother’s soft cries.


Kai still hadn’t quite figure out what that meant.


‘We’re moving to Seoul! We bought a house a few weeks ago, it’s getting renovated, and we can move in as soon as next week! Best part is we called into your school, your dad and I are going to sign some confirmation papers clearly stating you won’t be studying in that darned school of yours anymore, starting from today!’ Kai’s mother marveled.


Kai could feel his insides churn, he was happy. He was finally going to get away from all the drama, all the bullying, everything.


He nodded and gave his parents a small hug. Kai was never the person to show emotions, his parents knew that he was happy.


‘Better start packing, Jongin!’ His father slapped his back playfully, grinning at his only son. Kai nodded and headed upstairs.


He slowly packed all his stuff, for once… he felt happy.




‘Wah! Such amazing renovation!’ Kai’s father bursts in fascination. His mother’s eyes sparkled in awe and smiled. ‘That expensive renovation bill was definitely worth it, don’t you think, Jong?” His mother asked, nudging her son.


Kai nodded, giving his mother a small smile. ‘Go check your room out, your mom and I will start unpacking!’ Kai beamed in response and headed upstairs to take a look at his room.


Amazing, it was decorated perfectly. Simple yet elegant, just the way he liked it. He stood by his bedside and placed his duffel bag on his bed. He began unpacking.


‘Jongie?’ His mother called. Kai turned around and looked at his mom, his face scrunched in confusion, his expression answering his mother for him.


‘It’s almost your 18th birthday, what do you want?’ His mother giggled in excitement. Kai shook his head, ‘You already moved the house for me, I don’t think I’d ask for more.’ Kai replied, softly.


His mother sighed, ‘Jongie, let me do something please, it’s your 18th birthday! Anything.’ His mother seemed more on edge than usual. Kai’s mind wondered why his mother was acting strange.


‘I want a…’ He thought hard and carefully for what he wanted, so he could make his mother happy.


‘I want a laptop.’ He randomly stated. ‘You do? Perfect! Ahh, yeobo!’ His mother excitedly yelled, and headed out of his room.


Kai chuckled softly and went back to packing.


It was night time, Kai was tucked in bed, surfing the internet on his phone when someone knocked on his door. He slowly got up from his bed and opened the door… revealing… no one?


Kai tilted his head in confusion. ‘Must be the wind.’ He mumbled. He went back to his bed, when he heard door knocking again. He got a bit frustrated and opened the door. ‘Nothing… must be my hallucination!’ Kai ruffled his hair in frustration, he took time to find his eye glasses and quickly wore it. He stepped out of his room, and went to the kitchen. ‘Kim Jongin.’ A faint voice called out. He turned his head around and clenched his fist. ‘Who’s there? Mom, if it’s you it’s not funny.’ He hissed.


‘You’ll meet me… us, soon.’ The voice whispered in his ear. He felt chills at the back of his spine. He dropped his glass of water and unclenched his fist. ‘Hallucination.’ He mentally confirmed.



‘MORNING, JONGNIE!’ His mother beamed, kissing Kai on the cheek. ‘It’s the first day of school, excited?’


Kai shrugged and took a bite of his toast. ‘Nervous.’ He simply replied. ‘Don’t be nervous, Jong, I’m sure you’ll do fine.’ His father encouraged. ‘It’s your dad’s first day of work at his new company, your dad’s nervous too.’ Kai’s mother laughed.


‘Come on, son, I’ll send you to school.’ His father offered. Kai shook his head, ‘I’m fine, dad. I’ll go by the bus.’ He smiled sincerely.


His father not wanting to pursue this further nodded.


‘Come on, Kim Jongin! You can do this!’ Kai thought. He grabbed his backpack and headed to school.


Jongin entered the unfamiliar school grounds and walked slowly. He received a couple of waves, and murmurs, ‘New student’ was all he heard. It was better than, ‘loser’ or ‘geek’.


He went to the general office and got his time table and all the basic things for school. The head of student council was also there to welcome him. ‘Hi, Kim Junmyeon, at your service!’ The head councilor smiled. Kai was more than relieved that no one here would bully him.


Kai might’ve been a little comfortable with all this, but this doesn’t mean he was going to talk.


Kai nodded and pointed at his nametag. Junmyeon chuckled, ‘Not much of a talker are we? I know, I’ve been there many times.’


Kai smiled, and laughed softly. ‘Come on, I’ll show you around school.’ Junmyeon gave a tour around the school, cracking a couple of lame jokes which made Kai laugh.


Kai was walking and listening to Junmyeon’s introduction of himself when he accidentally bumped into someone.


‘I’m sorry.’ Someone said. Kai looked up and saw a girl about half his size, pouting. Cute. Kai immediately thought.


The girl didn’t bother to look up at Kai and left him standing there. ‘That’s Im Sora.’ Junmyeon added.


‘Im Sora?’ Kai mumbled, so softly no one could hear it. Except for Junmyeon who was directly beside him.


‘Yeah, she’s pretty isn’t she? She’s really nice too. But too bad she’s dating a jerk, who doesn’t even care about her feelings, he basically plays around with every girl in the school.’ Junmyeon sighed. ‘Such a pity. Oh well, come on Kai, let’s finish this tour.’


Kai nodded, snapping back into reality. How could someone as pretty as her date such a jerk like him.


‘So who’s her boyfriend?’ Kai asked Junmyeon softly. Junmyeon got taken aback by his sudden question, half of the time he wasn’t even talking, and now when he does it’s about a girl? Junmyeon thought slightly chuckling.


‘Her boyfriend, is the school’s kingka, Kris. He’s a transfer from China.’ Junmyeon explained. Kai nodded, not wanting to ask any more questions.


‘So how old are you?’ Junmyeon asked. ‘Turning 18 next week.’ He replied. ‘So soon?!’ Junmyeon exclaimed.


Kai’s eyes widened, ‘Why the big surprise?’ ‘Uh, n-nothing.’ Junmyeon fretted. ‘By the way, call me Suho.’


Kai shrugged the awkward incident and pretended like nothing had happened.


‘Here’s your class, have fun!’ Suho beamed. Kai beamed back and entered his classroom.



‘Yes mom, school was okay today. Yes mom, I’ve eaten, I’m on my way home right now.’ Kai murmured. ‘Kim Jongin, don’t use that tone with me!’ His mom nagged. ‘Sorry.’ Kai mumbled.


‘Ok, ok, fine. Bye, Jong.’ His mom hung up.


Kai sighed and walked to the nearest bus stop. He sat at the steel chairs and waited for the bus.


He looked to his left to see the girl from earlier today. She seemed a bit down, and depressed.






Sora looked to the side to see a boy staring at her. ‘W-what?’ She sobbed. ‘Never seen a girl cry before?’ Kai scrambled away from her quickly. ‘W-wait, don’t go, I didn’t mean to scare you.’ She gulped.


Kai’s eyes shined as he slowly sat back down to where he sat before. Sora and Kai looked at each other examining how they looked like before awkwardly clearing their throats.


‘Uh, the weather’s been pretty bad lately, huh?’ Sora chuckled, awkwardly. Kai nodded in response.


The melodious sound of piano filled the air, when Sora quickly chucked her hand in her pocket to find her phone.


‘Hello?’ She answered. ‘Babe, where are you?’ Kris asked. ‘None of your business, just leave me alone!’ She muttered.


‘Babe, come on. Haeri means nothing to me, you know it?’ Kris groaned. It was always like this, she gets mad at Kris for cheating, he says she’s the only one in his eyes but breaks his ‘I won’t do it anymore’ promise, while she ALWAYS forgives him.


Truthfully, Sora was disgusted by her boyfriend. Disgusted, appalled and disappointed. Who knows, maybe this playboy had STDs from the amount of he has had ever since he became a playboy.


‘For the hundredth time, Kris, we’re done. Go back to Haeri, Jamie, Soojung, Jungyi and all the other girls you ed.’ Sora screamed into her phone.







 Kai stumbled back at the scene that had just occurred in front of him. Sora had broken up with his boyfriend over the phone in front of him.


He scratched his head. Sora glanced at him, as he quickly looked away.


‘You don’t have to act like you didn’t hear a thing I just said.’ She softly whispered. Her eyes filled with tears. ‘I ju- I just…’ She began crying in her hands as she rubbed her eyes, cutely.


‘Sorry you had to see this. I ju-…’ She continued sobbing into her hands. Kai panicked, he never encountered a situation like this before, he ruffled his hair in panic before getting tissue out of his bag.


He tapped Sora’s shoulder and handed her the tissues. Sora looked up from her hands and has confusion written all over her face.


‘What?’ She mouthed. Kai’s eyes directed to the tissue which was right in his arms towards her. ‘Oh… Thanks.’ She sobbed. ‘I should’ve known dating someone like Kris would have its horrible consequences. I just didn’t listen to Luhan’s advice. I’m such a horrible best friend.’


Kai patted her back, trying to comfort her, when she realized something. ‘I’m so stupid. Here I am, getting help from a stranger whom I don’t even know.’ She groaned. ‘I’m dragging another person into this disaster I call life!’


Kai saw the bus approaching the bus stop before he said, ‘I’m Kai. Now you know me.’


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BubbleTea_Sehun #1
Chapter 2: Ahhh!! Y no update TAT I'm dying~~
Ahh~ So suspenseful. UPDATE SOON!!
Chapter 2: Ahhhhh......
Suho land Sora are siblings!!!
Now I get it!
Update pwees!
Chapter 1: Update please!
It is simply wonderful thou its just the first chapter
Chapter 1: I like this story so far! Of seems very interesting. I'll be looking forward to your next update ! Fighting!!